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What went wrong?

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Japs barely get paid for working.

the korean simpsons animators don't get paid much either

Not really, nowadays the wages aren't much different, I would even say that the animation market in japan pays better. The point is that in japan the working time is bigger, so for the same amount a japanese produces more, and most of then are freelancers, so they have to show competence to get a next salary insted of pushing things with the belly.

About the SImpsons movie, I bet at least 8/10 of that was expent on advertising and overpriced celebrity cammeos.

They are completely different art styles doing completely different things.


Is this bait?

Voice acting is a big part of it.

The bottom is too low in the anime industry and the ceiling is too high in America, but the former doesn't piss away vast sums of money and produces massively better results. Then again how much do America's Korean contractors actually make? I have never seen anyone cite any numbers. Nobody seems to know. Many people don't even know about the outsourcing at all.

this, voice actors make like $400k an episode.

Sneed embezzled the money.

Chuck has gotten into the animation business in order to make enough money to reclaim his store that he lost to Sneed in a poker bet.

They made $400,000 for a while, but now "only" $300,000: screenrant.com/simpsons-cast-salary-paid/

As far as I'm aware american voice actors are absurdly expensive.

one is made for money.

the other is made with passion.

chinks are easily replaceable, they all sound the same

meant for

What's the one on the right? Looks pretty.

They don't.

5 Centimeters per Second.

5 wallpapers per second
Aka, nothing really moves on scene, just a couple of shitty effects and pannings, that's why is was so cheap to do, it has barely any animation

It's called 5 Wallpapers per Second because of how good it looks. You're greatly exaggerating its lack of animation, it has plenty of movement.

>nothing really moves on scene
It's not looney tunes shit but that's bullshit

>$270,000 (\25,000,000)

Oh man, this image is so old.

I see nothing wrong with that image. The left is a well-made, funny comedy that is enjoyable to watch. The one on the right is some weeabo high school love story trash. And I know you posted the one on the right as an example of a 'beautiful' shot, but it looks like a faggot puked after a whole night of cosmopolitans and dick.

If you don't even realize that the one on the right is Japanese, you should possibly refrain from sharing your brilliant insights.

yes you are

better infrastructure for animation coupled with different audiences and therefore different expectations.

I didn't say or imply I am.

an icon.
some forgettable weeab movie

Anything Japanese cannot, by definition, be weeaboo.

You're a weaboo dude, not even that user. Japanese cartoons are trash, as is your taste.

You have no evidence that I'm a weeaboo. Anime and cartoons are not the same thing. I said nothing about my taste. Taste is a meme.

>high school love story trash.

t. forever alone nerd who has never known love

Anime in general has barely any actual animation, so much shit just doesn't move. Lots of pans/zooms or just character mouths moving.
I can already hear the weebs digging up 10s action sequences to prove me wrong

I get your joke but now that I think about it, it really is baffling how forgettable the Simpsons movie was in the end.

This is a myth.

Depends entirely on the studio, budget and genre.

i remember trying to watch naruto, some epic battles lasted like 2-3 episodes with characters standing still talking shit and in the end there were 20 seconds of fighting, naruto did some super move that simply ended it all

>judging anime's animation by a 700 episode daytime commercial


Right just looks flashier until something actually moves.

Gee, dunno, what?

Why would characters moving make it look less flashy?

anime have better art direction than cartoons

>Anime and cartoons are not the same thing

In comparison the animations in the simpsons are better. 5 Centimeter has better photoshop-filters and aftereffects-plugins.

Does this make you laugh too: 1 + 1 = 2

Animation is about more than how much movement there is, and why are you trying to downplay 5CM's aesthetics by saying Photoshop was used? Why shouldn't it be used?

>so they have to show competence to get a next salary insted of pushing things with the belly.

You are fat and you like anime, im also betting that youre a weeabo

Anime + Cartoons = For Children

While this is true I'd definitely say that Japs do more with less, the filtering and careful decisions over what scenes will need higher quality animation and which won't are ways to make something that doesn't require a sky high budget simply to be made. DC's animation department have really taken this philosophy to heart, and as a result they manage to keep making movies the way they want to. While very costly and highly detailed animation is impressive and nice to look at, the thing that really matters is the story you're telling and direction etc. The animation is just the framework in which you tell those stories.

