I never understood how the bugs were sending asteroids across the Galaxy

I never understood how the bugs were sending asteroids across the Galaxy.

they were bugs

y'know bugs, spiders, worms and such

and what does worms dig? that's right, worm holes

They saw TLJ and took the idea from there.

Like any directers ever cared for astronomy.
There is also the scene where the Roger Young ship collides with an asteroid, you would think they travel at incredible high speed but they hit the asteroid like the Titanic hit the iceberg.
So no, the war against the bugs was real and not some kind of federation conspiracy. Only a good bug is a dead bug, would you like to know more?

They weren't

Buenos Aires was an inside job.

They never did. It was a staged terrorism act done by the secret services.

and how did they make six million jews disappear into an oven



They weren't, the government used the opportunity to drum up more support for military actions, having an entire society based around military with no enemies isn't the best idea.

I never understood why the bugs weren't using any technology in the movie when in the book they used guns and spaceships. That part when they're said to use volcanos to travel interstellar distances, Fucking idiotic.

verhoeven is a brainlet, that's why


Amerimutts with their 9/11 guilt trip memes again. Nothing in the movie or the original novel even slightly suggests this.


Imagine being so retarded that Starship Troopers flies over your head

to get the point across that they aren't a threat to humanity as such but humanity made them an enemy on purpose. if they had guns and high technology the viewers would be more inclined to consider them dangerous as opposed to them being more animal like.

I think that's intentional by Verhoeven. He expects you to piece together that it is physically impossible for a planet filled with bugs to somehow launch asteroids at a planet they've never heard of or visited, for no reason.

You're telling me. He would make a good film critic though - complete lack of critical thinking.

They weren't.

Point me to where in the movie or the original novel it is even slightly, offhandedly or in passing suggested that you're supposed to take the war other than face value.

>Bugs can literally shoot spaceships out of orbit with plasma
>N-no, see, the war is inside jon me smart decoded satire movie about militarism

you think you're smart and found some hidden layer, but in actuality you're an autistic regurtitating memes you don't even understand

Sigh ... does anyone want to explain to the idiot or do I have to do it again? I did it last time, though.

Why mad?

They weren't, bug literally dindu nothing.

I can explain it to him

Turn off your brain bro it's just a movie

Great argument

the absolute STATE of Sup Forums

Still no arguments?


Calm down, we're all friends here.

what makes you think there wasn't a colony closer to earth?

I never understood why people thought that planet was the home of the entire alien species, looked like just a random bug outpost to me, that originally belonged to humans.


why use arguments when youre this dumb?

Voerhoven is a hack

Voerhoven is back??!!

i think it was just a random asteroid that hit earth and they used it for propaganda.

with the coinicidence it hit a city it was probably on purpose


In the book the bugs were intelligent and had technology that rivalled that of earth's. In Verhooven's failed attempt at satire he implies that the bugs didn't use it and it was an excuse to start a war but also casually leaves in things like the bugs being able to shoot down starships.

Not to mention the earth defence project ring around the moon that magically missed detecting the asteroid heading for earth.

It's just to show that the (((government))) is obviously waging a bullshit war since they've run out of targets
Propaganda practically everywhere. The part where they show how easy it is to kill a bug in a demo (few gun sprays) vs. how hard it is in reality should clue you in

You don't need to understand. The only good bug is a dead bug

>I am a fucking idiot

fixed that for you. You should go back to the sneed/chuck threads where your intellect is more welcome.

>Sneed's Troopers

Cool argument broski

>Verhoeven creates a perfect society but because the officers wear uniforms that resemble that of Waffen SS and because he claims it's satire must be satire
>b-b-but Buenos Aires was an inside job

Mad antifa cucks should be kept on suicide watch 24/7. Literally nothing suggests it was an inside job. Verhoeven is just a hack who didn't bother explaining.

They didn't.
The Federation wanted to colonize Klendathu, but they needed a reason to send millions of soldiers to their deaths, so they blamed the destruction of Buenos Ares on them.

Buenos Ares was an inside job. It's obvious "they" just launched some asteroid from the asteroid belt at Earth. Count the asteroids if you doubt me.

>Literally nothing suggests it was an inside job.

Brainlets actually believe this.

