Dean Winchester the Vampire Slayer

Dean Winchester the Vampire Slayer

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I still weep they cancelled Constantine.

needed more panty to get ratings

Theyre rebooting with an animated series starting this month

Underrated show, great music too

latina chick was typical hot, but I would've liked a cuter one instead for panty scenes desu


I wish Keanu was back as Constantine in DCEU




so, official legit stuff with same actor?
nice. i'll consider it
that's the only down point though


Yep he also voiced the character in Justice League Dark

With animated series, they can get away with doing a lot more

But they can also fuck up a lot more by going off the rails
It's a double edged blade, but lets hope they get it right

Who knows lets just hope it doesnt get cancelled again lul

>that shitty one-time cameo on Arrow with this faggot showing up in pink smoke

Good riddance.

This. Was pretty good with source material and it was actually starting to pick up when they ended it. Fuck NBC/Universal.

>tfw cancelled right when the major arc just got a revelation
>the Brujeria work for me

still don't believe I have this.
nice digits btw

What did Constantine even do in Arrow

I heard he puts on more of a Scouse accent in the cartoon too.

He's repeatedly appearing in the more recent episodes of Legends of Tomorrow.
Not that anyone is watching Legends of Tomorrow.

Its actually not too bad for a CW superhero show

legends is the only cw show I find close to being tolerable, because it seems to know how shitty a concept it is and just runs with it full retard.

Yeah, exactly.
Its like Doctor Who, only its fully aware of how fucking stupid it is and how little the time travel actually makes sense.

>the only cw show I find close to being tolerable


ok, thanks!


You and me both, broheim. You and me both.

YAAAAAAAAY!!! Amazon fucking delivers.

iZombie and Black lightning

How high was Manny on the angelic hierarchy?

>black lightning
you're either a nig or a brainwashed beta

>Not that anyone is watching Legends of Tomorrow.
the Sup Forums threads usually reach bump limit

>not LoT

Not him, but I like Black Lightning, too. I’m sort of stunned by even-handed it is. It’s cheesy, but it’s the good kind of cheesy, the kind that isn’t just pure empty schlock. They call out opportunistic preachers and community “activists,” and the main bad guy might have said one of the most red-pilled thing I’ve heard on T.V. in the last half-decade:

An underling failed him, and he says, There was a time you could depend on white folks to be professional. Nowadays, white boys just as lazy and shiftless as the brothers.

Red-pilled like a motherfucker.

Tobias is the most based villain I've seen in awhile.

>be supernatural
>have almost zero diversity
>regularly murder female characters
>main stars are aryan ubermensch who regularly bone hot aryan women
>portrays christian religion in a good light
>weak gods of non-whites got murdered by lucifer
>12 seasons and going strong

What's their secret to success Sup Forums?


>dat scene with his piece of shit dad

I was fucking stunned.

who the fuck watches these shows? fucking procedurals with suave male characters and smart female characters. there's dozens of them and they are all the same. absolute fucking idiots who keep them going. if you watch this show you need to kill yourself.

i need my bisexual role models

>I hate fun

>who would do that
>who would watch tv
>and then come to Sup Forums to talk about it

t. absolute fucking idiots.

kek cry more, faggot

>speaks in memes

>brown hair with hazel eyes

although padalecki without the receding hairline is 9/10, I thought aryans could only have blue eyes with blonde hair

>pic related
not the average aryan

Sorry I can't hear you over my objectively better taste

your b8 is getting weak, faggot, gotta do better if you want real (You)s
At least something that gets me more keks

they were still too pussy to show mohammed when they did the other religions lineup

You're mistaken if you think I don't sincerely hate anyone who watches these faggotty USA Network/CW/TBS/Freeform shits. You clog up the airwaves with this garbage not unlike capeshit aficionados clogging up the cinema screens with their visual diarrhea. Rot in your desert of hopelessness.

>being this assmad
who hurt you, user?

Constantine was legit great. Matt Ryan did a fantastic job as Constantine. The episode where he's forced to sacrifice his friend was so good.

>who hurt you
Reddit detector going off the charts.

getting weak again

This is (You).

nah, not strong enough
I don't even care about this shit, i'm just surprised at how butthurt are you since you claim not to be a shitposter and you're legit burrhurt about some random people liking some random shit, which is seriously, pathetic. anyway, bye, faggot.

