Why didn't Hank ever punch this gook's lights out?


Honk not stronk

Hank was a wussy

He isn't a nigger

was he chinese or japanese?


weak like propane fire

khan was a legit asskicker and probably would've schooled hank


Chinese or Japanese?

Punching Khan would just give him satisfaction and tie into Khan's view that he is a genius and Hank is a dumb redneck. Letting Khan repeatedly fuck up and have to beg Hank for help is much worse punishment.

Neither he was Vietnamese


Chinese or Japanese?

What ocean?

Furthermore, why didn't Cotton "I killed fitty men" Hill do it?

Cotton respected Khan because he wasnt a Tojo. Hank never punched Khan because Hank rarely punches people. Only when someone directly endangered the life of his child did he get mad enough to throw a kick at him.

Plus, Khan's asian. He probably knows karate and Hank doesnt want any of that.

I remember their being one episode where Hank said he was gonna kick someone's ass and when the fight went down, he literally spent hit kicking his ass up and down the fucking street.


>He probably knows karate
He beats the fuck out of some people when he becomes a redneck for an episode.

I'll kick your ass


Dude Khan once lost it and earned a living fighting illegaly (and winning).

See? Hank has wisdom

Khan is an anagram for Hank. Yinyang, one cannot exist without the other.

Hank can't fight. He only intimidates people because of his height and weight.

Now the main thing is to worry. What you have is... a disease...

Patently untrue. He kicked Jimmy Witchard's ass.

He wasn’t from Oklahoma so there was no need to assert his texan dominance

Hanks a jew yorker

The retarded guy? Yeah, exactly.

Upon further review the only time Hank ever attempted to get physical with Khan, Khan ran away so Hank sprayed him with a hose.

Mark Wahlberg would have punched this vietnam fucking shit till his eyes would pop out.

Didn't Wahlberg permanently damaged that Asian clerk? Like now he's deaf or blind in one eye?

How badly fucked mentally will Connie be over her name actually being Khan Jr, forever cementing that her parents wanted a boy?

>mfw I realized Khan is Hank backwards

Because Khan was a fucking based immigrant who assimilated properly into American life like most SE Asians. Hank and Mike Judge knew and respected this.

I think that's photoshopped

Underrated post.

>Your head__

>punching out vietnam fucking shuts
>Chinese pay million to watch him
Is MAHK WHALBERRG king of Asia?

only children watch cartoons

get out of here

I think he punched some viet tourist in the eye as a kid

This, Khan being forced to squander his gook honor for help was enough reward

Suck my dick fagala


>I'm la ocean

What the fuck? So was he chinese or japanese?

la ocean sounds french

The Chinese conquered and ruled over the Vietnamese for hundreds of years. They see them as a "little brother" country at best and don't really respect Southeast Asians.

all of asia is just bits of china that are occupied

Except China go its ass kicked post Vietnam war when they tried shit with Vietnam

Hank only beats people up when they have it coming. Kahn is just a sad man, and shitting on Hank makes him feel better

there's some milk in the fridge that's about to go bad

>milk in the fridge

Is this some American thing??

Hank could probably kick the shit out of Kahn if he were fully enraged. But I don't think Kahn ever pushed him to that point.
Even during the anger management episode.

Kahn knows martial arts but we only really see him use it against drunken, retarded rednecks. Hard to say how he'd fair against a determined Hank. Regular, reserved and polite Hank would get his shit pushed in if Kahn decided to have a go at him.

He ain't no Japanese. He's Laotian

He's a good neighbor, fucking pig skin.

>assimilated properly like most SE Asians
>mutants still do shit their way
>still force their values on their kids
>Kahn joined a militia at one point
Fucking jackass.

More like a human thing. You're a streetshitter aren't you?

Khan was a better neighbor than Dale and Bill.

This bit where everyone is being racist about Kahn and Cotton isn't is great.

Because Hank is a good man. He isn't violent just because people bother him. He's the best representation of all of us. Timid, calm, but immovable in his belief and strong when he needs to be.

on rewatching this show khan is one of the funniest characters and minh is best girl/mom by a fucking mile

>minh will never take your virginity

>minh is best girl/mom by a fucking mile
she is slut like the others


Only if you'e the bread winner will she give you her brown pussy.

>khan tries to become a redneck
>even joins a gun club
>wife ends up getting into guns too

I knew asians like this, there's even an infamous one who is like a texasboo.

As an asian, it felt cringy as fuck and was why I ended up hanging out with mexicans and arabs.

you guys never saw the redneck on rainey street?

She admits to having an affair in one episode to Peggy and Nancy

Hank and Kahn are friends, they just like fucking with each other

retard posting kino

>mfw I knew a slutty Laotian girl in high school who would constantly flirt with me
Too bad she was dating some drug dealer otherwise I would have fucked the shit out of her.