I literally cannot take americans seriously

I literally cannot take americans seriously

any time I hear that whiny fucking accent and them thinking their opinions have any value when they literally sit on fucking roofs

do americans actually do this? every time I see a scene of an american sitting on a roof I feel like i'm watching some Lynchian outtake of a satire on the consumerist dyspotian McDonalds run future of humanity

>he’s never sat on his roof to drink beers and watch fireworks on 4th it July

I pity eurocucks, I really do

Americans don't have an accent. British accents developed after the Revolutionary War

everybody has an accent

>Why do these people from another culture talk differently

Oh no, Americans have accents

>Americans don't have an accent. British accents developed after the Revolutionary War

What does sitting on a roof have to do with consumerism?
Also, you're obsessed.


>Americans don't have an accent.

You must be a special kind of retarded.

Yea man and I also hate those cowboys with their guns and how they're always saying "yall" while traveling with the heard

>Someone does a thing, fuck that thing because I don't do it!
Why do you give a shit if Americans sometimes chill out on their roofs so they can have a slightly elevated view while they chat? how could it possibly rile you up so much that you need to make a post?

>he's never bought his own fireworks and fired them off and blew part of his hand off
I pity mutts, I really do

>America why are you so stupid and retarded
>America why don’t you do stuff the same
>America you have so much power and money help people
>America is full of bigots
>America fuck you take more people from around the world

Success does really breed jealousy

>needing the state to protect you from yourself

How does a man even get this wrong?

"American" isn't an accent, retards. It's how English was spoken originally.

If you want to get butthurt over accents native to the US then you have to be specific about which region you're talking about.

>ABC Family is an accurate representation of real life

>cannot take americans seriously
>literally obsessed with americans

>he says on an American website
I'm sure you've got a Twitter account. And a YouTube channel. And Instagram and Snapchat accounts. And order things from Amazon. And watch Netflix shows and Hollywood movies.

if you're american you literally cannot grasp it

the american accent screeches and cuts through all others at such a shrillness that's it's impossible to not notice it. Walk through the touristy parts of London and all the voices blend together until the shrill screech of a "HEEEEEEEEEEY" rings out as a family of beached walruses blubbers past

I feel this same way about brits, their accent is really feminine.

>America, why you have so many guns?
>America, why you don't take all these refugees?
>America, why you no marry brown people?
>America, why you not face mecca?
>أمريكا ، لماذا لا تحب الإسلام؟?

typical chub LOL
lards really can only think in terms of guzzling entertainment

your entire language and legal system is based on ours KEK

>lying to hide the fact that all Don does is think about him
yup, pretty accurate.

American women don't seem to think so, lmao

>the american accent screeches and cuts through all others
Then dont watch it ahmed

>Walk through the touristy parts of London and all the voices blend together until the shrill screech of a "HEEEEEEEEEEY" rings out as a family of beached walruses blubbers past
To be fair, they're running from muslims stabbing people. The british are convinced they have to be stabbed or risk being called racist for running from peaceful knife expression.

lol i live in orlando and work on a tourist heavy street and i have to say that British "people" are the most abominable creatures on earth. literally no other country has people as rude and disgusting as he U.K. fat, pale, monster faces, acne, and loud as fuck, you make us look amazing.

Yeah for some reason american women often have a very nasal ear piercing voice.
The saddest part is that it's a new thing.
If you watch old films none of them spoke like that.
Hugely off putting.

Too bad the average Brit doesn't look like a movie star and instead looks like a malformed potato

Is it roofs or rooves? Rooves sounds right but looks wrong.

I didn't know the US legal system was based on Syria's

>your entire language and legal system is based on ours
Incorrect, its the other way around.

Not exactly,

If anything the accent of the day was something close to what you find in New England but both British English and American English have diverged over the last 3 centuries and then you have different American dialects like New York, southern (which also has lots of old British ways of speaking) etc have developed on their own.

It’s not like everyone in the us is speaking the same and even less so even the ones that are close haven’t remained the same to English of 1700

Let me correct that, Not for language.

What type of American are you talking? Midwest? New Jersey? New England?

what does that have to do with what I said?
You can buy fireworks here.

It is the same in Greece.

