Jewish women age like milk.

She always looked like a piglet, only an idiot would fall for ScarJo meme

Tricked many people at first with her nose job and nordic surname.

jesus. fuck time

Do you look better now or seven years ago?

That perfect alignment with Cap's arm in the second pic tho

I look much better but I actively worked on it.

why is her other arm so short?

I fapped to her in Iron Man 2. Fucking gorgeous. I'd still fuck her though, even though she's a worn out crazy feminist.


She hasn't been remotely attractive since Lost in Translation.

She certainly fooled me. I wish I could take it all back

Her Jewish hunchback is starting to show. Also her voice is jewey as hell.

It's weird. Jewish genes are incredibly dominant as they are deleterious

I find lots of her movies enjoyable especially Under the Skin,Her,The Prestige ,Lost in Translation, she is a very charismatic actor that can lead one movie practically by herself...

>Women age like milk.


what the fuck happened????


Time JUSTS all.

Why is she blonde now? I don't watch these movies...

No they don't. Some look great.

we got you pegged


Damn shame.

Even photoshop couldn't save her


>woman age like cheese
>man age like wine

wtf happened, who cursed us with time and the inability to freely traverse it.

>Man fuck this gay time shit

She actually looks more believable as a fighter now that she doesn’t look like a doll.

People are saying its a reference to a comic book character that takes the mantle of black widow after her character


You're asking people who would've gone through puberty in those 7 years.


it's basic redpill theory

ig sucks if it 8s
she is a separate character from a whole inv9lved storyline

We should have gotten a Black Widow movie years ago.

she looks fine though. i want to cummy on her thighs

unfortunate but true


if she puts on just a tiny bit more weight she's gonna be top mommy tier in a few years desu


>Jewish women age like milk.

>White women age like milk.
