Was it the most daring finale ever done in the history of american television?

Was it the most daring finale ever done in the history of american television?

>literally them going "hey BTW wanna be lesbians?" at the final 5 seconds of the finale.

There is no thing daring about that shit, they didn't even have them kissing.

>didn't pay attention to their blossoming romance over two seasons

Get a load of this guy

It was literally unironically implied since season 3


This. Creators were snakes desperate to make their shit show memorable somehow.

What ever the finale would have been from DiMartino and Konietzko, Nickelodeon would have killed it because they completely didn't know what to do with Korra and botched every episode because they were intellectually challenging 12 year olds.

It would’ve been f they had actually shown it on TV and not shoved it online

I watched season 4 again and it was definitely hinted at throughout

I loved the show but without knowing about the ending, it came a bit out of the blue

avatar wan eps were the only good episodes in the whole series

It was such garbage they're scrambling to bring back last airbender. It was shit

Literally none of the other romance combinations worked so lets pair up the 2 characters that hardly spoke with one an other over the first half of the series.

korra was one of the biggest heap of dogshit I've ever seen especially compared to the original avatar series

I want to fuck her shitty attitude out of her until she is more cum than woman, but besides that there was nothing redeeming about it at all, they even shrunk her tits and curves later on

>don't stop- if you don't get this, you're an absolute pleb

Fuck off.

Dexter. And it fell flat on its face.

dinosaurs ending

the r34 was great, im not complaining

That was a very safe finale though. Only bold move was killing Debra. Besides that, it's ready for a reboot whenever they decide it's time. They can even have her back as Ghost Deb in his father's place.

Book 2 earth > book 3 fire > book 1 water >>> korra season 3 >korra season 1 >>>>korra season 4 >>>>>> korra season 2 (excluding the Avatar Wan episodes)