Plotholes that made a show unwatchable

Why did Elaine think he was Black?

>Leaves his job to go have a beer and puts a stranger in place to take over
>Somehow jerry gets held accountable and not the doorman
My autism actually makes this episode unwatchable, it's so fucking stupid.

He isnt?

nobody knows he left to have a beer

frizzy hair, tan skin.

I could see him passing for half.

he looks more black than shaun king

Blacker than Talcom X

My autism makes your autism untolerable. It's a fucking comedy show it's not meant to be entirely realistic. They have a term called artistic license. You should get an artistic license then drive off a painting of a cliff.

I mean that was pretty much the entire point. He was setting up Jerry.

they know he must not have been there, or else he would've been there to stop jerry

>ywn live in a generation where the sponge is a real thing

All I've ever known are condoms, the pill, IUD and the pull out.

They used to be popular creampie things that girls had to use instead of condoms for guys? What the fuck happened. I guess guys can carry a rubber easier than a girl can carry a sponge.

it was a different time before that's how most white americans look

Pretty sure he says something to the other tenants about leaving Jerry in charge while he went to the bathroom.

I'm not sure, but he looks like he's related to this

he said he was in the restroom or something acceptable

More importantly, why did (((Elaine))) say she was white?

benes, she was spanish

You know the answer. So (((they))) could redefine white.
Benes is short for Benesowitz

she clearly isn't jewish because of the episode where she complains about jewish men liking her

Elaine wasn't Jewish though.

>What the fuck happened
they are extremely unsafe

The word you're looking for is intolerable. This explains why I can only watch a single episode of curb at a time and have to pace around afterwards just because of inhumanly everyone behaves, ya know on account of how artistic i am.

Like you know

was this a plothole?

>elaine is a coalburner
jerry dodged a bullet there

Women often forgot they had one inserted, which you can imagine how fucking gross that is.

Or maybe it's a typo because ui are next to each other.


They say it in the show.

I dont live in the city, so Im not super familiar with doormen, is that what they normally do to go to the bathroom, ask a passerby to cover them? And then the blame for anything that happens during that time goes onto the passerby?

>this is white in OP's world creatura orignalu posteuro....

I've gotten my wife pregnant on the pill AND the IUD. Vasectomy time.

I think that happens often to pornstars while filming (using tampons, though)

he wasn't a passerby, he was a regular visitor to the building

lmao he looks like Anakin

mios dio...

For some reason that plot always bothered me too. It was just Too unbelievable. The doorman's job is to guard the door. He flat out admits he left a random person in charge for a least enough time for a couch to get stolen and isn't held accountable.

Dude I don't think that's possible. The "99% success" thing is because the 1% of the time people don't use it but the company can't prove it so they cover their ass. At least that's what I've always thought.

Is that Cox’s wife from scrubs?


What a pairing. Holy shit

So she was Irish/Italian.

she's married to the guy that made scrubs

I saw a contraceptive sponge at a CVS like a month ago.. I assume they're doused in spermicide

I think also the problem is jerry never really properly addresses this situation for the absurdity of what it is, feels like he normally would and that would be the joke of the episode. Instead they do the bit with elaine and focus how it was a sting which might be referencing something i'm unaware of.

Elaine's Jewishness follows that of Julia Louis-Dreyfus (her actress), she has paternal Jewish ancestry but is neither a practicing Jew nor was her mother Jewish and thus doesn't consider herself Jewish

>I've gotten my wife pregnant
lol sucker

Like George, there are things about them that are "coded jewish", like they're culturally jewish, but the show made them explicit gentiles

I thought Kramer was jewish when I was a kid but dont know why (maybe because of that one movie he was one of 3 jewish brothers in the 50s)

1.) It was something she came around to

A.) It didn't last

>damn, she was a piece in the day

You can't declare yourself to be non-ethnic jew anymore than a white person can claim to be black.

So I slaughtered them like animals

Think its more about them being from Jew York. Everyone there acts like a jew, even the nonjews.

having a jewish father doesn't make you an ethnic jew


I guess that's what they mean by the Dark Side.

also because it's just the point of reference for the creators' bubble.

So Constanza's (italian?) parents act like stereotypical tv jewish parents. Or we laugh at George converting as if from a jewish perspective

I think they're both italian and jewish. Remember Festivus.

it was like his second time in the building, and still i dont think passes any of the real responsiblity onto him

While this is technically true, they still carry the mutant genes.
But for all intent and purpose, Speilberg's children are not Jewish


Your significant other lies to you because they want children more than you do

it was more than that since he mentioned sneaking by or being happy it was a different guy before
also he was elaines responsibility which was the point, or it wouldn't have mattered

i appreciate this


>Elaine’s Dad
Yeah no


Elaine's dad might genuinely be the most 'coded gentile' character in the whole series

Did the executives do some research and find old bald men are bad?

Elaine believes in the 1 drop rule

Stiller is way funnier

The amount of times I've said or done something stupid with a girl and been unable to ninja myself out of it by being a confident liar. Took lots of failure as a young padawan though.

Dang, I've intermittently watched every Seinfeld episode at least a few times over the years and never saw that original Frank Costanza. Apparently because they reshot it for syndicated episodes. I just watched it on YouTube and Jerry Stiller was definitely a vast improvement, same as the real Morty.

to be fair drew is relatively stable, successful, and charismatic in the show. kate is also a loser with three male friends

Elaine doesn't think that at first. Jerry is the one who says "you dating a black guy." It's all his fault.

was this CGI?

Bet that was fun to write sex scenes between his wife and dr cox

Just remember, prime Elaine would beg you to cum inside her. It's the only way she gets off.



Medical statistician here. You were lied to.

looks like they're younger as well. definitely better to have younger actors in a comedy, since it requires energy for a proper delivery

>Elaine goes to maybe black guys apartment
>hear rap music blasting
>thinks she finally figured out he's black
This story would never be done today. There would be tons of shit on twitter about race and cultural appropriation.

>we need younger people only becuz "muh energy"
Has there been a decent comedy in the last 10 year?

>gets george fired from the bra company
>is elaine's friend and dates george

the original plan was for her to get lost in harlem

Benes is short for Benedita

He looks like a mutt. Reminds me of Meadow's black jew boyfriend from Sopranos

Look at that schnozz, pure high yellow house nigger. Though now he's whiter than most americans

Not only are you a literal cuckold raising another man's child, you're a fucking KEK as well. God damn.

jerry's original dad's voice was annoying as fuck. i could go with george's original dad, but stiller is a way better choice.

those old tarzan movies?