Dunkirk aside, was this the worst ever year for best picture nominees...

Dunkirk aside, was this the worst ever year for best picture nominees? Most of these films only made the list because they pander to the Academy's shallow ideological worldview

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When has that ever not been the case?

Now you're getting it

This is pretty good actually.

2016 was probably just as bad

then you must have low standards or shit taste


none of these will be remembered or talked about in even 5 years time. Well...maybe Dunkirk. the rest will just be forgotten

the end goal is win an oscar to get into one of these moneymaker movies, i doubt it was ever a quality contest because there's hardly anything other than subjective opinions here. (yes thats why its voting)

theres no use to it other than promoting movies(smaller ones, since moneymaker ones dont need much)

but if you havent seen one before not a bad way of spending two hours...especially if you have some money placed in one of the nominees, could make even more entertaining

Post your top 5 of 2017

I wanted CMBYN to get it desu

inb4 fag because i am one

die of aids bugcunt

>Academy's shallow ideological worldview

I don't see how this board is any better in that regard

Not really, not like these films are amazing but the average score is higher than normal, normally you have one or two decent films and the rest are shit.

reminder that your parents are embarrassed by you and wish you were never born

awards mean nothing except to those self absorbed narcissists that participate in them.

at least we don't pretend as much

Things started going to shit in 2008: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Academy_Award_for_Best_Picture

the square
Killing of a sacred deer
Good time
Bad day for the cut
A cure for wellness

Dunkirk was great though

I think that was OP's point

Good time
The florida project
On the beach at night alone
I dont feel at home in this world anymore
Phantom Thread

Honorable metion : Your name

no, best picture award is widely known to give a bo boost for its recipient. the other categories work as well but probably to a lesser extent

forgot about Super Dark Times

its crazy how forgettable the best picture winner of the last 10 years have been. Look at the 90s.
Forest Gump
Gladiator in 2000
The silence of the lambs

People still watch those movies, theyre classic.

Who still gives a shit about the Artist, Argo, spotlight or moonlight

you cunts just completely lack self awareness don't you?

>Dunkirk aside
Dunkirk was objectivity the worst of the nominees

Phantom thread is the best movie in this list though

Black Swan
Midnight in Paris
12 Years a Slave
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Manchester by the Sea or Moonlight
Call me by Your Name

Pick your 10s winners from the nominees

With the exception of Silence of the Lambs & possibly Gladiator if historical epics don't come back, those films are emotionally manipulative nostalgia fests that will become/are completely redundant.

Saw all of the 90s movies and own most of the ones you posted.
Of the Nu movies, I've only seen Argo. Was not impressed. It did not leave any impression on me and I can not even remember what it was about.
Hopefully the remake in 2 years by JJ Abrams will be better.

CMBYN> Lady Bird > 3 Billboards> Phantom Thread> Get Out> Dunkirk> The Post> Darkest Hour

Last year was pathetic too. Box Office is all about super hero and Star Wars and movie for kids now, and you can't have raw talent if you can't pay it.

2015 was a lot worse


1. The Florida Project - great movie, honest filmmaking at peak. Great performances, great cinematography, heartwarming and sad at the same time

2. Columbus - The best coming-out-age movie from 2017 by far. So much better than Lady Bird. Very chill, meditative, and honest movie. With great performance by Haley Lu Richardson.

3. Wind River - atmospheric, fun flick. Cinema lacks good Crime/Thriller movies.

4. The Killing of a Sacred Deer - Unique, original movie. Literally Lanthimos and Refn are the only replacement we have if Lynch will die, they are not afraid to make something original.

5. BR 2049 - Safe, dont make risk but still good overrall work even if original is so much better. Should be nominated.

6. Good Time - good movie, but i didnt dig the cinematography and atmosphere. Maybe my mood wasnt suitable to watch this movie at that time.

dude that's a pretty evil thing to say.

Manchester by the Sea and Moonlight were both top tier kino that genuinely deserved the award and Arrival & Hell or High Water were excellent films as well.

I, Daniel Blake was even better imo. Kind of ironic to have you crying about plebs and starwars if you didn't like any of these films

Silence only got nominated for ONE Oscar (cinematography) and even that one it lost to fucking La La Land.
The Oscars have always been a joke

Sorry but no. Moonlight is overrated as fuck. Dishonest little flick.

columbus fucking sucked dude i can understand why you might have enjoyed watching it sure, but it's not a great film.

what do you mean by that?

>Dunkirk aside

Brap Runner 49 soyboys TEE-riggered by the Oscars.

Why don't we have separate "best picture" awards for different races? Why not have a separate Academy for other races? Would that finally make democrats happy?

killking of a sacred deer not being nominated was a crime. also br 2049 deserves to be there.
shape of water is predictable fetish porn, del toro is a fucking cuck.

Oscars are for babbies, pick your top 5 Palme d'Or winners

>Winter Sleep
>Apocalypse Now
>The Pianist
>The Third Man

2 great movies (Phantom Thread, 3 Billboards)
2 very good movies (Dunkirk, CMBYN)
3 fairly good movies (Shape of Water, Darkest Hour, Lady Bird)
2 decent movies (The Post, Get Out)
could have been worse


you're trying too hard to give relevance to recent films, and by proxy your life

>I, Daniel Blake was even better imo

t. corbyn-supporting perma-NEET


I didn't even comment on recent films.
This is projection.

> movies released a few months ago are not as classic as movies in the 90s

lol im not a britcuck at all did you watch it lad? and not get teary eyed? you heartless bastard

I watched every single film on the list, and Three Billboards is the most entertaining. Get Out was a fun, Twlight Zone watch, but not good enough for an Oscar nod.

Shape of Water won because Del Toro is deepstate Hollywood insider. That film is so fucking forgettable, it's hard not to create conspiracy for why it won.

Dunkirk is the second worst there

tbf Aritst Argo & Spotlight have 0 chance of every becoming classics. Generally though, 2010s films are stronger than 90s films, from the nominees;
>Black Swan
>True Grit
>Midnight in Paris
>Tree of Life
>12 years a Slave
>Dallas Buyers Club
>Grand Budapest
>Hell of High Water
>Manchest by the Sea
>Shape of Water
>Phantom Thread
>3 Billboards


>Silence of the Lambs
>The Piano
>Pulp Fiction
>Green Mile
>Sixth Sense

Don't forget either that fucking Shakespeare in Love won in the 90s




No Country for Old Men last classic to win. 11 years ago

I hate to admit this but a lot of the old 90s movies that were nominated back then would be lucky to get a nod these days.

A film like Whiplash(which didn't win) is a better watch than a lot of those old films.

and The English Patient and Dances with Wolves and before the 90s Driving Miss Daisy, Terms of Endearment, Rocky, Oliver and it just goes on and on and on.
80 to 90% of the Oscars are not classics by any stretch of the imagination, and the rest are treated as classics specifically because the won and they are revised by people searching for good films.

Amour is easily the best film there

2008 was pretty bad. the wrestler wasn't even nominated for best picture, instead we got forgettable garbage like frost/nixon, milk, and fucking slumpoo millionpoo won. pathetic year.

I catched LadyBird last night on the internet. I liked it but common... in no way does it deserve to be at the Oscars. Just like Mean Girls wasn't at the oscars

yeah that's fucked, The Wrestler was a fantastic film
It didn't win bro, there are worse nominees almost every year. The production of it was incredibly good, much more visually interesting than mean girls, and Sersh and Memelet are hardly Memer Fey and Lindsay Justan tier

Fuck you

Slumdog Millionaire was great and deserved the win


Lady Bird was shit movies. There is 20-30 movies deserving more to make best picture.