Has there ever been a bigger franchise killer?

Has there ever been a bigger franchise killer?

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Can't really say how badly it has damaged the brand until episode IX. The Solo movie was doomed from the beginning

Curious to see how badly Solo and IX are received

matrix 2, Terminator 3, the Batman with nipples, the last Star Trek,

But the franchise is still very much alive

>please stop shitting on my movie. thanks

I don't think there's ever been as disheartening a one as TLJ.

No,Go fuck yourself

>implying narnia was a francise

it has never been more than lukewarm YA nonsense

no but these:

come close, tho I seem to remember people where still hyped after Matrix reloaded since it ended on that cliffhanger

She's getting litty

What HAPPENED to Daisy? In the lead up to TFA and thereabouts, she was nice, approachable and down-to-Earth. In the months coming up to The Last Jedi she was a self-righteous arrogant bitch that could only stand to lick her own anus. What the fuck happened? Has there been a more jarring transformation?

Watch TFA I could take it or leave it, but was genuinely interested in seeing where the story was going.

Watching TLJ found out they're going literally nowhere. They have no plan. They're just going to milk the cash cow till it's dead.

> mfw all of Disney couldn't make characters as likeable or as identifiable as the ones from TOS so they decide to tear them down and kill them off in ridiculous ways

I also remember the hype around Matrix 2 but it was all just an empty hope. Matrix 3 was a final redpill on how lucky Wachovskys were with the first one.

TFA was her first hollywood role of course she was gonna be humble about it. After TFA and the multiple movie roles she got she think she's a star and is entitled to be a stuck up arrogant bitch because she's a "movie star". She gonna have a hard time living a boring after IX because she properly ain't getting work after Star Wars

>How 'bout no

>thanks user

>what do you mean? i am still the same person.

This. For all TFA wasn't great, I felt at the time there wasn't enough of a movie there to allow it to stand on its own feet. It felt like an intro and I left the cinema feeling like it might be decent when considered as part of the trilogy. TLJ shat any of that hope up the wall.

Probably coached by Disney executives about what to say.

>When interviews bring up Ma-Rey Sue, go "Muh Misogyny"

>Batman with nipples
and dont forget bat ass!

This, Rian left nothing interesting for ep XI.

>a movie made 1.3 billion dollars, but it's a failure because it hurt the box office for future films!
Because Sup Forums is so good at predicting box office success, right?

>He doesn't know Star Wars died immediately when JJ Abrams put his greasy fingers on it
Rian Johnson raped a dead corpse, that's not murder, only necrophilia.

Hmmm ... maybe.
Alien 3 and Terminator 3 come to mind but TLJ might very well be the new king. It had a severe impact on my SW love. More than the wretched prequels even. I still had hope and love. Now I feel like I barely care about the next one.

Only Sup Forums fags thought Black Panther was going to flop.

Yet another person confusing box office with quality. Pointless to argue anymore.

If you're Daisy, I saw your interviews.

You've become a horrible person. You literally have become like those Yaoi Fanfiction writers that can't take criticism if it isn't positive and have fallen back on a "fandom" that's only leeching on you rather than actually wants to see you churn out a good role. You take selfies and deflect like a vapid Kardashian applicant that was sent the other way to stop Kim's limelight from fading.

You can't take criticism anymore. You're not that same girl who I actually wanted to root for to do well back in 2014 and it's sad because something's changed you to the point that even with all that you are, I can't even tune in to you just because I like you. I don't think I've ever seen an ego balloon like yours and the fact that I was rooting for you to do well once upon a time disgusts me.

>i'm the same girl user. i don't mean to come off arrogant, i'm just promoting my film.

3 of the 5 DCEU films

Didn't it make 800 million dollaridoos less than TFA?

because TFA was the first SW movie since a long time.


You've become a horrible person. You literally have become like those Yuri Fanfiction writers that can't take criticism if it isn't positive and have fallen back on a "fandom" that's only leeching on you rather than actually wants to see you churn out good art. You take selfies and inflation like a vapid CWC applicant that was sent the other way to stop Chris-chans limelight from fading.

You can't take criticism anymore. You're not that same bear who I actually wanted to root for to do well back in 2004 and it's sad because something's changed you to the point that even with all that you are, I can't even tune in to you just because I like you. I don't think I've ever seen an ego balloon like yours and the fact that I was rooting for you to do well once upon a time disgusts me.

this isn't star trek


Calm down user. You are one step away from the restraining order.

>you again? how many times do we have to go over this user?

No. Star Wars had a good run. What's insulting is that the women in charge of it now ignore how Leia was a strong character all through the originals, but that doesn't fit their victimhood mentality.

