Why is the first scene and the intro so comfy?

Why is the first scene and the intro so comfy?

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That gunbarrel with that based score by Eric Serra will always get me excited. Also there's something about the way the movie was filmed that gives it a cozy 80s feel, like it was lifted out of 1989 and dropped in 1995

N64 mate

bond pulling up the plane from such a steep angle is the worst thing about this movie.

still the best bond film and video game
best soundtrack goes to fake paul and the wings


What are the 5 best Bond movies? Haven't watched that many of them and the last time was probably over 10 years ago. I want to go through some essentials first and then decide if I will continue or not.

what is your kino of choice Goose

The Living Daylights
Casino Royale
From Russia With Love
The Spy Who Loved Me

in its own category because of legendary game
but great movie
thx for reminder to rewatch

Because, it was meant for Timothy Dalton

Casino Royale
License to Kill
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
The Spy Who Loved Me
From Russia With Love

Did he die happy?

Ian Flemming approved.

I have to try really hard to see it since im not a brainlet

Because it's not oversaturated like the N64 version


From Russia With Love
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
The Spy Who Loved Me
Licence To Kill

>riding huge 50 foot tall waves
>ride them for MILES into North Korea
It's like Fast and the Furious having races in muscle cars but on jumbo jets and jumping from one jumbo jet to another...
It's just SO STUPID

just start from the beginning senpai

If you don't like Dr. No then the franchise isn't for you

Idris Elba

Good list. Needs Dr No too though.

>that scene in Dr No where Bond kills the henchman by shooting him 6 times

As a rule, the best Bond films are simply those who have the "Bond Girls" who are most attractive to you. The attractiveness of a Bond girl in any respective movie directly correlates to how good the movie is.

if Ian Fleming saw Daniel Craig he'd be pissed

Honestly the 60s ones are best because of the style. From Russia with love being the best imo.

>No love for Moonraker


I love the Moore Era but that one is easily my least favorite. There are some great aspects like the villain, the main bond girl and the set design. However, it suffers from bad pacing/editing, no sense of real danger or suspense, and the action scenes are pathetic. More like something from Looney Tunes than a proper Bond movie.

All in all I'd say it's just okay and Moore's weakest entry.

for england, james?

for Felix

The Living Daylights.
The Spy Who Loved me.

Honorable mentions to MWGG and Moonraker for being fun and colorful.

>felix lighter
Come to think of it...was this an intentional pun the the directors came up with? I'm such a brainlet if it took me this long to notice.

from russia with love
Goldfinger (overrated but prob the most important one concerning the direction of the franchise)
Licence to kill
The spy who loved me
casino royale
this list covers each bond at their respective bests.
after that watch:
living daylights
dr no

how come goldfinger is so popular? pussy galore is by any objective standard among the least beautiful bond girls. also both girls in the world is not enough are straight 10s and nobdy considers it one of the better films of the franchise.

It had a bombastic soundtrack, and lots of gadgets. Also the villian wasnt some evil kitty bald underground henchman, it was just an English guy who loved gold

how did peak sexual male physique go from chubby dad to THIS?

availability of synthetic hormones going through the roof in the early 2000s

maybe you should start lifting some weights instead of lifting so many cigarretes and whiskies on the rocks, grandpa

>capeshit analogous to crimeshit

Why compare these things? I mean, does Tom Cruise look like Captain America in Mission Impossible? No he doesn't, because it's not even close to being the same genre.

Why are all bond movies so comfy? I mean every movie is pretty much the exact same storyline yet they aren't bad really.

because you are a straight white male. bond is comfy kino for every non fag white guy above 20 years of age. how could it not be? hot girls get fucked, villains die and the hero always has a one liner ready.

True. I did like bond before i was 20 though, from when i was a little boy.

>villains die and the hero always has a one liner ready.

A View to a Kill
Diamonds are Forever
Die Another Day
Spectre (Most recent and most polished)
From Russia With Love

What happened to Rare, man? They would consistently beat Nintendo at their own game. Diddy Kong Racing, Donkey Kong Country on the snes, Banjo-Kazooie. Fucking Microsoft.

you managed to list 1 great bond , 2 decent ones and arguably 3 of the worst 5 films of the franchise. please tell me this is bait.

Finally someone else acknowledges that A View To A Kill is the best Bond
Mayday is fiiine, and Christopher Walken possibly the most threatening villian in the film series

Game Delays and sellout to Microsoft.

