
/std/ is mind torture edition

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Friendly reminder Dukat did nothing wrong.

STD was still more enjoyable than ENT.
Maybe because I was expecting less.

>more enjoyable than ENT

What is wrong with you?

>How dare you!
No I actually feel the same

What's wrong with you?
First season of ENT was the most dull and stupid shit.

It was Star Trek. It might have been a little dull but a fit the Star Trek mold.
/std/ absolutely needs people out and online everywhere pretending to like it so that be even know it exists.

It wasn't Star Trek.
It was gay camping trip through the universe.
Kirk, Picard, even Janway took their job seriously.

Yes it was. So did Archer

Fuck you. No real Trek fan would watch more than 30 seconds of that drivel. STD is the anathema of Federation and Roddenberry values. It is a show made to appeal to children and the average idiot American. If you want to witness the death of American intellectualism and philosophy, watch the slow , creative and spiritual death of Star Trek.

Fuck you, and fuck you for helping to kill the dream of Star Trek. Fuck you.

>no Federation
>once bro tier Vulcans now retconned into complete dicks
>ugly as fuck Akira-class ripoff ship
>same tired filler episodes using old TNG, DS9 and VOY stories
ENT is still the worst Trek

>It wasn't Star Trek.
Yes. It was. It may not have been perfect but neither is any first season of nearly any show.

/std/ on the other hand goes out of it's way to offend the audience, ignore canon, outright break with ignorance, use bad writing to make a character infallible (Burnham), and make it visually offensive to the eyes. Every shot is filtered through some blue pallor of sickly intent as though they want to condition the viewers to a future that feels like we're all in a clinic and on suffering from various maladies that for some reason haven't been treated yet this far out.

Your opinion is hot garbage and you're a loser with bad taste.

No, not in the first two seasons.
He bumbles around and makes campfires.
After their original mission ends, he just decides to take the flagship of Earth and do whatever.

Quit samefagging posts and spare me your browser edits with Inspect Element you fucking spacker.

>No, not in the first two seasons.
Yes, yest it was.

swing and a miss

>advanced technology that looks foreign to a 23rd century Trek universe
>this despite having more antiquated technology just ten years later
>batship hippy "Mushroom drive" starship that spins around for no good reason warping around it's enemies
>this despite it never being hinted at in the shows
>completely useless characters surrounding one singular unstoppable character
>klingons remade into literal Kangz with Egypt worship
STD is still not Trek

Even Lorca made a more believable Starfleet captain.

Yup. Lorca is literally the worst captain

Guys, at least make your posts count and stop with the NUHNT UHH shit like we're all in grade school.

literally fuck off

When some kike says Lorca is better than Archer that's when you just say no. Lorca is dead


>premise of worse tech, with a lack of shields, unsafe teleporters and similar
>just ignore it and make everything work like the other shows

>literally fuck off
Is it still 2015? Strange post this early into the thread.

These are legitimate criticisms. It's still better than ENT.

This. Fuck the tourists who push STD because it's "fun" or "fresh"

Daily reminder that Braga is a hack

>unsafe teleporters

Damn, the shill's on fire today, doesn't even know it's called a fucking transporter.

It wasn't fun, it was dark and miserable.
But at least it built up some suspense at time.
ENT failed completely at that.

>No true scotsman
ENT babbys are the real tourists.

Reminder that they get paid per post so just ignore them or hide their posts. When they can't even get basic episode to episode terminology right like "transporter" you should know then to stop responding.

My nigga you right

They're teleportation devices called "transporter".

The Sup Forums thing I'm assuming is the notion that people this upset about STD are mostly Alt-Right Sup Forums fags who took offense at the actors "taking a knee" and Lorca wanting to "Make the Empire Glorious Again." Which to me seems to make sense. Remember the Beer Pong fag?

Wasn't there also that ENT shitposter who called TNG and DS9 gay commie shit?

Just own up that you're here because you get paid per word/post and we can get on with the thread.

You guys are spamming the fuck out of this joint.

>Which to me seems to make sense. Remember the Beer Pong fag?

Why can't your show stand on it's own merit instead of hiring a thousand people to call everyone a Nazi who doesn't like it?
And I agree about the Beer pong shit, at least we got things to IMAGINE about like Parisi's squares, not shit that was blatant pandering to 21st century college kids.

Even the actors who played Trek characters got their terminology and pronunciation wrong. Get fucked, basement dweller.

I'll call the teleporters 'star gates' if I so please.

>Wasn't there also that ENT shitposter who called TNG and DS9 gay commie shit?

False flagging doesn't count.

Except I never once called STD good.

>lol I admit I don't watch the show

>It's a conspiracy against ENT! Rick Berman did nothing wrong!

>Get fucked, basement dweller.
>one of the most obvious and iconic pieces of technology on the show means you're a basement dweller if you know it's name

You're running out of excuses (and it's beautiful).

Even if I've only watched 5 minutes of one Star Trek Discovery episode, I still have the same claim to 'Trekkie' as you do. I'm as much of a fan in my heart as you are. You don't get to gatekeep my passion for nerd culture and sci-fiction. Fuck you.

