Why did this scene have such a strong effect on women?

Why did this scene have such a strong effect on women?

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women were a mistake

look at the cuck who wrote this

What does the girl look like?

did he buy also buy her new panties?

I'm not a woman or even gay but I have to admit I was turned on by his sexy scarred body.

She posted about it on twitter and got a lot of attention.

>shirtless Black Panther scene
>literally looks like he has smallpox
Is that what's trending with the female youth of today?

Do you also have the father's tweet? I bet it will get a lot of attention as well.

MBJ seems like a cool guy. I hope he stays as Ryan Coogler's muse and they make black kino together forever.

With all the talk of abuse and inappropriate sexuality in Hollywood, is this article truly a good, tasteful idea? Must there be attention drawn to a teenagers attraction to an adult male?


homosex was the way

The BBC ofcoursh Big Black Chest

not bad, she has potential in the future

it's fake news spread by (((them))), white women don't like black guys, this isn't porn

Of course she's white

>got a lot of attention.

Thus, the motive.

Notice how immediately buzzfeed jumped at her so as to publish an entire article about a teenage girl's sexual reaction to an adult male. Christ almighty how sick.

a middle aged woman moaned very loudly at that scene when I went to watch it


She's mixed actually

so after we had the teacher thing just recently, this is ok though? ehh just wtf

so shes a """"white""""" american

she's white for an american

>this is white in 56% land

I think she said her mom's black, so not just some one drop thing

Oh well that changes everything. Pack it up, shes just another nigger.

>2 24 '18
Who the fuck still uses these 1990s devices?

The whole “just a kid don’t sexualize them” thing is only really used when one sides trying to push a narrative. Deep down no one really cares if a teenager thinks a grown man is sexy, everyone including the cops know there’s no real difference between her at 17 and 18, and it’s not like he tried to fuck her. He’s never even going to meet her and in 10 years she’ll regret mentioning it on Twitter when her kids find out about it.

Social media was mistake. Solipsistic little cunt rag.

Your white females can't resist us black gods KARA BOGA

Also her weirdo lokoking male orphadontist describing her virtue signalling retardation as "thirsty" on social media is cringe and creepy as fuck. What timeline is this. It's just fuckheadedness begetting fuckheadedness.

she's white
black belt in dick sucking, though

Yep literally a whore, why bring up why you broke that shit with the orthodontist unless she wanted him to think about her wet pussy.

if i cared i'd look it up and see if he was really an orthodontist.
we've been hit with so much propaganda that people are becoming like the propaganda and generating their own propaganda. it's real.

Do you think he voted Hillary or Trump?

Can you imagine being so buttflustered that a white girl is attracted to a black male that you deny reality?