The best people had already left before Microsoft bought Rare, nobody wanted kart racers or collectathons anymore, and most bong devs couldn't into post-5th gen.

just start with the first two, Dr. No and From Russia with Love.

if you like them, continue watching in order.

if you think they're just OK and are ready for something a little different, skip ahead to On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

if you're not into them at all, skip ahead to The Spy Who Loved Me, or The Living Daylights, or GoldenEye. the closer you get to GoldenEye, the more the series will start to feel like modern action blockbusters.

>nobody wanted kart racers or collectathons anymore, and most bong devs couldn't into post-5th gen.

I still like kart racers. Sonic Racing Transformed is great, made by Brit developer Sumo Digital.


for the record my top five are Dr. No, From Russia with Love, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Licence to Kill, and Casino Royale (2006)

Ready to save the world again?

>most bong devs couldn't into post-5th gen.

why is that, anyway?

i would swap out casino royale for goldeneye and dr no for thunderball or the spy who loved me but sounds decent enough. you are not a total pleb.

not the same film

British developers are still making good or positively reviewed games. Batman Arkham series, Grand Theft Auto series, Sniper Elite series, Planet Coaster, Grid/Dirt series, Forza Horizon series, Total War series, etc.

>nobody wanted collectathons or kart racers

Even if this were true (it isnt) its a retarded argument because Rare proved they could make and improve all the popular genre games for console except RPG.

>Diddy Kong Racing

based bumper the badger


If Brosnan only made Goldeneye, he would have been the best Bond. Shame about the other movies.

twine and tnd both had their moments, only die another day was complete shit. also he wouldnt have been rated that highly, lazenby is constantly rated as the worst bond even though ohmss was great.

This contrarian meme needs to stop.
>violates fourth wall in like five minutes
>requires a retarded flashback scene to convince you that this is james bond
>blofeld is pretty much just another henchman

first 30 min of this movie are legit 10/10

From Russia With Love
The Man With The Golden Gun
A View To a Kill
Casino Royale

Here's your (You)

Patrician taste in Bond movies, user.

Swap A View To A Kill with some Dalton kino and you can fuck my sister, nigga.

nice bait

You Only Live Twice
Live and Let Die
Casino Royale

Nothing against Pierce Brosnan, but I hated him as Bond. He acted too much like Remington Steele (which I ironically enjoyed), but he wasn't Bond material.

you havent watched it in 15 years I bet. Yes, everything in the third act is awful, but the intro is the best brosnan intro.

Eh...it was okay. I'm peeved that they cut this scene from the start of Goldeneye.


This is the movie Spectre should have been

The further away from bedroom development the industry went, the more uneasy Brits were, and the less interested global publishers got.
There's a few successful big studios left, but they're few and far between compared to how prolific Brit devs were during gen 5 and prior. They're more secure in developing games for mobile.

Connery had muscles you dingus, he didn't use roids to get puffy fag muscles.

are you me? it's seriously underrated.

it even does an opera scene set piece that's so much better the one in Quantum of Solace.

I saw Famke Jansen at a broadway play last night ..she sat only a few rows in front of me....she looked great. Couldn't stop thinking how is seen this movie in theatres when i was like 10.


which broadway play?

streaming Bond on ITV4 lads all the way from the usa.

breakfast with bond

All the Brosnan films, and nothing else.

From Russia With Love
Casino Royale
On Her Majesty's Secret Service
The Living Daylights
Never Say Never Again

Jesus christ every fucking person who has ever worked for microsoft during/post xbox360 in any capacity is such a fucking piece of shit. Original Xbox was the last good thing they ever did.

literally nothing wrong with Sea of Thieves.
(apart from needing friends for it to be fun)

Anyone who really wants to watch the Bond movies and doesn't start with Dr. No is a fucking faggot.

ITV are always showing Bond films. That and Harry Potter.

Good fucking taste, some of the best.



I do think that is the comment of a gentleman and a scholar, I tip my hat to you good sir :^)

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


>spectre above anything
low effort if I'm being honest with you


buttmad redditor/10


>tfw we will NEVER get a proper sequel to Donkey Kong 64

>uses reddit language
>hurr durr ur a redditor
lol ok kid.

time to stop being so obsessed with reddit.

While not as good as Goldeneye, I fucking loved Tomorrow Never Dies

He'd get over it after watching Casino Royale, which is the most faithful of all his works, and was the story that made him famous to begin with.

Dr. No is good and as the first Bond film should have been listed but Sean Connery already has like 2-3 of the best movies.

This is the terrible bait. Moonraker was a cash grab riding the coattails of star wars. Die Another Day might be the worst movie of them all. A view to a kill is top 10 but not top 5.

this, except unironically

Man with golden guy and Octopussy in God tier? I'm not even going to look at the rest.