We're going to change the landscape of Male-Dominated Cis-White-Privilege Hollywood FOREVER

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Based #TimesUp

White men eternally BTFO

Why would you cast actors who demand those?

>How to tank your production, and other "tips"

wasn’t that the name of the deadpool 2 stuntwoman?

I hope this movement will help reflect the real make up of our country and stop the overepresentation of a specific ethnic group.

I’m sick of seeing all these fucking kikes on screen. When will Hollywood start hiring white people?

No that's Uma Thurman's middle name.

Is there a single crew in the world that's not 90% men? Women don't want to be grips or build sets.

Who cares about the crew? Those are shit jobs, white men can keep those. We want to be in front of the camera!

>most movies are JEWISH and White
>inclusion rider
>Jews now count as white and they now remove NON-JEWISH whites
>Jews take up all "white slots" in the film industry

>How not to get the role

I know you're not being serious but wthout a good crew, you can't make a good film. Don't need (good) actors to make a great film

Brilliant. All this means is that when they don't get hired, they can say the filmmakers are sexist/racist/homophobic because they were intimidated by the inclusion rider.

Jews can be white and non white depending on whether or not it's convenient for the narrative

What the hell is an inclusion rider?

exactly what it sounds like. No talent fuckwits being absolutely convinced that they deserve roles for being black/brown/women whatever. It's also racist/sexist/somethingist to call them out for being scummy scrounging fucks.

Because you want A-list stars. It's hardly the most outrageous shit people ask for in their contracts.

Here's the thing about black people that makes me sick: No matter what you say to them, they always want you to say it in a matter that doesn't hurt their feelings. A large portion of whites turned sensitive as well. Blacks are hostile as fuck. Why would I ever talk to them? Their instinct is to be suspicious of me.

A-list stars are manufactured out of thin air, all they need is a pretty face to work with, the hollywood machine will do the rest.

I see an actor has a ridiculous inclusion rider in their contract and I move on to another choice. I get the performance out of these meat puppets.

I kinda doubt joe schmoe from the street is someone you want to cast as the lead in your next 100 million dollar movie simply because you don't want to hire black people in the production crew.

Thats what the oscars are for.

One day you are a starlet, next day you're making $15million a film.

>all they need is a pretty face to work with, the hollywood machine will do the rest.

Did you forget to read that part? or was the sentence too long for your little autistic brain?

If you're George Clooney you draft a contract with the studio that says "I'm not going to work on your production unless you also hire __ people of color"

It's the new buzzword after Frances McDormand shilled for it at the Oscars... Shortly before her Oscar was stolen by a black dude

1. White people, if you don’t have any descendants, will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably one that lives in generational poverty.

2. White people, if you’re inheriting property you intend to sell upon acceptance, give it to a black or brown family. You’re bound to make that money in some other white privileged way.

3. If you are a developer or realty owner of multi-family housing, build a sustainable complex in a black or brown blighted neighborhood and let black and brown people live in it for free.

4. White people, if you can afford to downsize, give up the home you own to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

5. White people, if any of the people you intend to leave your property to are racists assholes, change the will, and will your property to a black or brown family. Preferably a family from generational poverty.

6. White people, re-budget your monthly so you can donate to black funds for land purchasing.

7. White people, especially white women (because this is yaw specialty — Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy), get a racist fired. Yaw know what the fuck they be saying. You are complicit when you ignore them. Get your boss fired cause they racist too.

8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Nazi’s and Other lil’ dick-white men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired. Call the police even: they look suspicious.

9. OK, backing up No. 8, if any white person at your work, or as you enter in spaces and you overhear a white person praising the actions from yesterday, first, get a pic. Get their name and more info. Hell, find out where they work — Get Them Fired.

10. Commit to two things: Fighting white supremacy where and how you can (this doesn’t mean taking up knitting, unless you’re making scarves for black and brown kids in need), and funding black and brown people and their work.

And again, studios won't risk a 100 million dollar project with an unknown guy/gal in the lead just because they hate diversity hiring if they can get someone with proven star power and guaranteed to bring in hefty profit. Hollowood casting is led by spreadsheets.


tl;dr: gibs dat

Studios are gonna bump their paycheques way down if they make those kind of demands.

