Scenes you couldn't be done today


Other urls found in this thread:


>White man with sign saying I hate niggers
>Racist black man
>Black woman wanting to marry Trump


Political Correctness killed movies

It would just say I love white people and he'd be standing around a university campus



"I'm something of a supremacist myself."

umm no, sweetie - movies are better than ever!



cry more

>Scenes you couldn't be done today"


>c-cry m-m-more you n-nazi scum

It will just be "Trump 2020" instead

> Network TV version CG's the sign so it says "I hate everybody"
> Bunch of black people come up and start harassing McClane
> Network TV version basically shows a guy holding up a fairly unoffensive sign and then immediately being harassed by a bunch of thugs, making it more racist than if he had his original niggers sign

Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like? You've got to be kidding me. I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that?

Why not? According to all the faggots on youtube, people can roleplay "characters" (like their favorite youtube stars) and as those characters do whatever they want. So, all the bad stuff we see youtubers do is just an "act", hah hah. I'm going to become a character everytime I leave the house. According to youtube logic, I can then call people niggers and chinks as much as I want.

Watch more movies.

Sure, provided you don't expect me to watch more movies from 2008 or later.

I have accepted the fact that no matter how many times i see this, I will never understand what user meant by this.

shape of water has a guy literally yelling nigger
the fuck are you on about?
granted, he's the bad guy and white

This is your brain on YouTube

Obligatory ACKSHULLY post.

The TV "edit" is the what they actually filmed and the sign was altered in post to say niggers.

the laugh track during this was the cherry on the cake. must be bizarre to watch for teenagers in 2018.

Lol I’m 21 and that’s kinda crazy to see, I’ve never seen this episode I feel like even a few of my male friends would be offended by this, people are so soft now

You're the one complaining, faggot

this. and then people wonder how the obesity epidemic is so out of control. body shaming is the only way.

Soyboy must go

Millennials are already offended by Friends which was already pretty pc for its time except maybe not having enough blacks people but it had gays and other minoritys

I also find it interesting that the people depicted as comically fat such as Newman would be considered just chubby by today's standards. Even George is called chunky or portly here and there.

>Even George is called chunky or portly here and there.
he was, several times. now he's probably statistical average. jerry would be considered malnourished with his size 32 jeans.

Bania is still huge though.

pretty sure how that scene would have turned out now.

twitter was a mistake. These people should not be heard

This scene is literally the moment I learned the word. I went out the next day and called a black kid it for butting me in line for the slide.

Pretty much any Jew scene.

the most surprising thing about this scene was not the jew stuff but the fact that they actually showed the shit, up close, after the wipe for several seconds. even one shot to another. something about that grosses me more out than shit on the floor on in the toilet.
this for sure and more from the movie

absolutely, old internet where people who didnt have some kind of intuition or aptitude didnt have a voice was way better. you simply can't take post-social media internet seriously

Seriously just fucking off yourself man, you see how brain dead you are, why don't you just balls up faggot?


The scene is Das Boot where one guy told a story about how he was in paris and saw a woman make out with a negro and then proceeded to talk about how french bitches know neither shame nor decency.

they made the exact same joke with black people and grape soda

Are we really going to pretend that the alt-right faggots aren't the redditors? Sup Forums literally got invaded by teenagers from the_donald during the election and they never left. That's why we still have you cunts here acting like there's some SJW infection on Sup Forums (of all fucking places) when it's really just the spillover from Sup Forums.

Why do you faggots always have to bring your bizarre Sup Forums views into this shit. That's actually provably wrong. Bullying the shit out of fat people is just going to make them fatter. Just be a normal person and not give a shit if someone is a fat cunt. Nobody likes health fascists.

people call this fat shaming nowdays... ye right like its a bad thing to call fatties out

>health fascists

okay, I mean it, please re-evaluate your life.
This was so autistic to read user, please.
Just call him an asshole like the rest of the planet


I feel as tho some may find this offensive.

That's bullshit. One of the street thugs even says "Hey man, dis fuck says he don't like niggers!'

>Nobody likes health fascists.
And the award for the most american post goes to...

Raimiposting has completely ruined this character for me.

this is actually pretty cool. Taking cheap ingredients and making something presentable out of it.


Reddit cares about politics more than Sup Forums

Most Sup Forums users are just here to shitpoat and laugh

Upvoted for visibility

>ealth fascists
And thats why we laugh at fat americans.

there is nothing good in the american cuisine


is just layers of crappy food.

You realize if you're an American your government allows you to do this anyway? That's a shitload more liberating than getting some shitty website's permission to act retarded "in character"

I think it's possible that he wore the sign that said "I hate everybody" just not to attract actual blacks or hoods who'd want to fuck with the set IRL, while the characters in the script were supposed to react to it like it said "I hate niggers"

I don't know if that other user is true, but it's a "that's bullshit, but I can believe it" type of thing. It's funny though because no one in their right mind would go berserk over "I hate everybody", lol.

its not even american...perse.
Its mexican, from Monterrey i believe.
But sure, its 56% american

>implying American street food vendors put even a thousandth of the effort into preparing their food
there's no way this isn't Singapore or something.

fuck you

Daily reminder who posts in threads like this

>when he dips the burger into the milkshake
100% bliss


>Nobody likes health fascists
i knew i should have stayed in bed this morning

Haven't met a lot of black people, have you? They go berserk over less.

but based don lemon did it live on TV

implying you wouldn't do this if you had just been released from jail

THIS is the most american post here

does anyone have the 'and overall everyone has a good time' version

>Box office success equals good film-making.

ill cum in yo face fagt

I thought we were done posting this in literally every thread



Fat shaming is only a problem for females. This scene have no problem nowadays because it is about fat shaming a white male.

>Scenes you couldn't be done today
You could never be done, OP, if you catch my drift.

lol ger cuck

>The Wire
>Lord of the Rings
to list a few

He posted it again.

There is no alt right.
The Reddit idiots are cry baby lefties.


>Hey, Peter. Got some feedback from the producers. One of the small ones should be black and one of the big white males should be asian or spanish.

>women were a mistake

Could still probably get away with it in Europe.

The sjws have pushed the internet and Sup Forums further to the right we care about politics now.

this many people cant be wrong!

All those tats. I wouldn't want somebody like that prepping my food.

None of those posts even warranted this stale image


That just makes it even more american. You guys love throwing people into jail for the smallest reasons.

this. the alt-right is a meme lefties made up to replace racist because that word has lost all meaning anymore

vigo is argentinian

pretty much this

was this that seasons thing?