The great debate

The great debate

So who is better?

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both are reddit
except chuck and sneed

Peak Simpsons > Peak South Park > Worst of South Park > > > > > > > Worst of Simpsons

Pretty much this

as far as i can tell seasons 1-5 of the simpsons invented comedy


South Park easily

Simpsons had a specific period that was good. While South Park has maybe only 2 or 3 bad seasons. Those seasons being season 1 and 2 and 20. Also Simpsons suffers from having to many different writers so it becomes a mess, while South Park has two dudes who write to this very day. Also South Park actually did break ground on what you can and cannot do on television and has overall a better message then the Simpson.


South Park because the Simpons never did anything really controversial.

South Park because the Simpsons never really was funny except if you are a dad or a mom.

Family guy is the best

South Park has the superior film adaptation.

Season 2 of South Park isnt bad.

Family Guy has beaten them in terms of consistency

South Park still makes me laugh to this very day while the Simpsons won't. Also Matt and Trey have made better movies and have better songs.

Yeah consistently bad

I think we can all agree that Futurama is better then the Simpsons at least.

The Simpsons was somewhat controversial in the early 90's. George Bush called them out for being crass, and then they made an episode years later Dennis the Menacing him. That's (((((progress))))).

the simpsons never had to do anyting controversial and were better because of it. art flourishes under limitations, which is why the first five seasons of the simpsons are the best. ironically, though the conan o brien episodes are great, they definitely led to the downfall of the show, because after them anything could happen.
creativity needs to be wrangled for it to be great.

Classic Simpsons > Futurama (classic) > King of the Hill > American Dad (pre-current season) > Family Guy (classic) > South Park (until they started with the extended story seasons) > Bob's Burgers (until this latest season) > the rest is trash

Simpsons was considerably better at its peak
South Park has been consistently funny for over 20 seasons. Regardless of your views, its still actually funny unlike the Simpsons


I love South Park but literally nothing tops prime simpsons

Why do Americans like the Simpsons so much?
Pretty much every other country prefers South Park.

Currently? I would watch southpark rather than zombie simpsons anyday.

how come people don't like the first two seasons? I always thought they were pretty good but so many people hate those seasons.

I don't think they are necessarily bad, but the really great episodes start in season 3

You serious? I don't think there's a single funny episode of The Simpsons. Mildly humorous sure, definitely smile-inducing, but not actually anything that makes you laugh out loud.

>South Park has maybe only 2 or 3 bad seasons


>I don't think there's a single funny episode of The Simpsons.

Sneedsons Vs. Chuck Park

I'll think of a funny Simpsons moment and laugh out loud


both have overstayed their welcomes
best anime is Kingdom on a Hill

Yeah, I came here to pretty much say this. Simpsons in it's prime wins every time, but South park kinda kept it's shit together better than the Simpsons did. South Park can still make you laugh from time to time, the Simpsons has been dead for years.