How long until they release an extended cut...

How long until they release an extended cut? I am pretty sure there is more deleted scenes out there considering JJ has said there was 30 minutes deleted from TFA and Disney is being dickheads by not releasing it because it was "TOO POLITICAL AND NO STAR WARS FANS WANTS ANY POLITICS JUST ACTION"

Assuming there are worthwhile deleted scenes, Disney will hold onto them for a decade or two before releasing them.

I'm excited. I imagine once it's out on DVD?

>turns teen protagonists into 20somethings
>zero politics even though the film needed them to make sense
>Don't worry guys Lucas has nothing to do with this one we promise

In retrospect it's embarrassing how much Disney bent over backwards to placate the demands of whiny prequel haters

We need a director's cut of rogue one.

Not long now, they're spinning their wheels and throwing out everything they can. Once Han Solo hits expect to see the Extended Last Jedi be announced. Rian Johnson will be paraded around to walk back previous statements, it's gonna be a fucking riot.

>In retrospect it's embarrassing how much Disney bent over backwards to placate the demands of whiny prequel haters
Blame RLM. They ruined a great movie

>We need a director's cut of rogue one.
Since normies didn't like it due to it being too political I doubt it. It's unironically the best Disney SW film

Rise of the Rebellion edit really improves R1, just a lot of simple cuts end up making a really big difference to that talkie.

>It's unironically the best Disney SW film
Agreed, it honestly wasn't too political though, i would even argue it was the lest political. I have a feeling the the director's cut would fix a lot of it politics problems considering how according to some of the actors it was better :(

I can imagine the type of politics these morons would add, and it's nothing like in the prequels

Yeah, but it would be nice to have a full 2 hour story so that we care about the characters when they die.

wait there's more Rey to see? sign me up

Looking at this poster, I just remembered R2 and 3PO are in this movie.

Disney hates Extended Cuts because it puts them in a bad light when it becomes obvious Extended Cut was superior to the Theatrical Cut. Disney hates being seen as incompetent. They have an image of "perfection" to retain.

They’re doing a great job so far :^)

i thought they were adding all the deleted stuff to try and salvage some sales from that shit movie

They're just going to have them as a DVD extra. An Extended Cut would mean the theatrical cut wasn't optimal which Disney desperately wants to avoid being seen as. Like I said, they have an image to uphold and they would sacrifice a film or two to make that happen. Disney is all about pushing people to cinemas not blu-ray sales.

>wanting to see even MORE of this sack of shit
Jesus user, don't make that Disney cock rammed up your ass so evident

Öykü Daisyci cikti kizim benim

the state of disney
i cant wait to see how they announce rian isnt getting his trilogy

I don't get it really. As far as politics go, it was about as political than ANH. Yet for some reason, that is ok there and inexcusable in RO or in any Star Wars film released after the original trilogy. Who the flying fuck comes up with this bullshit opinions? I'm really starting to believe that normies only remember explosions and spaceships.

>Muh rian will not get his trilogy
Keep crying nu-tv