I said or implied nothing about my weight nor did I say or imply I'm a weeaboo.

Anime is not for children.

Are you uninronically comparing japanese tv animation to western theatre animation?

so hentai is for children too because its cartoon porn?

1 = Anime
1 = Cartoons
By your previous logic, they are the same.

I never stated any such logic. They are different things.

>t. kissless virgin who thinks relationships are japanese high school anime love stories
you'll find your senpainette one day

It's for pre-teen boys, who adults still consider to be children. Watching anime or beating off to hentai above the age of 14 is embarrassing.

>Anime is not for children.
yeah sure thing autismo

5CM doesn't have a happy ending.

Anime porn is not for preteens and anime is watched by adults all the time.

It isn't, and you have no proof I'm autistic.

There are anime for children.

I didn't say there isn't.

>anime is watched by adults all the time.

>Anime is not for children.
Yes you did.

Stating facts does not make someone a brainlet.

>Anime porn is not for preteens
Well it's not like it doesn't provoke the imagination of young boys.

I was certainly more fascinating to me than real porn where everything is grungy and everyone's making a STUPID GODDAMNED DUMB ANGRY FACE and saying absurdly outlandish shit like "Aw yeah fuck me, fuck me yeah fuck me yeah"

Like goddamn. Shut up, stop looking so grungy, and wear a cheerier expression. Be naked and borrow friction off each other. What's hard about this, why does the pleasant porn have to be so hard to find.

Million dollar wages for all the major voice actors
At least 40m marketing budget
American incompetence

there you have it

We were talking about anime as a whole, not any specific anime.

>All these manchild weebs BTFO by Sup Forums Chads
Damn, it feels good to be alive.

You said anime as a whole is not for children.

What about it?

Yeah but you ooze fatness, it's just the way it is
You are fat and everybody knows it

80% of the simpsons budget is marketting and paying VAs
anime is animated at like 5 frames per second

Holy shit you're arguing with him like a buffoon. Way to convince people against you.

>and you have no proof I'm autistic.
You just proved it with your post.

>Sup Forums Chads

hxh 1999 is, and will always be superior than 2011

That it is not true.

You have no evidence that I'm fat and since I never alluded to my weight in any way it must mean you are projecting.

6, 12 and 24 are the standard framerates. Anime's framerate varies massively.

How am I doing that?

I didn't.

It is. There is much more non-children's anime being made.

Where could his pipe be?

you're 100% right

>How am I doing that?
With incredible ease!


There are lots of anime for children released every year in Japan, but fansubs doesn't usually care about them because they focus on a teenager demographic.

fuuuuck now i want to rewatch

I personally love Ilumi's silly face in the new anime.

It's obvious by the way you post that youre fat, fat people are easily identified, it is what it is, no evidence needed

Did you even look at the OP before getting your panties in a bunch you retarded weeb?


So you can't explain?

>There are lots of anime for children released every year in Japan
Nobody said there isn't.

>fansubs doesn't usually care about them because they focus on a teenager demographic.
Virtually all anime of any relevance is simulcast, and we know all the anime that's coming out whether or not it gets simulcast or fansubbed.

You are projecting.

>I didn't.
And you continue to do it.

You have no evidence.

>Virtually all anime of any relevance is simulcast
Only anime made for teenagers or older.

>He didn't watch the Naruto/Sasuke fight

Teenagers are not a thing in Japan, and I said "of any relevance" because most children's TV anime is not relevant to us.

Might have something to do with how the Simpsons movie was in development on and off for like a decade or so, had tons of writers and drafts that weren't used, and they recorded lines with celebrities that ended up being cut. It all added up to the budget, and the released film was probably closer to a 35-50 million movie of net budget if they'd made it in one go.

Ok im projecting, whatever that means

Listen man, you dont have to be fat, start exercising and eat less junk, you will feel much better

Exhibit A: Exhibit B:

You are projecting.

But it is relevant to them.