"You can have any brew you want as long as it's this filthy Mexican piss water."

>"You can have any brew you want as long as it's this filthy Mexican piss water."

What was Dom trying to tell us with this line?

All beer tastes bad ;)

What he was trying to tell you?

Telling you what to think and what to like therefore buy is probably it.

You must be 18 to post on this website.

RIP Paul Walker :'(

It's like people only do stuff because they get paid. And that's just sad.

All american beers taste like water

Corona isn't that bad though you faggot.

"You can have any bitch you want as long as it's my sister"


he was attempting to convey the abundance of complimentary corona brand beer at his social gathering while also highlighting the lack of any other such variety of beer in a facetious manner.

Corona is very popular amongst surfers n shit. It was just a gimmick to portray dom and his gang as these point break life livers

Now it's ad

>my hops, grain and water is a lot better then your hops, grain and water
beer is a trash drink for trash people. drink scotch, or if you are poor, whiskey

>rated 1/100
>g-guys its not that bad

one of my coworkers tried acting snobby and said he only drinks imported beer.

turns out it was corona and we still roast him for it

Sup Forums is 18+ and drinking scotch won't get you laid little pumpkin

Corona gives you Mexican superpowers


There are 3 types of beers; the pisswater, the smooth lagers

>(((((Mexicain))))) vin diesel...

what is it with kurt russel and alcohol product placement?

Most commercial beers taste like fizzy piss.


>"You can have any brew you want as long as it's this filthy kosher piss water."
Here you go.

What is the site ?

You are now aware that you have been influenced by German propaganda.

They started the rumor when Corona started becoming big to slow their sales. 30 years later the meme persists.

>Checks beer rating before deciding whether or not he likes it.
Needing the approval of others this hard.

oh no, i didnt know we're not allowed to visit review sites

Missed the point entirely. You are a retarded person.

>what is craftbeer

>I drink alcohol to enjoy the taste

such bullshit

Such a homosexual thing to say

>Stop liking things I don't like!
>t. soylent employee

>drinks low level alcohol for women
>calls others homosexuals

t. poison ingester

Yes it is. It tastes like a skunky fart

This level of bants.

All these neckbeards forcing down vile craftbeers and undrinkable quintuple IPAs to feel """"""superior""""""" to normies who just want to get drunk and have a good time


the whole craftbeer industry is just neckbeards making money off other neckbeards

99% of craftbeers i've had were inferior to mainstream products and overpriced

>Soylent employee
Bitch tits coming with the most ironic post in the thread

Seems Sup Forums is full of newfags as well, and are incapable of understanding that I was implying the other guy is the soylent employee. Jesus fuck, this place is retarded.

Oh, I'm aware that's why I pointed it out as ironic because beer has high levels of phytoestrogens, like soy, bitch tits

He got it. He was just calling you soy because beer is just as bad as soy in terms of estrogens and shit.

>"real men shut up and drink Sapporo."

Would you say the same thing about wine?

neither does drinking beer

it just makes you dumber temporarily, destroys your body over time and makes you feel like shit afterwards

Craft beers are completely soy

and you missed my point retard.

it's good to drown your cigs in.

Heineken is most kino beer.

that site rates out of 5 but okay retard

The only proper way to drink wine is from a bag that's hanging off a clothes line.

There are some people who actually put fruit in their beer

Actually, most soyboys are beer drinkers. That is because beer contains high levels of estrogen. I don't drink, but when I do it is hard liquor

Yeah, it's called wine. Fucking idiot

And semen

Its sangria dipshit nigger fucker whore cunt hole

My bad. U right

>mexican beer
>not based Negra Modelo

seriously, if after you pour a beer and you can see the bottom of the glass, you're not drinking beer.

Beer drinkers are always the biggest soyboy faggots.

IPAs are the epitome of hipster beer. They have no taste other than hops because they're purposefully made wrong.


Modelo especial and dos equis amber are the patrician chiqanos brews

>muh craftbrews

Craft Beer tastes like shit.

Thank God I'm from southern Europe and here wine reigns supreme. Enjoy your Anglo piss.

>He doesn't gently sip a half glass of blended scotch whilst ripping pipe hits.

Corona with lime is a refreshing drink on a hot day. It's summer in California in that scene, they're having barbeque a couple days later.

Makes sense imo. You don't always want a 12% barley wine.

>not being in the vodka belt

But that's wrong

>its another thread full of pretentious faggots pretending anyone gives a fuck about how they drink alcohol or what alcohol they drink

Man, I miss home-made Romanian Țuică. Definitely not a wine country.

That corona paid for the ad spot.

Beer is ok if you're central European

>no dude you dont understand you have to be SUPER MATURE to actually enjoy piss water

Corona is so good you can almost taste it under all that water

wine is shit. Spirits are the best.

I unironically prefer wine only because I like the taste better.

It's almost like you guys don't go to parties at all or never day drink with your friends...

anyone got the original of this pic?

most punchable face i've ever seen

Lmao of course the soyboy xkcd writer would hate the taste of beer

Corona is great with a lime if you're out on a boat all day or at the beach, no one can stomach 12 stout craft brews in a row. The high gravity beers taste better for 3 drinks or less, that's more of a Tuesday night deal.

>Sup Forums needs to have a rotten tomatoes of all things in their lives

you are pathetic.

All alcohol is an acquired taste. People drink light beers because it's easy to down a 30 rack and a lot cheaper than the $13 artisan six pack

>the entire world of different beers
>fags stick with one and one type only and never branch out
>tell themselves everyone else is wrong

enjoy things, faggots.

Maybe they really only had caronas at the party...

Vin looks mexican, at least his girlfriend was and they're in California so it makes sense

do americans really enjoy the taste of beer?

that shit is vile no matter what you drink

>Craft beer


Do you even realize how much of a faggot you sound like

The only people who say this are women, queers and people under 25.

I'm saying craft beer is shit and people should drink proper ale instead.

Yikes, that was a flop. xksoyd must be low on material


don't feel personally offended friend. Some people just have literal shit taste

Like yourself. Someone who disregards an entire category because of one bad experience is a cunt

this so much
>so many different brewers
>each region has its own different taste
>no! Muh german pißwasser superiority! Everything else must be bad!

>muh proper ale

Corona alright cheap beer as long as it's cold

Tecate is absolute swill tho

What's the best super cheap american shit beer anyways?

Hamm's is surprisingly decent considering I can get a 30 pack for 9 bucks here sometimes

>IPAs are the epitome of hipster beer. They have no taste other than hops because they're purposefully made wrong.
They're not 'made wrong', they're made in such a way so that they don't spoil on their way from England to India. Hence the name, India Pale Ale. The process gives it a distinct, and often bitter taste. Some people enjoy it. Personally, I prefer a good American Pale Ale but to each their own. Also, not all IPAs and APAs are brewed by small craft breweries, you have the big, established breweries brewing them as well.

Steel Reserve.

Something that's not light? Milwaukee's best