Dude, you don't see someone balloon to an ego THIS fucking huge from that girl next door who you think is a good fit as a farmgirl. Rey was a Mary Sue from the start, but Daisy was very nice and down-to-Earth in the lead-up. You actually think once in a while that you're happy someone decent gets to be an icon instead of an insufferable twat and it turns out that she's a worse muncher than the rest of the fucks.

I hope Boyega and Isaacs are still fucking sane.

>I've become a Pasta
Ah shit.

It's ironic, he could see in the narcism in other, but not himself.

Star Wars episode 9 is the only Star Wars film I'm not looking forward to at all. I'll watch it ironically, but that's about it. J.J. is going to double down on everything that's wrecking SW. Oh well, we still have 3 wonderful movies to watch and enjoy, if you can find copies.


>if you're Daisy

Studios don't care about quality, they care about profit.

Sometimes we get lucky and a movie is both great and does well but most of the time we get a movie that's bad but does well or vice versa.

That's reality.

Art of Star Wars: The Force Awakens
(the link is always good)

The Last Jedi Novelization

Hollywood does major blockbusters so they can afford to do there propaganda pieces.



there was no Captain America cameo though

And audiences rarely care about said films because they don't even know half of them exist until the Oscars are announced.

It's a strange world.

Yes, this.

It doesn't matter too much that the plot was a rehash- there are only so many plots, everyone knows the death star, it was a reasonable way to soft-reboot the franchise. I liked a lot of the character interactions (Rey and Finn on the Falcon, Finn and Poe during their escape, etc), plot threads were set up, and I was excited to see how they would be followed up on.

Then, TLJ shows up, shows disinterest or disrespect towards everyone and everything who isn't Rey, Holdo and Rose, and I give up on the trilogy.

Attack of the Clones.
Star Wars is Unkillable.

>(Rey and Finn on the Falcon, Finn and Poe during their escape, etc)

nigger are you braindead ? every Rey and Falcon scene was utterly garbage and Finn was a meaningless character after the desert planet.

>Being disgusted with someone turning from a down-to-Earth, likable fellow is narcissistic
Mate, if people didn't have opinions on attitude, we'd all have no morals to begin with, would we? Or is this another "A person has the right to be an arrogant jerkwad and you have to like them for it" tirade. Don't keep me waiting, mate.

This was the previous title holder.

However the irony that all capeshit has ultimately become this anyway, is mind blowing.

attack of the clones was a bad film but at least it didnt destroy every single remotely interesting storyline for rots. tlj not only was horrible, it also didnt move the plot forward at all and there is no reason at all to be interested in IX

First I'm not your mate, friend.

You're acting like you have mind reading powers that are so strong that you can read the mind and heart of Daisy Ridley via your computer monitor through your ethernet cable from half way around the world.

Is it possible to learn this power?

This. At least when you're in the fifth grade like I was you could enjoy seeing Yoda jump around all CGIed.

>No reason at all.

Morbid curiosity is a reason.

It reminds me of this
Killed the franchise for 30 years

Idiots ITT think TLJ killed star wars???

>mfw Episode IX will make more then TLJ
Why is Sup Forums always wrong?

>Disney executive's:"now remember anyone that has criticism against your character or the movies is either a Russian hacker or a misogynist you're the greatest star wars character to ever live and if they don't acknowledge you that way they hate women especially strong intelligent ones like yourself"

I 100% think it went something like that.

That movie is a masterpiece compared to TLJ, which doesn't deserve to be spelled out.

Dont tell them, it'll be even more hilarious when it happens

You don't get it: Star Wars was cooler than cool before it got jacked up by the prequels and now this travesty. Now it's just stylish and hip, not the same. Back in the late seventies and early eighties, Star Wars was everywhere and everyone loved it. Everyone.

>you now remember those vanity fair photos where they attempted to sexy her up with airbrush, Photoshop, and cgi

They need to realize she isn't attractive and never will be. I dont know if its just me but watching TFA she always gave off the impression shed smell funny

I pray to god that time travel rumor is true. Even the normies will see through that shit.

Your entire comment is filled with immeasurable subjectives, that could easily be dismissed as stemming from bias. In the objective world star wars is doing fine.

>Back in the late seventies and early eighties, Star Wars was everywhere and everyone loved it. Everyone.
Firstly thats just not correct, plenty of people never even watched star wars. Also in today's diversified and modern culture there is literally nothing universally liked by people. If that's the standard you want to hold Star Wars up to then you'll always be disappointed. The introduction of the internet has allowed people with contrarian opinions to be more easily heard.

