Cigarettes in movies

>Smokes literally millions of cigs
How do the actors keep their lungs from giving out?

>He actually thinks smoking is unhealthy


They're fakes

theyre not real cigs, and they don't really inhale

they aren't smoking real cigs dipshit

Where can I get the fake ones? I wanna look like Jax

From your local dealer

The blacks stole em from the mexicans last I heard

Are you aware of how weak the drag in your pic is compared to the chain-smokers at and around actual bars?

Just look up Hollywood cigarettes, you dolt.
Fair warning, they taste like ass.

Are you aware of how weak the chain-smokers are at and around actual bars?

Soy-free diet



we cant deal with a feud between black and brown right now, the clubs a wreck and the only option we have is to get out of guns

>they taste like ass

>fake smoking to look cool

a man can take 3 dicks up his ass and still be less of a fag than this

do it for real or dont do it at all, faggot

imagine the scene when a girl asks for a smoke from you and you have to explain "t-t-this are prop cigarettes heee"


this, the peaky blinders actors must have lung cancer by now

Well yeah, because they're sucking on the things like it's their mothers tit and blowing up fog before sounding like a dying animal.


They use a mix of lemon grass and sage, safe but looks like tobacco burning.

>True Detective
>Twin Peaks

what are some other smoking kinos??

Then make a deal with red to supply more guns to brown. Just make sure black doesn't find out or they'll lose their shit and we'll have brown and yellow up our asses

homicide: life on the street

smoking as much as 5 cigarettes a year would kill you in less than a week.

This is not too different than characters in sin city movies getting shot 10 times and falling from a building multiple times and never dying

What did he mean by this

>inhaling smoke
you retard. There's no tar or rat poison or miscellaneous chemicals, and they're not addictive, but sucking down any kind of smoke is going to shit on your lungs.

they hold the smoke in their mouths probably

I did background work for Downsizng (yikes)

I was smoking in my scene, they kept giving me herbal cigarettes each take. I smelled awful afterwards.


patrician taste, user