Because Mohammed was a bandit not a prophet. Only legitimate Gods got represented.

Later homo.

art and creative things are totally subjective. hahahahaha you majored in English didnt you, holy fuck I'm dying. Your major is worthless and you're fucking retarded, sorry boss.

>when the only thing your English Degree is capable of becoming is a low grade meme

Matt Ryan was conceived to play Constantine.

Wow I caught a couple of shit-taste-having peabrains with my picture. I'm very impressed with your rebuttals.

*13 seasons. Can't wait for 10 more.

Could kinda see him play Bigby. Grow the hair out and gain some weight.

Anons. The show will have 6 minute long episodes. It's the same as the Vixen show.

By the end of it you'll have one fucking episode worth of a show. Congrats.

fugg... As someone who likes Stargate and has watched Origins, which are 10 min lesser budget episodes, this is not a good omen

as the one episode showed, fanfiction doesnt count.


I've never seen an episode of that show, but you make it sound interesting.

Is it worth a watch?

i want Celaya back

>great music too

Seasons 1-2 and great, 3-4 are solid as well.
It starts to go downhill from there but by that point you're invested enough in the characters to still be able to watch it.

Despite that each season since 5 has had at least one great episode and one very comedic one.

do you like X-Files AND Constantine? Because Supernatural is the bridge between those two. Kim Manners worked on TXF and Supernatural. S1-5 are essential. The rest of the seasons depend on you.

basic premise
>two redneck brothers
>machetes and monsters
>comfy road trip in a muscle car across backroads
>pubs and waitresses
>burgers and booze
>all to the tune of classic rock

Thanks, anons, I'll check it out. Sounds enjoyable.

oh and try not to watch S1 through Netflix. Licensing issues changed all of the classic rock tracks and it seriously dilutes the atmosphere and story-telling because the soundtrack choice and use is amazing. This show has two Emmy nods for sound editing, so trust me when I say the scoring and soundtrack of the first few seasons are great and should be watched as originally intended. Go for DVDs or DVD rips

was he going to end up as an anti-hero in the series? fuck this shit really, i wanted it to have at least three seasons

its Hunter:the reckoning, the tv show, with characters that are WAAY TOO FUCKING HIGH LEVEL

When he sat at his bed, holding his hand waiting for his friend to die - i wasnt ready for those feels

>tfw it took me way too long to realize he was Edward Kenway
am i retarded?

You forgot
>ultra liberal tumblr retards love it anyway
All you have to do is have attractive guys for tumblr to schlick to and you can get away with anything apparently.

>not knowing it turned away the tumblr whales after their self insert le quirky nerd lesbian™ camel got killed in a shower by a nazi supporter

You know what, you people are bastards.

I watched one episode of Supernatural on this thread's recommendation, then I watched another and another and now I'm on season 2 and my life is vanishing before my eyes

Damn you all for recommending shows I like

Supernatural is literally loved by both liberals and democrats AND russians




and the Japanese also liked it so much they made an animated series

>I watched one episode of Supernatural on this thread's recommendation, then I watched another and another and now I'm on season 2 and my life is vanishing before my eyes
kek how did you go through Season 1 so fast user?

>Damn you all for recommending shows I like
You're welcome. Enjoy the ride! Pic related happens in S3


sexy boobs!

That deleted episode of Angel was weird

To be fair, Mohammad never did miracles or claimed to have done them, and worshipped Chuck like the Christians.

>That deleted episode of Angel was weird
so was the one where John Winchester asked Angel for help

Livestream thread for tonight's Supernatual
Everyone in this thread is welcome

In Supernatural the only "us vs. them" is good against evil, and even then the show understands that the world exists in shades of gray.

People of all backgrounds are united when facing a threat which is greater than they are, and that plot is Supernatural's bread and butter.

Supernatural doesn't alienate anyone, really. Most episodes have a diverse cast without it feeling shoehorned in and the people typically treat each other as individuals and not races or classes. I'll be disappointed when it goes off the air.

delete this


hi slut

be nice

i can be anything you want, bitch

That attempt to barricade the doors that open the other way gets me every time.

that scene/outfit blew my mind when I was 12.

it's still pretty hot desu.

when did they make a Constantine show? I remember the Keanu Reeves one which wasn't anything like the comic but never this one where the guy actually looks like Constantine

I cant ever manage to get past the first season. When does the "monster of the week" shit end?