If you weren't such a newfag you would realize why you don't want the claim "trekkie"

>use sub-cultural buzzwords to try and seem like you're a part of the group

At least take the time to watch the fucking show if you're going to shill badly for your employers.

>be regular /trek/ poster
>get annoyed by the constant blowing of anti-STD dog whistles
>hate ENT
>didn't hate STD
Sorry mate, you're stuck with me. This keeps happening though, someone like me or another regular poster will say something like "early TNG was weak" or "DS9's first two seasons were typically dull as dishwater" and you or someone like you immediately begin to splurg out and call everyone shills, assholes and morons. I don't mind discussion, flaming and bants, but this petulant "STOP LIKING DISCOVERY REEEEEEEE" attitude seems to be coming from a place that would rather destroy /trek/ than accept the fact that some people enjoy it.


Oh and that "teleporter" guy is totally a shill.

Oh fuck off. No one wants you here. No one wants SJW Trek being propogated and taken seriously. You REALLY want a show where every white male is demonized or killed off? Where the main character is a perfect Mary Sue POC womyn?

The sooner we kill STD and send a message to the Dems in Hollywood that such blatant identity politics will not be tolerated, a la NFL being destroyed last year.

We need a farmer with a shotgun but it's supposed to be scifi.

I got just the thing.

Trek was always liberal propaganda

Looks just like a farmer with a shotgun

>caption calls it rifle
What did he mean by this?

>STD is great because we've got a couple of hired accounts on deviant art pumping out cheap "paintings"

Well yeah it's a space rifle. Look how silver it is!

>Sorry mate, you're stuck with me.

But can you at least try a little harder? Watch the show, add discourse like a semi-adult, and maybe even add some OC while you're at it?

Try to have a little fun and be angry about everything.

>This keeps happening though, someone like me or another regular poster will say something like "early TNG was weak" or "DS9's first two seasons were typically dull as dishwater" and you or someone like you immediately begin to splurg out and call everyone shills

I like this little made up story you had to try and justify people not liking a universally disliked piece of non-canon but I don't care and I will continue to bash your show and call out shills. There is nothing you can do about it. You're stuck with me.

Again, you're making legitimate criticism of the show. In the TNG pilot, the faggy French captain surrenders within the first 7 minutes, Q mocks American jingoism and capitalism is reviled as a horrible system. Luckily they pulled out of that nose dive and it's my favorite Trek series.

>universally disliked piece of non-canon
I post more OC on /trek/ than most.

>That double tap reply

>In the TNG pilot
>Q mocks American jingoism and capitalism
Q mocks humanity in general with multiple lines of dialogue to show it's a very generalized way of appraising humanity. But calling Picard faggy is typical Sup Forums shit so fuck off back to your containment board.

>posting a TMP screenshot is OC

Got anymore insightful posts or just shitposting?

>Not Sup Forums enough for one asshole
>Too Sup Forums for another


>doesn't get irony
>doesn't realize he's being mocked

The mental capacity of /std/ niggers everyone.

Unironcially good post.

67 / 15 / 11 / 3

Well you can tell who's passionate about STD dayposters

>bashing ENT


Only edgy DS9 bashers like ENT

Go away.



I like both

Can you fuck off with your datamining Section 31?

The definition of liberal changed. Conservatives stayed the same.

>Let's see what Trek is like during the day

>Conservatives stayed the same

dayposters, NEETs and alcoholics have as much a right to post as anyone!

That's not true.
Compare Eisenhower to Trump.


This but unironically

which one are you, user?

im all 3

This but unironically trekkie

The redoubtable commander Riker!

and MICRObrain
GROWL for me

is Joi technology possible in near future?

I love Tilly!


>poster genuinely enjoyed Discovery
>poster genuinely doesn't realize they're a retarded piece of shit for doing so

At least Discovery is trying something different. Did you really want yet another iteration of TNG?

The main premise of Star Trek is exploring new worlds and trying to understand and reconcile serious differences and learn from others.

If Picard watched Star Trek Discovery, do you think he would curse it and cast it out? Or would he appreciate it for being different, and attempting something new?

Don't talk to me or my ships dog ever again

>caring at all what other people, especially those you think you’re superior to think

>poster genuinely enjoyed the first season of ENT
>poster genuinely doesn't realize they're a retarded piece of shit for doing so

>At least Discovery is trying something different.
How low /std/ posters have gone when their only refrain is "it dif'rent!"


STD is far less different from ENT and the Kelvin films than TNG was from TOS.

What are you even arguing for at this point?
Stop being a bad poster and shitting up the thread ffs

Which rule did I break?

>New Age Hippies on a cruise ship
>Brooding non-captain on a station with no ship
>Lost in Space with literal female driver
I already told you I have no issue with valid STD criticism. Complaining that “it’s different” could apply to every new iteration of Trek, but I as I’ve postulated before, this is the first new Trek series to air while you’re an adult.