Black Panther opens in China tomorrow

>Black Panther opens in China tomorrow

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haha gonna watch it tank worse than the last jedi


>*Black Panther bombs in China tomorrow*

Finally we will win! HAHAHAHA!


Are you suggesting it will not flop in china?

>that's what butthurt crackers actually believe

How are they getting away with this considering China banned hip hop? Did they redub the soundtrack with Enya or something?

>ancestor jumping from ship speech
>"sail awayyy sail awayyy sail awayyy"

It doesn't matter if it flops anywhere now, it's made more money than any DCEU movie and non-Avengers (minus Iron Man 3) film.


If by "flop" you retards mean "make less than 3 billion on opening night"

>haha gonna watch it tank worse than the last jedi
the didn't watch the Last jedi specificall because of the shitty white actors


Fuck it hasn't yet?

$60 mil eh?

> Let’s look at some Disney/MCU opening comps: At the very top end, we have Captain America: Civil War (in which Black Panther made his debut) at $99M (today’s rates). More recent comps include Doctor Strange ($47M), Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 ($54M) and Thor: Ragnarok ($57M). BP is already playing well-ahead of the three latter films internationally.
Batman v Superman had a $55M opening weekend in China. If Black Panther does better than that, this might actually break DCkeks forever

>still falling for the meme
That was a Hong Kong poster (and Black Panther has still generated millions over there)

The opening for Homecoming was around 69 mill.

I can't wait to see it break the billions and all white 'men' shooting themselves after simultaneously

It's gonna be glorious

this post got me thinking that i haven't seen the avatar poster in days. did the faggot mods ban him?

black panther already btfo everyone, even if it bombs in china it ain't gonna matter

lol that damage control.
I love how desperate are Disney bots. Yesterday was a really funny day too hahaha

it has better pre sales than Hoemcoming, which ended with over $100 million there.

>black panther already btfo everyone
How? By proving mouth breathing plebs will pay to see capeshit more than once?
We already knew that



Opened here in Vietnam last week, every showings been packed

does that song actually appear in the movie?


nice narrative you've got floating around your head

wow. They do realise they do realise they're gonna piss off alot of chinamen with this bait and switch

mate you should see this one

You know what's funny about this and the star wars poster. Is that Hollywood openly acknowledges that China is racist but they still want their money. Someone should point this out to the media. Hollywood seems to love all this SJW bullshit. Why not turn it's own politics on itself.


If it does well in China what will Sup Forums say? The current narrative is that the Chinese are racists.

all asian people hate blacks, they only saw this because they didn't know the whole movie is about blacks

Do chinese people really go to films without first knowing a bit about them? They couldn't really end up surprised this stars a nig, right?

it's a hk poster m8

in my country ive seen both versions of the poster so i don't think it's a hk only thing

a lot of normies go to the cinema with their friends and don't know about what the movie will be about

The Chinese are racist, but not in a malicious way. They don't have the same kind of thinking at all. To them, light skin is beautiful and dark skin is ugly, simple as that. They don't care about anything else like intelligence and culture, which is what western racists talk about much more.

If it performs well then they will say that, to the Chinese, their love of superhero movies outweighs their dislike of black people.

They're digging their own graves at this point.
though this one's pretty cool I'll admitAlso Xin Chun Bai XI? translate&oq=google tra&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i65j69i57j0l3.2991j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
Spring anniversary? What is that like saying coming this summer?

They'll probably twist it around like always to hide the fact that a Black movie BTFO'd nearly every White blockbuster in the MCU verse

Oh oops. Still doesn't change the fact they shrank John Boyega and enlarged a useless robot.

it's called BLACK panther though and you can still tell he's black even with the mask on.

Chinese people aren't automatically racist against black people so much as they're just totally devoid of manners or empathy

They're vicious toward actors of all races perceived as ugly, unless it's a comedy actor that's meant to look weird and even then it's less popular. Boyega is not an attractive dude the way Boseman or Jordan are. Look up those pictures of Boseman being interviewed on Korean or Chinese tv and see how happy the interviewers are, half of the female ones are being flirty

Boyega was 100% sidelined in China posters, to be replaced with a bigger (masked) Kylo, for some reason BP posters were masked in Hong Kong. They like masks and costumes and shit if they're going to see an American Hollywood film.

Really they're just the least PC people on the fucking planet

no, stop listen to fucking retards on Sup Forums
the biggest american franchise in china is fast and furious, half of the cast in that one is black or brown
they're just advertising the costume in the posters to make it easier to know it's a superhero movie because it's a new character. they did it before

>he's black even with the mask on.
maybe he just has raccoon eyes. Blacks aren't casual in china this will happen to a whole lot of them once they realise whats up

Are Chinese people polite in the cinema or are they rude exactly like they are everywhere else in public?

>that poster
Jesus christ these people are so fuckin racist!!!!
They're even masking the white people!!!
It's Darth Vader all over again.

I just have a hard time believing that you could go see Black Panther without knowing it stars a black man. Don't they have commercials and promos for this shit?

I-it's gonna flop ri-right Sup Forumsbros???

Why do cuckservatives and trumptards even care if this fails in China?

>Don't they have commercials and promos for this shit?
It'll all be in the suit... with the mask on.

>posting a thumbnail.

No their not, the Chinese commercial clearly show he is black

Don't the chinese find blacks fancy and exotic or some shit?

You do realize there's trailers for it online right:

First think you see is Iron Man. They'll Just think he's a side character.

>using a 31 year old image format meant for small graphics and animations to encode a 1200x1638 static image with no transparency

I do it for the (you)'s

Can we fucking dispel the MYTH that Chinese people hate black people.


Ant Man costumes really seem up their super sentai alley. How did Ant Man perform in China?


no. younger generation find blacks just ugly. older mainland generation thinks they are literally cursed or dont exist (as in ghosts)

haha you fucked up retard

>older mainland generation thinks they are literally cursed or dont exist (as in ghosts)

My father was born in 1934 Ireland. When he moved to Rhodesia he was so shocked the 1st time he saw a black man. he followed him for a few blocks out of curiosity.

I post every weekday user. I try to post on weekends but mostly leave it to the robust network.

Also fuck capeshit.

You're just setting yourselves up for failure again huh?

Why do retards think if somebody is racist they won't see a film with black people in it? Being racist these days is nothing I'm not politically correct at all so would be considered racist by a lot of people yet my gf is black and I saw black panther

it’s like they never learn. get ready for:

> d-disney bought the tickets. it’s box office fraud

The proof is right there. Educate yourself mongoloid.

>40 posters
>people claiming it's going to flop, then samefagging to call themselves out