Quick rundown on this guy. Is he another Rian Johnson or the long awaited savior that creates Star Kino

Quick rundown on this guy. Is he another Rian Johnson or the long awaited savior that creates Star Kino.

Wait Favreau is working with Disney again? Did he learn nothing?


another fat jew

>Fall out with Disney
>Make movie about Disney being greedy kikes with no appreciation for art
>Go crawling back to Disney as soon as you need a paycheck

He could be the saviour but Disney will just fuck it up for him again like they did with Iron Man 2.

You dont get it right.
You want some intelligent Star WArs you get the last jedi. Rian johnson is good its only that Star wars is a fukcing soap opera with corny characters thats it. there is no deepness.

Go to bed Rian

>last jedi

3/10 for making me reply

>another straight white male
Ummmm no sweetie

Disney already confirmed him.

Chef is seriously one of the greatest of all time.

Hope he does well. I just can't respect him as a person due to how far up his own ass he was on Marc Maron's podcast.

Heres hoping we get a series about Rey.

star wars fans are redditors

Oh no! The kid who got here after 2010 is calling everyone redditors! My feelings!

>Nu-stars wars characters use a food-truck with hyperdrive to spread the rebellion
I'd watch it


Wasn't Chef successful though? I thought it was good.

I never said it wasn't good, I loved it.
But the whole movie was a thinly-veiled jab at Disney with the implication being that he was gonna start making passion projects. Now 4 years later he's done nothing but more Disney crap.

It made $46 mil on a $11 mil budget. But I guess the mouse's offer was too good to refuse. Now he's stuck with this shit. I actually thought he should have directed TFA instead of that hack Abrams.