
The Chad Data edition

Let's have a chill thread, lads pls. Gimme your ideas of tech you'd wanna see in Trek.

Friendly reminder Dukat did nothing wrong.

>310 / 67 / 44 / 1

Wow, nice "CLUB" you got here.

Rule #1, don't talk about Trekkie229.
Rule #2, when you do talk about Trekkie229, don't act as if they're something special. They're not special. They're average and ordinary, and they will eventually be forgotten just like everybody else.
Rule #3, don't talk about Trekkie229.

I want to see the shit-shovelling holodoc uprising

Found him


better than /who/ and /reylo/ t b h
sneeds leave us alone for the most part

>Gimme your ideas of tech you'd wanna see in Trek.

Decircumsising device. I want the foreskin that was taken from me.

Sneed plebneesta (formerly Constitution).

I wish sneedfags would put these generals out of their misery

Marc Alaimo
> “I like Dukat,” proclaims the actor. “I think he’s the most exciting character on the program simply because the writers can take him in so many different directions. He can be evil, mean, charming, lovable, funny, vulnerable and, yes, even sexy. Our heroes on the show never get to really be bad. We’ve all got a dark side to our nature but in a civilized culture you try to restrain or control that part of your personality. However, Dukat is an opportunist, so he plays both his good and bad sides to get exactly what he wants.”

>“I think Dukat would love to seduce Kira,” notes the actor. “I don’t know what kind of lover he would make, though. I’m not quite sure what’s on his mind when it comes to Kira. I think she just turns him on, you know, and Nana Visitor, certainly, is behind that. She is a very attractive woman so it’s easy to play those scenes where he comes on to her.”

>“Our speech teacher wanted us to depict any action but to do it as a mime,” he recalls. “Well, I did a mime of a man being hanged. I did the whole thing of walking up the scaffold, seeing the rope, having it put around my neck and actually letting go and ‘dying.’ By the time I finished and got up off the floor the girls were crying and the guys were stunned because they couldn’t believe what I had done.

Ira Behr:

>"You listen to Marc talk about Dukat, and it's totally different than I see the character."

>"In Marc's mind, I believe he felt his relationship with Winn was legitimate in some way, and that, in some wacky fashion, it was Dukat's bid for legitimacy. I mean Marc was actually upset when we had him hit Solbor. Until the very end, he wanted Dukat to be the hero of Deep Space Nine."
an Marc was actually upset when we had him hit Solbor. Until the very end, he wanted Dukat to be the hero of Deep Space Nine."

Where does Marc end and Dukat begin?

>RIKER: You were right. Somebody blew the hatch. They were all fucked and sucked out into space.
>DATA: Correction, sir, that is flown and blown out.
What did they mean by this?

very nice get confirms Ira is a fag and Marc is /ourguy/

anyone wanna redpill me on why the writers cucked picard out of a grill ?

Rick Berman was afraid that serialized plotting would tank the resale value of TNG's syndication rights. Picard can't get a permanent grill because that would make it difficult for stations to air episodes out of order.

Unironically, you need a dermal regenerator. Also works on hymens and anuses. (Jadzia Dax approved!)

requesting soprano's synthesis to counteract this sneed garbage. where are you orange juice poster?

Watch it, Dukat!

funy post :D

/trek/ today

This but ironically.

> airing shows out of order
the madmen

It's what happened in TOS, which is why McCoy disappears for an episode in season 1.

Can an anus be circumcised?

I like how they explained that featured extra George Takei was off at “command school” when he was busy filming John Wayne’s “The Green Berets”

I like how they explained that Chekov used up the last roll of toilet paper right before surrendering his toilet to Khan.

Rick Berman decided Wesley should go to the "academy" the minute he got tired of him in season 4.

Personally, I wish Wesley stayed but in a diminished role bast season 4.

I thought Wheaton bailed

"No diminished roles allowed!" - Rick Berman

you'll be working at kmart with those itty bitty titties!
-Rick Berman

portable holographic strapon device with replicated cum and neuroport

Hey guys, can I hang out with you?

Transparent displays with glowing text are going to be the 'one book per PADD' of the 2010s. They are impractical and an eyesore but hey dey look cool in 2018. Nothing wrong with near solid holographic images though.

>tfw that's the real Kirk getting vaped

To be fair, Terry was fucking hot but those are real mosquito bites.

Wil Wheaton left voluntarily, but in his defense, it was Milos Fucking Forman.

>When I was still working on Star Trek, we had finished the season, and we were on hiatus when I was cast by Milos Forman to be in his film Valmont. The shooting schedule for that movie would have run over into the first week of production on Next Generation, which wasn’t going to be a problem because, for whatever reason, we were shooting that season out of order and we were shooting the second episode first.

>One of the producers told my agent that they could not write me out of that episode because it was a Wesley-focused episode, and I couldn’t go work for Milos Forman in Paris. He called my house and told me, “It’s a Wesley episode, and I’m writing a scene with you and Gates that’s going to move your mother-son relationship forward, and it’s really important to the series,” and he just lied to me.

