I just watched this. What the FUCK was the ending about? Why were they all back to being friends?

I just watched this. What the FUCK was the ending about? Why were they all back to being friends?

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Quiet kino

The spy stuff in the news has made me want some modern spy kino. What do you recommend?

More like boring

It's not boring at all

>Why were they all back to being friends?
>spy business

I guess you didn't get the point of the movie. Also the reason he worked for Karla was that he believed the US was fucking everyone with their propaganda and making Europe and especially Britain their bitch, the only way to fight that was to help the other side, namely Karla, keep the status quo with counter-intelligence.

He was a british patriot, while others, as seen at the end of the movie, were nothing mere than american waterboys believing to work for the queen and the country.

In that time there was still a feeling of british dignity, today saying anything positive about russia and negative about the USA in the mainstream discourse would make you the enemy of the state and you would be publicly marginalised and branded a right-wing nazi.

t. Vatnik


in ukraine and russia you would be called a vatnik, by the americanophile part of the youth.

Wait, what?

Are there any other good realistic spy films?


someone finally got the movie, probably read the book.


>today saying anything positive about russia and negative about the USA in the mainstream discourse would make you the enemy of the state

in america sure, we have hitler-styled media here considering anything positively or even just neutral remote towards russia.

The UK and Russia are enemies.

user is saying that USA and Russia are enemies, UK is just a 51th state.

Not true. UK and Russia have just as much, if not more, of a reason to be enemies.

If that's in the book, its not in the movie. Its a completely asinine interpretation of the film.

Absolute kino, perfect atmosphere, acting, music, cinematography, everything. Gets better every time I see it

Check out the other le Carré stuff. Especially the BBC shows. Tinker Tailor with Alec Guinness is about as good as TV gets.

The Jack Ryan films (except Shadow Recruit) are all good on varying levels. But especially the Hunt for Red October is highly enjoyable.

And if you like anime, Jin-Roh is properly good and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.

>UK and Russia have just as much, if not more, of a reason to be enemies.

What kind of reasons could we have to be enemies with russia?

The series is still better

Everyone should watch this absolute KINO

The Spy Who Came In From the Cold, top-tier spy film w/ Richard Burton as an operative sent into East Germany by Smiley

Good recommendation

I tried to watch this. Gave up after 20 minutes. Bored out of my mind.

>Hey, who's acting all moley and shit?


>I tried to watch this. Gave up after 20 minutes. Bored out of my mind.

no captain america that's true

Is anyone else following the poisoning? It's like something from a le carre novel.

Awww I didn't like your boring movie. Stay mad

Check out The Good Shephard. Basically the same as TTSS but about the CIA.

It's crazy. It's genuinely cold war shit. Feels like relations between the UK and Russia are the worst they've ever been.

Thanks for the recommendation.

the guy deserved it, what do you think we would do to snowden if he didn't manage to get media coverage?

Fuck off. He was part of a spy swap and was not working for the intelligence service any more. Plus they poisoned him with fucking nerve agent, seriously affecting about twenty people nearby. That, and his innocent daughter.

It's a use of chemical weapons in the UK. You can't underestimate how much of an issue that is.

Watch James bond

traitors get killed, the fuck you think how the world works.

>was not working for the intelligence service any more
no shit sherlock, that was the reason he got wasted.

I don't think you understand the concept of a spy swap.

>Following his arrest in Moscow in December 2004, he confessed that he was recruited by the British intelligence in 1995 and was feeding them information about GRU agents in Europe, receiving over $100,000 for his services.

kek, poor russkies betraying the motherland for 100k and getting, I got more on cryptos in a month.

should have known what the consequences are, the fucker probably ordered a dozen of executions while he was working for the russian secret service.