Already best meme movie of 2018

do you remember the 80's?
do you remember the 90's?
do you remember the iron giant?

everything was better in < 2017.

Other urls found in this thread:

wow they even got shortround

guaranteed to be all style and no substance

what actually is steven spielberg's style?

I genuine for the life of me can't understand the plot of this film? So Random McGee, his girlfriend, and an evil corporation are trying to get the three keys that will grant them ownership of the game?

Why didn't someone just hack the game then? Isn't that how most people find Easter eggs? I remember for MGS:V, most people just went dig around the codes or whatever they're called, and that's how they unearthed eaSter eggs.

Why do you have to play this game fair and square? Can't the evil corporation just hack it so they find out where the keys are, or just hack it sufficientlt that it gives them the key?

haha I love how this triggers SoyBoys

>deadpool flash dance poster
Tee hee
>GotG2 PAC man scene
Ohh heh heh
>ReadyPlayerOne movie parody poster

being serious here, I think this movie will be ironically good for all the wrong reasons.

If Troll 2 was the best worst movie of 1990
If The Room was the best worst movie of 2003
If Birdemic was the best worst movie of 2010
Then Ready Player One WILL BE the best worst movie of 2018

Because for some reason, people LOVE watching garbage fires ironically.

I don't think they can hack the oasis, the evil corporation would have done that if they could. Anyway the plotholes are not the reason the book is so bad.

The absolute state of DisneyMoms

That's obviously Data from Goonies

RPO will be a cringy movie for sure but given the fact that is directed by Spielberg, I think it will be just the average bad movie.

"pls gib awards" style

It's a software like any other isn't it? If this whole thing is about the "control of the future" like its purported in the trailer, surely it's worth a try trying to hack rather than betting it all on your gamer employees getting you the keys.

But yes obviously this is pretty minor compared to all the other dumb shit I've heard about it.

The worst Spielberg film is better than best MCU film

Would be better without Miles Teller, bloke hasn't recovered since the "fantastic" four flop. Not sure many people see him as serious/good/decent actor, kinda has a face you'd avoid in film too - no matter his talent.

I already hated spielberg when he thought that shitty ghost in the shell live action was a good idea.


Can't wait to see the daily "Kino Player One" threads once this movie comes out and Sup Forums realizes everyone outside here hates it too

manchild fan bait: the movie

I got inside scoop on the movie soundtrack, leaking it now.




Star Wars ?

is that lara croft?

no it's the new battletoads reboot.

>everything was better in < 2017
This, but unironically