Do you think Jlaw is going to take 50% less money for a movie if it means they'll hire more wetbacks?

Why is literally everything a black ever says some variant of "Gibs me dat" or "die whitey"? There's ones who become highly educated and accredited and it just allows them to say the same shit with broader vocabulary.

And we're expected not just to put up with it, but to love it. Oh they're so fucking great, Emma Watson just read this woke book about how white people are too stupid to understand how racist they are, it was epic.

Fuck off.

as a white working schmo, this pisses me off greatly

>proven star power
Not worth shit any more.

This. Actors tend to be egomaniacs who think they're in charge.

The real people in charge are the kikes holding the purse strings. And if they don't get their shekels, those A-list stars will never work again.

>Be the Change you want to see
For me, in a perfect world, there is no racism. Judging anyone for their race or Religion is something that noone would even think of. Not hirering an actor because of his or her Skin Color is a thought so far-fetched and out there as hirering an actor because of his or her Skin Color. The Need for an inclusion rider or anything similar to it, is just not there.
Equal opportunity for everyone. Equal chances for everyone. No Need promote or encourage any form racial debate. Because in a perfect world, anyone demanding anything because of his or her race is racist. Period.
JUST imho.


No, they'll just manufacture a new big name

Take Jennifer Lawrence, what is it that makes her a star? It's not her acting ability, she's proven time and time again that she's not a great actor. It's not even her looks, there are a thousand better looking girls than her ground through the Hollywood mill every day.

yeah how bout i do none of dat

Except that they'll have a choice: to cast a troublemaking A-lister with an inclusion rider, or a different A-lister without one. Guess who gets the part.

It suddenly occurred to me the other day that this completely 100% explains the otherwise inexplicable presence of the black girl character in 3 Billboards

What are you basing this on?

Yes, because it's the easiest option to guarantee profit, you fucking idiot. Prima donna stars are known to demand all types of stupid shit in their contracts, like luxury trailers and other vanity perks. Hiring certain type of minorities as staff has no added cost because they had to hire people anyway. It's not like they're going to just grab random people from the street and say "hey, you, come do some lighting on this movie set, we need to fill our latino quota".

Colorblindness is a form of racism now, catch up with the discourse

Maybe Black Lives Matter should spend more time convincing black people to stop shooting other black people. Assuming they actually think that black lives matter ...


There's a few black directors whose movies I've been watching for years and never knew they were directed by black guys. Like Replacement Killers or the Italian job remake and such.

Then there's directors like Spike Lee who just act like niggers and take every opportunity to let you know the movie you're watching is directed by a nigger.

Well if we're all going to be cast as racists, we might as well grow into the part. I'm playing for Team Whitey from now on.

As a mexican with a greencard with a blue-collar job living in california, I also think this is retarded. Estate tax is one thing but this bullshit is another. It's probably not real but it still rustled my jimmies. You don't elevate some people by just giving them shit, you give them opportunities so they help themselves out.

Only problem is after black panther, SJW pandering is seen as profitable

and SJWs are mad easy to manipulate on social media by turning the movie into a cause.

>It's probably not real
It was an actual article written in a publication that exists by a real woman who is a state BLM chair, why do you think she's not expressing her genuine views?

You seem to be getting really worked up over this, sperg.

You might be surprised but blowing some money on some bullshit to keep a star happy is quite different to needing to base your ENTIRE PRODUCTION, who you cast in the movie and who you hire to work on the movie on some arbitrary bullshit set by some cunt actor because it's the virtue signaling flavour of the month.

Black Lives Matter lives don't matter.

They're not blowing up any additional money if you're simply required to hire the same people as before but now you just have to take diversity into account. And studios pander stars all the time, you're acting like it never happens, which is both stupid and ignorant.

"We don't even WANT white people to watch our movies anymore" is going to be an exciting new leap

This is a bad idea because it will cause anyone working on a production to reveal certain details about themselves.

>mfw Matt Damon gets a concussion from a boom mic because black people are as bad at that job as they are at literally every other job

If this was false, Weinstein wouldnt have gotten to have so much sex with attractive women

>not many minorities in a lot of specialist areas
>inclusion riders go mainstream
>many productions get bottlenecked waiting for the black sound guy to finish his current project

>The real people in charge are the kikes holding the purse strings.
And quite a few big name actors have started their own production companies for this very reason. Tom Hanks, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, these motherfuckers know how shit gets done.


