Are you ready for cartoon Kino? Can't wait for Jim "I don't exist" Carrey to get BTFO

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What's kino about it?


>another cgi shitflick banking off an old IP


OP here, forgot link

Why do you want to watch this?

Standard Illumination trash.

None of the charm and humor of the classic.

Good character designs though.

Its just a rehash of the first despicable me movie

I fucking hate that face

Nailed it

I'm sure it will be as good as the Minions :)

I can't imagine even children finding enjoyment in this.

Maybe it's because I had it running at 240p but those inflatables at the end look hyper realistic. Thats all I got from this.



I saw something about cumberdatch being the grinch eariler last year on wikipedia and thought it was a subtle troll.

>trailer starts with a pop song joke
Oh god, that Mario movie is gonna be fucking terrible.

I think it looks kinda funny, but that Happy gag made me want to kill myself.

It’s better than Minions, at least.


>Happy starts playing

fuck off. Illumination is literally straight to dvd tier. Only thing they have going for them is their budget, animation, and licenced pop songs.

Same ole' Illumination shit. They really don't try do they.

Nope. How bad will that Mario movie be? I'm predicting 24k Magic to play in the opening credits, and at least one Minion cameo.

>Happy starts to play

Stopped right there. I would have stopped at that annoying Illumination opening, but I wanted to at least give a chance. Also why did we see the Grinch first with some stupid Official Grinch trailer scene and then the trailer builds up the reveal of the Grinch even though we already saw him?

>grinch movie
>shoved "we are the minion guys" in the first 5 seconds

Because they’re gonna put this as an ad in front of other videos on youtube and they need the gist of the whole trailer in 5 seconds in order to force you to watch a little of it before you skip the ad.

Late Stage Capitalism at it’s finest.

guarantee kids will be crying asking where the minions are for this flick

>Illumination studios

I miss him so much

>Dreamworks face

Why would anyone spend money to see this? Literally buy the original on VHS at your local goodwill for a dollar, you and your kids will probably enjoy it more

b-but this version has your favorite pop songs from fucking 5 years ago in it!

>annoying Minions
>Happy starts playing

>this studio

>because I'm happy!

Sup Forums tries too hard.

He wasn't even a real doctor

>a fucking Minion is ghe studio's Luxo
>half a second in, modern pop song starts playing in the movie itself
I'm out

Can't wait to see how hot they make Cindy Lou Who.

>literally removing the words Christmas from the movie and title

Stop proving the Fox News assholes right, Hollywood.

Fox News are assholes for many things, that isn't one of them

why are european fairy tales so much superior to this american garbage

This looks fun,and well made. Good animation, good designs loyal to the originals and seems like it will have a good score instead of shitty regeaton or whatever like in other similar adaptations, but reddit soyboys will go for the usual memes of "muh cgi" and "muh reboots"

Don't you mean judeo-christian fairy tales?


>modern pop song
What time frame should The Grinch take place in, according to you?

I hope there’s Minions in it

I didn't hate the use of "Happy", since it's the Grinch and that would logically piss him off

Trailer wasn't awful, but there's no way in he'll I'm watching an Illumination movie in theaters.


You must be made of soy

>no way in he'll
dumb soyphone poster

Fuck, this looks awful.

>happy holidays

Don't tell me.
Did the fuckers who made sing, and those Minions made this movie?
I am not even gonna click on the link, I'm just looking at OP's image and I can tell it's that style.

But we already got the best version.

It's gonna be shit

It's always shit.

I actually thought it was from the guys who made the lorax and horton hears a who, I liked horton a lot and the soundtrack was kino

>wanna pay to see a worse version of the thing that's been free on tv for 100 years

Shh, don't spoil it

Fuck off.




>how the grinch stole the holidays

>mfw the actual trailer won't be near this good

*character farts*
*plays pop song*
*character falls down*

>How the Grinch stole the Holidays
I hate them so much.

Bumbleshack Crumplehorn

Who the fuck uses Reggaeton

Jim Carrey Grinch is pure kino. I remember seeing it in theatres as a kid.

Please post the Dean Ambrose one

Daily reminder that Dr Seuss was a commie adulterer

Pilotredsun is YouTube kino

>seems like it will have a good score
>literally has fucking trash pop music 20 seconds into trailer

>How bad will that Mario movie be?
Very but it doesn't matter Tendies will gush about it just because it's Nintendo related.

rather watch this shit. at least its 2d

Sing wasn't even that bad though.

Get ready for Mario fart jokes, pop culture references, a Trump reference, more fart jokes, silly Bowser's kids acting wacky, strong princess peach saving the day, and some hit songs.

It looks so bland and uninspired. Say what you will about the live action version, but it had way more personality than anything I'm seeing in this trailer.

it also had character and really great sets. Worst parts were the live action cartoon stuff


I shall watch this while eating these bad boys.

You're a mean one.

>those digits



Talk as much shit about Illumination as you want, but Sing was great.

What time frame should Lord Of The Rings?
Its own. It should be a world within itself, not based on any real world setting. It shouldn't have American pop songs or any traces of modern culture. The only thing connecting it to the real world would be the idea of Christmas.

>illuminatiiiiooon ,hahahaha
Aaaand fucking dropped. The kids won't be watching this, not after Sing promoted fucking those fake reality tv talent shows to children

>aww my fire balls!
Fuck it's so accurate. Fucking millennial hack writers.

Alright buddy, you have two options here: You can be a saint, or you can be a grinch. Those are your two choices; choose wisely. So what's it gonna be, huh? Huh? A saint, or a grinch?

Is this a joke
Why isn't the Grinch disgusting
Why aren't people disgusted BY him?
Are they going to push a "skin color doesn't matter" narrative throughout the film?

What the fuck is wrong with these people, Why would a town that all celebrate christmas say "happy holidays"

>original cartoon is a timeless classic and great special that's a perfect movie of the book
>needless live-action movie comes out 40 years later but it ends up being modern Christmas kino because it totally reinvented the story and delivered feels + the classic story, it's sort of lame overall though
>this is just a CG version of the Grinch... with pop culture references? And not even 20 years after the last version was made

>le epic meme man ;_;
You've literally never once thought about this faggot until you saw the headline at the top of the page.

You know how theres a "Dreamworks face" I think "Illumination face" is now a thing

it wasnt, you fucking faggot

>Why isn't the Grinch disgusting
He spat a pickle back into the jar after chewing on it for a bit. If that's not disgusting to you, you're retarded. In fact you're already retarded and should go back to Sup Forums.

>they made a pickle rick reference of all things

Now I know this film is gonna suck.

Still waiting for that Dean Ambrose baby Grinch meme...