What happened to her? Genuinely asking...

What happened to her? Genuinely asking. I was a big HP fan growing up and watched all the interviews and special features on the DVDs/Blu-rays.

She always came across as intelligent but never self-righteous. Just a nice girl with some smarts about her.

Did someone(s) diddle her on the HP set? It was only a few years after that she started on this whole feminism tirade.

She got STEIN'd

post pasta post

celebrities aren't real user. They follow orders.

>Did someone(s) diddle her

Can someone explain to me her appeal? I never watched the HP, so maybe she's lost on me, but is it just because she was a schoolgirl in a series that was popular among every 20 something's childhood?

user... easy on the Reddit spacing.

Grow up

Not without her or her parents consent do doubt
>It's sad to see someone become lost over the years
>It's even worse when you see it from the start

what's up with the guy in the background?

What happened to her? Some would say she suffered a Weinstein, but others believe she's suffered from having to endure co-starring in one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the seriesüf only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but itüfs certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books are g-g-good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King

Maybe she went through some heartache. Women tend to go off the rails a bit when they're rejected / neglected by somebody they love. I think I read somewhere that she asked Daniel Radcliffe out and he turned her down.

Her appeal was that everyone who grew up with HP wanted to bang her in the first 3 movies. That's literally it.

That's Jake LaMotta. He was a boxer once

thank you based dullard poster

I always enjoy this but the 'stretched my legs' bit is absolutely untrue. Still love Bloom tho

She fell off because she was in bad movies. You could have just said that.

Have you seen what self-righteous bullshit Hollywood pumps out? She was immersed in that climate since she was a little girl and those experiences certainly isolated her from others; what the hell other kids could relate to her. She drank the Kool-Aid and can’t see past the groupthink and she’s not the only one.

Harry Potter ended.

It's amazing how much Nazi Germany was ahead of its time.

She wasn't the character in the book

she never grew up and have no career outside being an ex child actress

she probably attended university where they branded liberalism into her brain

Not really necessary. She has been in Hollywood since early age.

not her type, he is a 5'4 skinny manlet and all of the guys Watson has been linked with are tall beefy rugby player types

Holy shit it is uncanny. Even the blond girl looking startled behind them. How is this possible?

pretty sure it was that she got voted women of the year one year on some shit tier magazine, then the UN made her an honorary ambassador for womens rights or some shit and she went bat shit feminism crazy

I'd prefer the Clifford image, but the intro was nice.

That haircut is laughably terrible

Actually it's terribly laughable

she's not really a good actor. just pretty.


>in a couple of months her hair will grow and she'll be an 11/10 again
Ditched my gf and I'm doing no fap just so I can save all my cum for that glorious moment


>Ditched my gf
But she left you, zach

Did Paul Foot grow his hair out?

t. 22 year old acne ridden skeleton who's never touched a girl

Nothing is new under the sun.

She was in the highest grossing movie of last year.

Beauty and The Beast, she's making plenty of money and doing just fine faggot no go shill somewhere else

try again bitch

>Poor little white guy #5 auditions

>my boy clifford isnt in the pic
Step up your game dude

cri moar girl
heres my gf

She was always insufferable.

>implying she'll ever let her hair get to that length again

>2 inch dick

>first 3
what? she only started to get 'teen cute' in the gary oldman one

So you offer baubles to a bitch and it makes her compelled to fuck you?

If that is your girl, you have no room to talk about Emma's looks

t. mentally ill half breed

It's almost like (((they))) actually act like that.


She got fucked out in college then got convinced to trade her puss for roles by the usual suspects and all she wound up getting were shit gigs. Now she's depressed and undoubtedly on designer drugs.

Lmao you're fucking ugly dude.

the difference is that watson wanted it

That's you though
We have proof here

The Rise of Victimhood Culture.

It became trendy to see yourself or the group you belong as some kind of oppressed and disadvantaged people when in fact you are living a privileged lifestyle.

It come necessary a time when a privileged individual start feeling guilt and anxiety for all the privilege and opportunities he have, in front of that, he or she have 2 options to reduce the guilt : Either recognize he is a privileged person and try to help people who actually need help (he might become a humanitarian, a philanthropist etc) or deny his privileges and start identifying as a victim and from there he will eventually start repressing his individuality and start identifying more and more with his gender, race or even sexuality. Because no matter who you hare or your level in life, you can always use those 3 things to victimize yourself.


you got this off the net didnt you


Kill yourself.

When autists like you type out these long ass posts going full armchair psychologist, do you ever feel embarrassed reading over what you just posted? Cause I get second hand embarrassment reading it.

probably experienced some fucked up hollywood shit
i actually support the whole 'cleaning up' hollywood and putting people in charge of making sure things like weinstein don't happen. where she loses me is when she starts saying that she also wants to tack on forced diversity quotes for women and minorities in movies. it's unfortunate, i really do feel bad for people who got stein'd

like it or not this is what peak softness looks like

She probably wasn't diddled but she grew up without a social life with kids her age. Then she goes to a really "progressive" college and she latches on to the first ideology she came into contact with. Now she clings to that ideology to feel part of something. She probably has the social skills of an autist. There's a reason Radcliffe was an alcoholic at 20 and why Rupert Grint is a miserable recluse on suicide watch

He's like a version of Mr Bean that talks

>There's a reason Radcliffe was an alcoholic at 20
Radcliffe was an alcoholic earlier than that. He says he can pinpoint scenes in Half-Blood Prince where he was still drunk from the night before. Prince was a 2009 movie that filmed in 2007, when Radcliffe was 18. I feel really sorry for him.


Times up