I sincerely hope some day Mel Brooks is sitting in on a casting audition for Passion 3 and some nigger demands an inclusion rider and gets laughed out of the audition

What's funny is that Black Panther was an MCU film with a somewhat-established character, basically an episode. This won't translate well to other shit because even if you add "POC" (read: just blacks, not indians or mexicans or chinese) to a shit script, it'll still come out shit. Like this current Wrinkle in Time, that shit won't make money.

we really need a race war

Despite your mocking tone, there's a grain of truth. It used to be that seeing a non-white person in a position of power/note meant that they at least were competent, now you can't even have that. Like current Bioware (Andromeda failed), shit is gonna suffer. Incompetence costs down the line, like how there were more than a couple airplane crashes after dumbass fuckwit Reagan fired the air traffic controllers striking (which incidentally also made striking a futile effort for most people).

It was only a matter of time that Hollywood brought back the paper bag test.

They're doing it a little differently this time, though.

Yeah, because jobs like being an assistant, a runner, etc. really will hurt the production if it's now a black guy instead of the white nephew of someone in the production company who landed the job due to nepotism.

Fuuuuck meant Mel Gibson gonna kill myself now

Name an A-list star who hasn't had a recent flop? Tom Cruise's mummy died on it's arse, so did that recent Jennifer Lawrence thing. In the past an actors name would probably have carried both of those movies.

I just hope directors are careful and don't say shit but quietly don't hire anyone with an inclusion rider.

You just know the next controversy is so and so white prestigious director won't hire me cause I want an inclusion rider in his all white historical english film

>fields dominated by men need to be made more inclusive by force
>fields dominated by women are perfectly fine as is, thank you very much
Women don't want to be equal, they want to be at least equal.

Their suffering has nothing to do with their race. Can't get a Job? Maybe you should have payed Attention in School? War in your home Country? Tough luck - A couple of decades ago it was war here in europe Are we black? No. War has nothing to do with race. In a couple of decades it will be war somewhere else. Shit happens.
Are you starving and have nothing to eat? Well maybe you should not live in a fucking desert then. Can't afford to move out of the desert? Well though luck. Maybe you should at least not put 10 children into the world to not make them suffer like you do? All of this, again, has nothing to do with Skin Color.
They use racism as a poor excuse for their own personal shortcomings, wich is pathetic.

So I read the piece in question, where the pic is from, and... I still don't understand this.
Isn't an "inclusion rider" racism in and by itself? White people using people of other colours as a bargaining chip? If you are as big of a star as George Clooney so you can do this, just to enhance your own positive persona.

Why don't black people see this? They are making it worse for themselves, by putting all this attention to themselves. They are willingly enacting racism upon themselves. I really do not understand this.

So the person in question, says she added the following to her contracts:
>Diversity is very important to us. Tell us about your commitment to diversity. If you have a diversity statement in your mission, please share it here. How have you worked to make diversity a value for your organization, and how have you worked to communicate this? How diverse is your staff, speaker lineup, target audience?

So, what does she expect? That I enforce an attendance policy that makes sure that 40% of attendants are "white" and the rest are "black" or whatever? Isnt that totally backwards thinking? Are we suddenly back in the ages where there was black only bathrooms? Black only seating in the bus? And they want this willingly?

If she was speaking at a conference I was making, and she asked for my """diversity politics""",, my reply would be "sure, it's easy enough: I allow all to attend." That's it. If it happens to be 70% white attendants, so be it, if it's 70% black? So what.


>studios won't risk a 100 million dollar project with an unknown guy/gal in the lead

Why not? It's pretty much a fact that having big names has nowhere near as much box office pull nowadays.

Every star has flops once in awhile. What makes them stars is that they keep being popular despite few strike outs.

>that lower jaw jutting out

You have to fight institutional racism with diversity quotas because the structures are so rigid that they won't get fixed unless you force them to fix it. This is no different from a handful of decades ago when people were refusing to hire blacks or give them upper management positions and you had to introduce quotas to allow black people get into fields they were previously barred from simply due to the color of their skin.