>kept on suicide watch
i say let them follow their dreams


But the demo wasn't lying, it just left out the part where bugs tend to attack in large numbers, so killing one bug easily means nothing when 4 more take its place. Doesn't mean the information in that demo reel isn't valuable; now citizens know where to shoot. Would you like to know more?


the absolute brainletness

>colonizing other planets for the betterment and assurance of continuity of your species
>pointless wars

Top yourself.

What suggests it was an inside job? Other than the fact that it barely makes sense but none of the space shit in the film makes sense. We know the bugs are an extremely intelligent species through their network of brain bugs. They have the capabilities to colonize other systems and capable of warfare in space.

It certainly wasn't an inside job in the novel. If Verhoeven had the idea of it being an inside job he did a very poor job at alluding to it.

its extremely common and not limited to america

>look at this pathetic faggot
Back to capeshit, fatty.

The Roger Young was on a sub-optimal course so it would avoid the asteroid heading towards earth. Carmen corrects the course and goes straight into it, and if the communications array hadn't been crushed they would have blown the whole operation. The Roger Young had no reason to be traveling sub-obtimally if not for a cover up, it's fucking space. Earth also had bombardment tech that could have re-directed the asteroid, Earth's primary heavy ordnance were nukes and those are what you need to knock asteroids around.

Additionally, the asteroid would have taken hundreds of years to arrive at that point and the plasma bugs could not calculate a perfect strike from that distance anyway, even with Brain Bugs behind the scenes. Earth was also mounted a propaganda campaign before the asteroid, and allowed some dumb fuck Mormons to colonize a hostile planet in order to ramp up public sentiment before the rock sealed the deal.

Buenos Ares was an inside job.

I agree with you. Most autists on this board just regurgitate the prevailing theory that the asteroid attack was an inside job. Even though nothing but pure circumstantial evidence from the movie/novel supports that theory. As far as we know, the bugs could have the ability to unleash long distance attacks; they clearly can sense ships in their orbit and target them, so who's to say what other abilities they're hiding.

But the autists don't like discussing anything but the prevailing "you'd have to be a moron not to guess" theory because it makes them feel smart, as if those "conservative right wing Trump voting" people wouldn't ever be able to think up a theory like that. Nope, they are truely smarter than your average user. It makes them feel better about their otherwise shit life.

So yes, the atutists that replied to your post are definitely a cancer. But that aside, the attack was most definitely an inside job.

>It certainly wasn't an inside job in the novel
Stop using the book that has literally 0 connection to the movie besides the name as evidence

>colonizing a bumfuck nowhere desert planet
>have to turn citizens into clueless sheeps along the way
>end up dying by the fuckload
Good goy!

Yeah well they somehow got to mars in one too

They were as intelligent as humans but just happened to be bugs.

>What suggests it was an inside job?


The novel is a totally separate work from the movie. Verhoevan deconstructed the novel intentionally, his politics and satirical humour are polar opposites to Heinlein's.

>>colonizing other planets for the betterment and assurance of continuity of your species
Watch the fucking movie you fucking mouth breather.

What is it like, living without subtext?

>hundreds of years

Across the whole galaxy? Try millions

t. military industrial (((complex)))

So they have the technology to get to mars but not to send an asteroid to buenos aires

Inside job fags btfo


Do people like you even realize how stupid and childish you sound? You act as if it is some great accomplishment to realize that the bug attack may very well have been an inside job, and that the society depicted in the story is just some ironic allegory for facist/militaristic states.

It is no surpirse that anons counter this shit with, dishonest or honest, theories just to get under your thin skin.

Literally this

“Bugs shot the asteroid” fags btfo

Fucking great movie this is.
No really, what went wrong with the rest in the franchise? Took the whole military thing too straight and became a bunch of forgettable action flicks

Starship troopers is condemning the society it depicts, anyone who can't see that is autistic or dumb and there is nothing Sup Forums likes better than pointing out people who are autistic or dumb.

He wouldn't know, blissful ignorance and all that. That's like asking a dog, "What's it like, not understanding how doors work?".

>and the plasma bugs could not calculate a perfect strike from that distance anyway, even with Brain Bugs behind the scenes
Are you an expert on bugs? Who's to say what they can and can't do.

Was the ring or planetary defenses ever bragged about? I only remember it just being there, and a short scene where they shot down an asteroid, that's it.

Some of the sequels kept the spirit of the original with great propoganda clips, but all this anime shit is just some foreign studio cashing in on the brand.

