ITT: Conservative Actors

ITT: Conservative Actors

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Based on what?

more like reasonable actors.


Devout christian, pro gun, and there were those hollywood laywer posts about him making homophobic remarks about a gay couple in a toy store.

Literally any actor who shuts up about politics is right wing

>>Sup Forums


>get famous
>cheat on formerly 9/10, currently 7/10 blonde wife with mole-covered, dirty asshole 5/10 J-Law
>Wife forgives you, wants to stay together for their sick child
>Leave her anyway
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

When you go from a fatty to a full on Chad, I guess many men would try to take advantage of that.

he's one of those really charismatic guys who is really capable of making dumbo's entertained whilst all the while still being our guy

Taking advantage would be staying with his wife and still banging literal roasties like Lawrence and Aubrey Plaza. Divorcing your loving, forgiving wife (while residing in California) is just dumb.


>Devout christian, pro gun
Doesn't sound conservative to me. That sounds like one of these leftist nutbags that is trying to overthrow the Empire and undermine the legitimacy of Zeus's priests and all those Gods who inhabit the peak of Holy Olympus. Never mind trying to supplant good, honest roman steel with these unholy eastern "gonnes", that's just obviously some kind of Parthian conspiracy. It's all just another example of the damn Carthaginians trying to undermine honest society and bring about the downfall of western civilization.

Riiiight. SO sad I can't laugh. I do like satire tho.

The original alt-right

>that bruise on her tigh

He's not conservative. He's just not a liberal

Chris Pratt was always a chad tho. He fattened exclusively because P&R demanded it to.
In season one, when he was only a guest star, he was pretty fit

I got banned for posting this thread the other day



Hes also a trump supporter

Got any fucking evidence cunt?

look no further than Nick Searcy
> “I know people have feelings," he once said. "That’s why I try to hurt them.”



Paganposting is great.

Sam doesnt have a career though

Unless they're being a vocal faggot about their politics and personal beliefs, who gives a shit about actors' opinions?

you know it be true

Explain please.

he probably just doesn't care that much

>man cheats on wife

>woman cheats on husband

Pretty sure he was a berniebro back in '16

God, I would love to shoot the shit with those two.

James Woods

Being like one of 4 Hollywood actors who on Election Day wasn't on Twitter all like "BLOGNARD GURRRUUMPHHALALALASPEKALAGOPBACUS GIT DOO SUGGGOOOPPPPPUZZZZZZZ"

>they're still trying to shill this former Disney kid start as /ourguy/

>*dumps seed*
Men and women aren't equal, more at 11.


This, dudes probably more right wing than Mel


Good thing you were wrong and the Roman Empire still exists today, as the powerhouse that it's always been.

shaddap ya dumb cunt

>man cheats on wife

Nope. That man is viewed as a degenerate piece of shit.

>reproduces with a latina instead of an Aryan goddess
Definitely not /ourguy/.


Really? He struck me as a Berniebro type.

no the man is only alpha if he's cucking another man through that other man's cheating wife, who is a whore


He donated to the Obama campaign and has made fun of Trump a couple of times, he's not the guy you seem to think he is. He is/was just smart enough not to care about the election because both candidates were ass.

Most actors who keep their mouths shut on Hollywood are conservative. See Denzel Washington, Matthew mchaunihey

McAdams is a superior Anglo


He was a democrat until somewhat recently.


kek he works in Hollywood he knows he needs to perform certain acts and say certain things to get by since it's overwhelmingly liberal.

i dont get the hype behind this guy, he's been in literally nothing good

>James Woods is Tweeting his hate of gay culture at 3 in the morning

He is one of us.

Straight up don't buy it, I could MAYBE see him being a DR3 Conservative.

He's been living off The Wire's reputation.


he has a point y'know

>24 year old with a 17 year old
Fucking amerilards.


Yeah we grown in gay pedophiles here.

you know what, i enjoyed creed

Justin Bieber is pretty redpilled.

I have a feeling he is too.

Yeah I know how retarded am*ricans are when it comes to this kind of thing.
>18 year old
>Fuck yeah she's hot!
>17/16 year old
>You're a pedophile oh my fucking god! Call 911, get a bible!
Doesn't change a damn thing whether they're the same gender or not.


This, or at the very least isn’t some far left Marxist freak

There was a funny interview where he talks about how being fat is way better than being ripped

>>man cheats on wife

If you think this, then who am I to stop you?

she didn't want kids

>39 now



billy bob thornton and tim allen

Imagine being conservative and a lesbian

He's got a cool sounding voice. On the note of vidya he did a commercial for rainbow 6 siege, he would have been a cool leader for 6 instead of the random black chick we got.

James woods.

He also has one of the highest IQ's in hollywood but then again most conservatives/libertarian tend to.

absence in political crap like when The Avengers asked us to not vote for Trump, or anytime they ask us to not buy guns


I don't think it would be that bad as long as the two of you arnt butt fucking ugly. The whole issue on gay people being taboo is over and it's accepted. It only sucks whenever the far left or far right try to stir shit up to get views or whatever.

based oldman

I liked him in Justified but why the hell was he in Shape of Water?

>The whole issue on gay people being taboo is over and it's accepted
No it really isn't. Most people still view them as degenerates.

He never cheated on her, once he stopped being fat and did GOTG she felt lesser than him

Why doesn't Hollywood get rid of him?
Because he brings in too much money?

Oldman's humiliating tear-filled apology just proved how much they can control you. I assume the Churchill movie was part of his penance too.

>former mormon


"Reasonable" in the face of fascism makes you complicit. Let's be clear. This is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

>liking Trump == being conservative
I'm socially liberal (probably centrist at this point though) but fiscally conservative. Trump is an idiot and his policies aren't conservative at all. they're protectionist in theory, but in reality they're going to hurt the US economy more than help

I wish I went to college so I could shitpost like this

>key opens many doors
>lock opens to many keys
Now fuck off

Men and women are different

>I'm socially liberal (probably centrist at this point though) but fiscally conservative.

>Anna Faris
>ever over a 5/10
You're fucking delusional. He can do so much better than Anna Fucking Faris, the unlikeable cunt whose career peaked in Scary Movie

Laura ingraham does it fine