I'd honestly prefer that to the "hurr durr the people rize up against the evil republican-uhhh first order" shit they have in store for us. At least we've never seen time travel before.

oyy, she's cute as can be

>time travel
yeah they will bring back luke, fuck off brainlets

her looks arent a problem at all, she isnt ugly enough to kill a franchise and not everyone can be sharon stone in the early 90´s hot. her lack oftalent and the shitty character she portrays are way bigger problems.

Yeah, it's doing fine in that it's making insane amounts of money, but what you fail to realize it that Star Wars was something else entirely back then. You really had to be there to have a clue as to what I mean. Now it's just another option that's there and it's tailored to what you want.

>plenty haven't seen Star Wars

I dare you to find 3 in public in the same place. Back in the days, it was nearly law that you saw it. It even ran non-stop for years and that's provable. These new films aren't worth shit as to rocking culture.

It's not a rumour. That happened in Rebels (the animated series), and alternate realities, in the last episodes.

it was one scene and cant be happen again, it was a closed story element.

Every time there was a fucking mention of Rey being anything short of perfect, she went on fall-back mode and threw it back in the face of people who had something even REMOTELY negative. Compare and contrast Del Toro when people fired shots at him over Crimson Peak or Rinko Kikuchi between Babel and Pacific Rim. Hell, Tom Hiddleston's still a remotely down to Earth person whose reply to his portrayal of Loki by Thor 2 was "Can't please anyone, but I'll try to do better". I don't know about you, but I have a healthier respect and understanding for people who roll with the punches compared to those who shoot back attitude as their go-fucking-to.

It's called Listening. You clearly failed it in Grade 3 and made up for it in Speech.

star wars survived the prequels, disney will keep churning out these shit movies until everyone gets franchise fatigue

she really is an abysmal actress and won't be able to ride nuwars much longer. recently saw her in the new murder on the orient express and she was absolute shit.


It happened again in the finale. Palpatine had a door that shows alternate realities.

I guess that's the reason why the majority of the rebel fans hated the final episode

Has it ever occurred to you that in the 1970s when there was no internet, with no youtube that has billions of videos, and no Netflix, and no torrent sites where you can download any movie you want free. That a single movie franchise had the ability to have much more of a cultural impact. Star wars was never and will never be what it was back then. Nothing will. Also your views are extremely subjective and narrow. If you go outside the US many many people have never seen star wars.

Yes, there are bigger problems, but the fact like she looks like a tomboy is one too. Kathleen Kennedy hates men, but she hates women even more, that's why there is no female character that is actually feminine in this joke of a film. The only one that is allowed to be feminine is literally the prototype of a crazy lesbian feminazi hellbent on chastisizing any male character that had the bad luck of being under her orders

One of the rumors was shed end up traveling to different times and putting together her own army of former star wars heroes like Yoda and obi wan. And another rumor said shed go back in time to fight and defeat Darth Vader. I could see either rumor happening. Star wars is such a joke now.

Yes, if you go to an African shithole I'm sure you can find many that are unaware of the mega movies. Your point is well taken, though and I agree, but my view is by most accounts, not subjective, SW was so cool you cannot believe it.

But after the prequels, people knew that the original trilogy comes after. They never killed the "optimistic feeling" of the movies.

Now we are moving forward. Everything they fuck up now, will be fucked up forever. Now we feel that everything that happened in the original triloggy was pointless.

You can say that Vader was a slave childs that destroyed, but he will be Luke's dad and you can't change that.

Really? I think most of the fans liked the finale.

lol, that wasn't a rumour. Someone worte it here as a joke.

Be wary of your emotions... fear leads to anger.. and so on.

Jon Favreau is doing a star wars tv series. Thoughts?

SW is getting double-Jewed. Look for SW to copy everything and to shove leftist politics up the kind viewers asses.

Thinly veiled anti-reylo thread. You just dont want to accept that Reylo is canon now.

"Oh, UHHHHH it is soooo HOT that AAHHHHHH!!! You murdered your own father and I saw that like 36 hours ago---AHHHhH!"

robocop 3

I've never even seen it. Almost watched it on Netflix, but opted for repeated viewings of Star Trek original, sort of. They added special edition stuff.

Girls love the Bad Boy Cock

I hate shitty strawmen like this
Sometimes Sup Forums is right but you are ignoring that to just focus on a tim """/tv"""" was wrong

Its was actually the oppoaite.

Rey didn't do shit in TFA while Finn was almost solely responsible for blowing up Starkiller base

dude, hold my beer...

If AOTC didn't kill it nothing will. Y'all faggots overreacting.

let it all burn
let everyone know how women and forced fucking diversity killer the star wars

We won't accept Disney Wars as canon. In 10 to 20 years it will be retconned anyway.

>In 10 to 20 years it will be retconned anyway.

If you think Disney won't remake all of Star Wars one day, you've got a lot to learn.