Verhoeven is a genuine artist, for better or worse, but that doesn't apply to the hacks that picked up the reigns.

I accept that it can be read as an inside job, but in the movies it was definitely an asteroid or something similar. Rico is on future facetime with his parent and Something blocks out the light as if a huge object was in the sky just before the line dies.

It's literally a perfect society. One criticism would be appreciated. There is none.

>muh human waves


One of the propaganda vids at the start of the movie literally bragged about it

Are you legitimately autistic

>mindless bugs sent an asteroid across the galaxy that somehow was able to pass unnoticed through earth's anti asteroid defense system

Is it? I can see it poking fun at them, but condeming? How is it doing that? Unless of course you are referring the book and it is drastically different than the movie, but this is Sup Forums so not I'm not sure why you'd do that...unless of course you are one of the autitic idiots you speak of.

Besides all that, can you not see how you getting so easily triggered by anons not agreeing with such obvious theories is just as autistic/dumb? Why even respond to them? Just go jerk off your other inside job buddies.

They're brainwashed like Appletards for their dumb/incompetent/cowardly leaders.

They eventually got their shit pushed in by WW2 style swarm tactics. If the hive mind was that omniscient there's no way such a bloated and disorganized military could have done so well.

Also, it might be mathematically impossible to send an asteroid that far without gravity wells fucking it up, and they would have had to send it millions of years ago, when they probably weren't as developed.

Yeah but that's hardly consistent is it, a bug near the start of the attack takes hundreds of bullets to take down, by the end a single bullet from a 9mm handgun is capping them.

How can you watch scenes where they hand kids assault rifles and make them kill cockroaches and not realize it's a satire?

>Verhoevan deconstructed the novel intentionally

Hard to deconstruct what he never finished reading.

Because I watch anime where such things are played completely straight and I'm okay with it.

I've read the whole thing, there's no surprises. Verhoevan was lazy but the book is the same jingoistic lecture throughout, you get the picture in the first two chapters then it just hits you on the head with it over and over.

Brainwashed how? They believe in the idea of civil service. Rico is LITERALLY told by his mentor to make up his own mind and choose his own path. Civilians have the exact same rights as citizens beside the right to vote. Rico by no means had to go to fight, nor anyone else. They do it because they believe in it.

>Verhoevan deconstructed the novel intentionally
>deconstructing a novel you know nothing about

The absolute STATE of Sup Forums

That's fine if you enjoy it, but that's not Verhoeven. He dressed the psychic officers in SS uniforms for fucks sake.


>mathematically impossible to send an asteroid that far
Well, ya, this is fiction. I mean, how the hell would even humans send an asteroid from anywhere on a direct path for one of Earth's cities? It's all just nonsense. Might as well pretend the bugs could have some crazy bug that lives in space, eats asteroids, and shits them out somewhere esle in space.

Also, getting their shit pushed in isn't too far fetched, even with their brain bug power. It is clear that they only have tech that is natural to their bug biology, and don't make tools like humans. So anything they can do is very limited to their biology. Not surprising that wouldn't be very flexible and would get btfo by swarm tactics.

The novel is garbage and you get the picture within the first two chapters.

Quit the hyperbole fuckstick, there's massive swathes of the book in the movie you dumb shit.

>He dressed the psychic officers in SS uniforms for fucks sake.
If I were in his position, I would do the same. Every time I see the movie I giggle just how perfectly fanservice it is. Then I realize Riko had a great character arc at the end of the film and applaud how sympathetic the characters ended up being.

>novels women will never understand

What's it like being a subhuman who can only parrot other people's ideas.

The characters are great, but it's important to realize they are all fucked. Rico has come to terms with the fact that he's only living so that he can die usefully, Carmen lost her partner and Carl is a space Nazi.

Satire? Yes. But condemning? I was taking issue with your choice of words. I said I could see how it is poking fun, which that scene most definitely is doing. I wouldn't call it "condemning" by any stretch of the imagination though. Yes, such militaristic states would have to keep their citizens in love with the ideologies of miltaristic states, big surprise, but is that a bad thing? Civilization still goes on. Humans are killing bugs, but not other humans. Is this not a utopia of sorts? We can't even manage this now with our current flawed "democratic" systems.

Don't be salty, he's right.