>8. Backing up No. 7, this should be easy but all those sheetless Klan, Nazi’s and Other lil’ dick-white men will all be returning to work. Get they ass fired.

>get the Nazis and Klan people fired so they have no other alternative or better thing to do than to go raid black neighborhoods and start ethnic cleansing gangs for real

Sure, i can support this. Just to laugh my ass off. It's the jobs that are keeping them from going on killing sprees.

>tudios won't risk a 100 million dollar project with an unknown guy/gal in the lead


They have no thoughts more complex than "that's mine." You need to understand this because failure to do so could get you killed. Keep in mind South Africa is 92% black and blacks still have "minority rights," and they continue to impose ever more property seizures, affirmative action schemes and racial quotas as their economy spirals into oblivion.

And never forget the victory of Haiti, where the last white oppressor was killed in 1814 and the blacks have been free and independent ever since

people are self interested so they will claim to support an ideal of egalitarianism but if they can do a naked power grab and get away with it they will

HAHA this is a good copy pasta user
>go to article
>its fucking real

same I totally understand what you are getting at, but many times it seems they are going backwards.
Just allow anyone to enter, whats the deal? If that person can do what you want, them fuck whatever their color or sexual affiliation is. Can they do the job? Good.

I thought that inclusion shit was for cast, not for low-tier production crew. You bring up a good point in that if it IS about crew, they'll just give them the shit jobs. Not get an A-lister, or get a couple minions. Actors are retarded.

Star Wars is a brand that can do that because SW nerds will go see anything.

>inclusion rider
so I'm not a native speaker but to me that sounds like a negative thing. as in you ride the inclusion (being included because you have special needs instead of special skills) lane to achieve something instead of achieving something through practice and skills.

It seems very reasonable to think that as the demographic tide changes in the US, the form, style, and corruption level of government will as well. A more Brazilian way of life, where cops are bribed and crime is much higher, services much less reliable. A permanent ruling class that uses the intelligence agencies to keep control of their fake republic.

Stop assigning high minded morals to these people, they git dat paper from raycissts and that's all that matters

I have to believe this is a huge falseflag, no way anyone is this obtuse

This guy understands what's going on.

ty for your (You)s anons it seems the joke went over all these spergs heads

So they're just operating on an unheard of level of irony?

>because this is yaw specialty - Nosey Jenny and Meddling Kathy
Shit like this makes me wonder what the point of writing this even was? Like, why would the writers expect white women to follow the instruction of strangers who are so openly disrespectful to them? The Taliban's letter to Donald Trump was more respectful than this.

>Just allow anyone to enter, whats the deal?

Because in practice people keep discriminating, so people who aren't white keep not getting hired even if they are qualified. This has been empirically proven time and time again in blind submissions and studies, people have a habit of doing unconscious racist things like not choosing certain people for a job (even though the skills are the same) simply based on the name of the candidate sounding funny, foreign or non-white to the person deciding who to hire

hasn't that been the case in the US for ages now?

>Black Panther isn't riding off of Marvel hype or anything, no sir, it's an original movie

it's already started

20 years ago i would have been jealous of westerners.
These days however, since around ~2011/12, every year I increasingly feel lucky and happy that i'm a Slav, disassociated from this retardation metastasizing more and more in the west.
Every year i see the moronic self-flagellation afflicting westerners, it makes me feel good about living where i live.
We are not beholden to niggers in any way or form, our women don't shit on our men like your western whores do on you because our women take pity on us on account of our histories of deaths and misery, and we burned Marxism to the ground much like a sudden appearance of a virus gets purged from the system and we developed anti-bodies against it.
It feels good to be free from something much worse which is now materialized like a chronic cancer in the west.
After 1500 years of death and misery, the heavens finally smile upon us for a change, basking others in darkness instead.

well what do you expect, the story was gone quick in the media most people here don't even know

I think getting fucked over by the Soviets was like an old fashioned vaccination, like how farmers who got sick with cow pox never died of smallpox

>the people are demanding for a hollywood live action kamen rider

I am ready for the Ishinomori cinematic universe

Why would you hire an actress who demands this? Just get someone else, most female roles are cast for looks anyway