>I was really upset, because I was excited to have the opportunity to work with this amazing director in an amazing movie and in an amazing role that I thought really would have solidified my credentials as a young actor. I was really disappointed. A few days before we began production on that season of Next Generation, this producer wrote me out of the script entirely, and it was appalling to me. The message was very clear—we own you—and itwas a move to sabotage my career.

>Years later, Marina Sirtis told me that they knew that if I had done this film, I would have been a movie star, and it would have been harder for them to deal with me. I felt so betrayed by that, and I was, like, “Fuck you guys, I am now doing anything I can to get off this show. Because I can’t believe you would treat another person like that.” That led me to wanting to leave Next Generation.

They look smaller than they really are because she has a large body.

>tfw 6' Terry will never pick you up and shake you

Mhmmmmm, sure Wil. Woulda coulda shoulda. Protip: there are literally thousands of actors who landed big roles in huge movies and their careers went nowhere after. There are also actors that were huge at one time and faded long into obscurity.

Being a "movie star" is more than just getting your big break. You actually have to be a good actor.

>You actually have to be a good actor.
Or at least have charisma.

Holy fuck she's 6 feet tall?? That makes her even hotter. Were they putting everyone else in platform shoes, or was DS9 just the Chad show?

What an entitled little brat. Thinking that a TNG movie would have solidified him into super stardom overnight. I hate him even more

That pic of her and Jeri Ryan together has Terry in regular shoes and Ryan in heels and Terry is still taller.

>she literally grabbed me by the lapels and lifted me off my feet

wew. getting strangled by Terry Farrell. wew.

What you're missing is that he ALREADY had his commercially-successful critically-acclaimed big break. 1 would be a fluke, 2 would set the pattern.

>a TNG movie
The fuck are you talking about?

>he thinks Valmont would have made him a star

I mean just look at Meg Tilly's career!


Yeah eventually you get to the point where it's not the amount of movies you're in, it's just you.

Rainbow shirt!.

this one?

She's only 16 in that pic.

>Jeri is hover-handing Terry's crotch
>Terry is grabbing handfuls of Jeri's ass

>Terry Farrell will never roleplay Star Trek with you even though you're the shortest kid in the class
>Terry Farrell will never kiss you even though you're the shortest kid in the class, because you're Kirk and Kirk always gets the girl
Why live.


>tfw we never got this in season 5

Enterprise shitposts are genuinely worse than STD shitposts.

T'Pol was planned to be revealed to be a Romulan in the fifth season.
So that tickle porn is semi-canonically incorrect.

Oh, hadn’t heard that about T’Pol. Glad they didn’t do that really, makes no sense. It’s like Riker being revealed be a Gen 2 Noonien Soong android in season 5.

STD posts are all shitposts.

It only seems that way because you start shitposting whenever you see STD.


This guy Jamaharons

>Another new season, another Rikerfat EXPANSION.exe downloaded

Hey you! Yes, you. Heard you didn't like Enterprise. How about you never talk to me or my dog ever again.

Why did Voyager even need a Native American consultant, did Beltran not know anything about his own people?

Beltran is Mexican. Different people.

>implying B&B put any thought into Chakotay's tribe
besides, Beltram is Mexican with some Native roots, doubt he even cared that much.

>La acoochy moya goblina

Maybe you shouldn't have killed off Tucker

*blocks your path*
Eyy, I fucked your mom and your wife and your pope and etc etc. Whatcha gonna do about it?

set positronic weeners to stun

giggled like a schoolgirl at this post

samefagging bumps


the holodeck was riker's private jizz shack

congratulations you are a phone poster

if i dox myself will you believe me?

beardless and with hair Sisko is too weird

didn't ask but if it's any consulation he stopped saying old man as much with the change


Quick thread whats an episode you love that never gets talked about?
Mine is the one where Data loses his memory on the Renaissance planet gives everyone cancer.
I love the implication he set their science forward like a thousand years cause he unknowingly broke the Prime Directive and no one on the Enterprise ever knew.

Archer to Satan, nice dubs

Thine Own Self is seriously one of my favourite Data episodes, maybe my all time.

In terms of the amount of talk I'd say Things Past where Odo, Garak, Sisko, and Jadzia (?) are caught in a temporary link with human form of Odo and we get to explore his past on Terok Nor (includes Dukat and pre Fed Quark and Kurtwood Smith as Thrax).

I also like a ton of Enterprise episodes but people are plebs and don't like it that much here. There's one from early on where they encounter an unknown alien species that won't communicate with them and just boards the ship. They're partially non humanoid.

who /spinerfem/ here? dont hit on us silly boys, we only live for Brent .

A Matter of Perspective.

I always love a mystery episode and this one is especially fun with the different versions of what happened.

worship me as your fathers once did

i like episodes where troi becomes cake

The gods are truly with us /trek/!




Daily reminder that Apollo is a good doctor because he's the God of Medicine and Healing.

Now some of you plebes might be thinking
>b-b-but what about Asklepios?
and that's where you're ignorant, kiddo, because Asklepios is the son of Apollo and he inherits all his titles and skills from Apollo.



Last time we had lots of repeating digits on /trek/ was Greek god as well... Is this becoming a habbit?


Could be a scriptkiddie


okie dokie
