Wow so THIS is the price of freedom

Wow so THIS is the price of freedom.

This will never not shock me.

Fuck you, socialist, you will never take our freedom!

Americans are dumb. What else is new?

>paying your own medical bills is the price of freedom
Well yes, logically

You know maybe the US should stop spending so much money to defend europe from the Russians.
Use that money for that...

If only trump didnt turn out to be a globalist kike lover.

But your insurance also subsidises people who can't afford it.

So this is what “””free””” healthcare looks like.

People waiting in line for medical care in socialist shitholes don't go bankrupt because they just die, tbqh pham

They die for the greater good!

This. I read that over 40 million Canadians a month come down to America for insurance-based care because they get tired of waiting.

In 2015 USA was #31 in life expectancy ranking, coming after technological and financial powerhouses like Chile and Costa Rica.

That's pretty awesome, good job, USA! FREEDOM!

You heard wrong.

>burger education

Sorry but America only spends taxpayer money on invading other nations

Everything else is socialism

Different demographics have different life expectancies, who would have thought????

Is this board basically /pol2/ now?

and as much americans come here to get free healthcare
we're all fucked

Success breeds jealousy.

Free? Do your doctors not get paid?

Calling bullshit on this. The NHS in Britain is overburdened to breaking point, due to the huge influx of third-world immigrants who neither pay taxes or go to medical school. Which means that for many native Brits, they have no choice but to pay for private care, and that's fucking expensive without insurance. Also you need to factor in the unseen "cost" of low-quality of socialised healthcare, which is thousands of people dying waiting for an operation or chemotherapy or an organ transplant.
Not to say America doesn't have problems but fuck the NHS

tax money


>be American
>go to school
>get shot
>have to pay 500k plus tip because you survived and someone brought you to a hospital

My aunt was cured of stage 4 pancreatic cancer in America and my dad has survived 6 times the NHS average for brain cancer so far. Because his treatment was prompt, aggressive, and done by a world class surgeon within weeks of the initial breaththru seizure. Get fucked gommies

Oh that just comes out of the ground right?

Do all you can to prevent national healthcare burgers. With it socialists get a stranglehold on economic policy to promote further socialism

>should i pay for health insurance this month or get these new shoes or a gold chain
guess who the people are that are the majority of that number


Next thing you know we'll have a taxpayer funded military or police force

Please tell me more. I'm very interested to know how demographics affect the life expectancy of a populace.

This unironically. If the govt controls your healthcare you become their slave.

>I read that over 40 million Canadians a month come down to America for insurance-based care because they get tired of waiting.
and you believed that
gg your life

People shouldn't have to choose between the two.

Nice argument, soycialists.

Blacks/spics have shorter lifespans. We are fat. We smoke a lot compared to some countries. It’s not apples to apples.

Nice! And here is America's total public debt as a percentage of that GDP!
Everyone is an economic specialist on the internet :^)

>that injury
>fell down some stairs

Dudes arm looks like a fucking Nik-Nak, just how many stairs did he fall down exactly?


Its extra shitty because its true.
If you're unlucky enough to live through being shot anywhere in america, you might as well be dead because your life is pretty much ruined after the grossly overinflated hospital bills that most insurance companies try to weasel out of paying.
Even more fucked up is when they DO cover your medical expenses, but you're still 50k or more in debt due to something that someone else did to you, because apparently getting an xray or bloodwork done costs the hospital $1,000 every time someone hands a stack of papers to someone else.

How is that relevant exactly? You lost to fucking Chile and Costa Rica. Who do you think lives in those countries? Asians?

Thanks ShareBlue tell me more. If I got shot my insurance would cover it.

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Obesity kills. We also save a lot of newborns with serious defects who would just die right out of the womb in countries like Chile.

Watch your mouth.

Reylo general