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how does he know this though ? I mean it could have been climate change a plague or a meteor impact that destroyed the human civilization. But back in the 60s audiences were primed with the idea that nuclear war was the most likely way to destroy society.

>it could have been climate change

because only a nuclear holocaust erases 99.99% of traces of civilization

He even suggests this to the religious ape guy. I always thought he was referring to them blowing up the cave with the artifacts in it


LOL you low IQ people dont realize this movie was a play on the fear of white genocide and african overpopulation
They used talking monkeys cause it would've been racist to portray a postapocaliptic african world
Notice how the girl is a blonde

Literally nobody was worried about white populations back then. Nobody thought we would just hand them the united states on a silver platter.


I dare you to find a better ending to a movie, I'll wait.

the numbers were already there

The original movie is kino, but you should really check out its sequels. The second movie is basically Fallout, and the 4 is excellent kino in its own right.

>could have been climate change

>The second movie is basically Fallout,

Really? I never saw any sequels because I figured it was just more monkey business in jail talking to ape-face killas. Might watch now

want to hear a fun quote by Stephen F. Austin, the father of Texas, about his fears of a slave population outnumbering us?

>“Satan entered the sacred garden in the shape of a serpent—if he is allowed to enter Texas in the shape of negros it will share the fate of Eden.”

One of the rare instances where I prefer the sequel over the original but both are great. Feels like it was one long movie but they decided to split it in two. Are the sequels past the second one any good? I've never watched them since they seem far too campy.

The Mist.

Are the ones from the 70s worth watching?

there's always someone that looks beyond and is ignored by the dumb masses

when i was a kid i thought they blew up earth and the statue of liberty floated through space and landed on their planet by coincidence

The only problem is he realized this far too late, the only industry Texas could sustain itself with was the cotton industry and he brought it in in full force.
something something Haiti is a reminder of what happens when nigs revolt.

here's another one:
>The settlers, he acknowledged, remained stubbornly fixated on acquiring “negros to make cotton to buy more negros,” and nothing he said seemed capable of persuading them otherwise. “It is in vain to tell a North American that the white population will be destroyed some fifty or eighty years hence by the negroes, and that his daughters will be violated and Butchered by them,” Austin lamented to a friend. “To say any thing to them as to the justice of slavery, or its demoralizing effects on society, is only to draw down ridicule upon the person who attempts it.”

Austin played with the idea of ending slavery in TX not because he was necessarily opposed to it, but it was the only way Mexico would allow immigrants from America into TX.

we are doing the same with migrants, entire nations replaced just to get cheaper products

Crazy how we never learn.


As long as there's money to be made, they'll do anything to not let you learn.

>it was the only way Mexico would allow immigrants from America into TX.
I dont get this

Yes, i'm talking about Beneath and Conquest.

lel lel lel so based y didn't we listen to the man warning us about the niggers

so sad america is doomed by the niggers

if only we listened to the based man but we didn't

Most Mexican legislators were anti-slavery, as their economy had little dependence on it. The only way to convince said legislators to allow American immigrants with slaves was to either rename the slavery (a sort of peonage, indentured servitude that actually went under the radar for awhile), or emancipate the slaves currently already in TX. Obviously that could never happen, as too many settlers had established themselves in TX with cotton farms already, and emancipation would ruin them.
Some background: In the 1820s Spain had allowed Austin to move families in TX to repopulate TX as it had been constantly ravaged by Indian raids, and was a drain on the treasury to even bother sending troops to protect it, plus the booming cotton industry would bring much needed revenue into Mexico City. Come 1830s, Mexico realizes fuck there's too many Americans, they're undermining our economy by trading with their friends in New Orleans, and they all have slaves, but we disagree with slavery so they tried to ban immigration and one Mexican president (Guerrero) decreed a nationwide emancipation of slaves but backpedaled because of a Tejano (mexican in TX) legislator who told him they would lose TX and the settlers would revolt if that happened.

There's a little more to it, like how often Mexico switched between a federalist (states decide on their own issues) and centralist government and that caused a lot of instability in Mexican states where slavery wasn't an issue, but they had their own reasons to be upset.
calm down brainlet

so based why didn't we kill the niggers

now america is doomed my wife has left me for the nigger

now my children are the nigger

why did this happen why didn't i listen to the based man it is so sad

>when a black nigger walks into Sup Forums and realizes he's not liked by 90% of the world

melting artic ice from global warming would flood coastal ports like NY and cause the statue of liberty to float away.

>so sad america is doomed by the niggers
the whole world more like it
half the world population by 2050

Nothing of value was lost.
Get on with your boring life, dumbass.

>he thinks the day after tomorrow is a documentary

oh no its worst than i thought

first i lose my home by the nigger

now i lose my world by the nigger

next i lose my moon to the nigger

earth is doomed why didn't we kill the nigger

No it doesn't. Bioweapons do.

climate change is as real as my gf

Well yes, the niggers already destroyed NASA with their gibs and now the whole world, we will never colonize other planets cause we will have to fed the niggers, half the world population on gib support and a global of IQ and productivity
Humanity will be forever on this rock until the sun explodes.
As a white man I would've like to have expanded humanity beyond the stars but I guess we should all just jump around a fire singing ooga booga

it's too bad user. it really is.

It already is. Anyone not asian is a nigger of one color or another, scheduled for extermination. In the mean time, you may continue laboring to enrich us.

so how did he make it?

are the james franco movies any good

Gotcha will check them out

I love james


>he's going all in

>Late 60's.
>Caring about looking racist.

They're good but don't bother with escape, it's crap.

Climate change wasn't invented by the Chinese yet. It was a different time.

oh really? bioweapons destroy concrete buildings?

the people inside can still get sick? a bioweapon could target food sources? concrete buildings are the standard of how well people are surviving?

neither can nukes