How much would you clap if this really happened in Ready Player One?

How much would you clap if this really happened in Ready Player One?
At least the parodies will be funny I guess

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Isn't the whole point of Iron Giant that he goes berserk whenever he sees a gun but is extremely peaceful otherwise?

Yeah that's the point of the joke. Iron Giant is an antiwar film but the Giant is fighting cgi baddies in RP1.

Read the book. The writer has no sense for fucking diction. He writes like a fucking fanfic writer from 2008.

Can't wait to see it on premiere night.

That's a shitty joke desu

Said no one ever

On the plus side though at least the theater shooters will only be charged with vandalism

I hate humanity.

>come on guys it won't be just endless ref-

you don't dress up or larp on premiere nights at the cinema. I remember back in highschool when the first Pirates of the Caribbean came out, me and a dozen mates dressed up as "ninjas of the south pacific". Almost had the cops called on us because we got a bit rowdy back then.

>pure imagination
What a fucking tagline
Makes me want to vomit

reddit player one


Is there a recommended list for flicks to watch before this movie? I am watching at least one film from the 1980s daily. Probably going to watch this today on this #tbt


>pure imagination
But it's literally the opposite of that?

In the book theyre all IRL people with character avatars.

Why did they make Tracer such a big guy?

the only obscure stuff in the story are the atari games trivia.


>Pure Imagination

Did you make this? No way this is real is it?


Who the fuck writes this shit?

That post was a joke.. right

I managed to be at least entertained with the audiobook read by Will Wheaton of all people. At least it didn't have to be descriptive of new things due to it being already established references. Thank god I got most of them. I have wondered for the past few years of what was going to be altered for the eventual movie. Let's hope my popcorn is fresh to say the least.

Some of it was tongue-in-cheek. I admit that. Probably going to give these films in pic related a rewatch as my gf hasn't seen most of them.

It is objectively a terribly written book by a creatively bankrupt child of an author, whether you're braindead enough to enjoy it or not. It would read almost like a parody of itself if the author didn't actually act exactly the way you'd expect the writer of such an atrocious book to act.

>dude 80's lmao

You also have a girlfriend.. that saddens me. On a broader scope than you'd know

Is Spielberg finished?

Its a parody.

I never considered it high art and disposable literature at best, especially with weak twists and shoehorned SJW shit in the second act.

I need to. At my age and low sexual market value, my only dating pool would be more or less single mothers in grocery stores as they push their mocha mistakes around the aisles.

It's been at least a decade he's finished but the fucker doesn't want to stop. He should follow Lucas path.

Post the Schindler's List one

>only skeletons and white girls in that pic
how can fleshies even compete