This is white people shit. Only time niggas and mexicans on the roof is when theyre hoppin from house to house running from police, or fixing them. Europeans don't know this feel. They get a roof tax if they step foot, that is if they even have an actual house.
Or they'll see the roof when their head lands on one after being involved in a bomb attack.


>Or they'll see the roof when their head lands on one after being involved in a bomb attack.


Spoken word without an accent is like text without a font.

Modern Syria and modern US law are based on ancient Syrian and middle eastern law. Blame the bible.

I know numerals are based of their's. Not sure about the language though; I wouldn't be too surprised if there's something to the language bit though.

Why are you fucking retarded?

Just hear those fags from new york, the assholes from boston, the hicks from the south, and the dude bro from California.

Go fuck yourself, dumbshit

>Americans actually believe this

I know why you think that's the case too but I'm telling you it's not.

You can buy fireworks in America too. What's your point?

>If you want to get butthurt over accents native to the US then you have to be specific about which region you're talking about.

If you call that ""culture"" I might aswell call my turd the queen

>Implying Europe's refugee problem is more than A TENTH of the problem blacks are in the United States


>it's a European insecurity episode

Stay irrelevant, stay inferior, keep using American technology.

>word is spelled J-O-B
>word is spelled R-E-T-A-R-D

your reading comprehension is shit.

And yet almost everyone in your irrelevant country is obsessed with those things. Stay mad.



You always know you're talking to an American on Sup Forums if
>He disregards everything you say and calls you retarded
>His arguments are nothing but Ad homs and "you're fucking stupid"
>Can't think of any insult other than "kill urself hduhdre"
>Will ignore everything you say as soon as he's mad and either tells you you're stupid or complains about the picture you posted no matter what it is
>Gets EXTREMELY upset if you make fun of Americans in any way even though he makes fun of other cultures all the time
Americans. They are all the same.

what's it like to have 300 million people living in your head rent free?

What's it like living in your mother's basement rent free?

What's it like when all the americans itt came up with the same comeback


Except that we aren't, only teenage roasties can't live without them.
I'm pretty sure only old people use Twitter here

and I'm American

American roof must be made out of steel to support extra weight

>we like to sit in high places as befits our role in the world, #1 super power

Yeah, if said success is literally build on ruination of Europe and the rest of the world.

>ruination of Europe
Literally nothing of value would be lost

>not posting from your roof right now

Just stop

>american website
>japanese moot
>90% anime

ITT: salty assblasted butthurt

I hope that's bait, fat boy. My accent can be traced back to before England became England. Apparently one of your southern accents does borrow a few things from that accent though.

Tribalism is a hell of a drug huh?
Normally i stay out of the whole amerimutts shit heap because yeah, plenty of valid complaints to go around, but goddamn this one just seems like some buthurt brit whos never been in a suburban area. I mean yeah you dont want to sit on the roof in cloudy, acid rain, rickety narrow rowhome bongland, but if youre in an american neighborhood and you wanma get some air and see over the trees and your halfacre or more, yeah you can sit on your roof. Shits nice.

>Tribalism is a hell of a drug huh?
Wow... really makes you think...

I hate, hate, HATE this meme. If you spread it, you're literally a retarded mutt. I'm serious, you're a fucking idiot and you should kill yourself. Ignorance is a choice in 2018.

There are many regional accents to be found throughout Britain, and those living anywhere north of London tend to use shorter vowels - think grâss versus grāss, or câstle versus cāstle. It just so happens that these people outnumber those who speak RP, or 'received pronunciation', probably because shorter vowels are the rule (not the exception) in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales too.

Since America was settled by a majority of these people, the accent that developed naturally relies on shorter vowels too.

read It's hilarious that you're trying to defend your point without actually knowing anything. Just stop. When non-Americans talk about how retarded Yanks are, they use you people like you as proof.

I've read Sean Astin's "West Country" accent was dead on in LotR. Can you confirm? I'm not very knowledgeable of the accent variations in Britain, but you can tell Frodo is supposed to sound more posh, and the others less posh.

That is the accent I was talking about here and no it wasn't. Irish tones crept in quite often.

Most people don't actually talk like surfer dudes.
You wanna hear a neutral American accent? Go to California.

Yep, Sean Astin's accent is really impressive in the films.

I don't know too much about LotR, but I think Frodo's accent (and the contrast it creates with the other hobbits) is supposed to be an allusion to his adoption by Bilbo. It's either that he comes from a different area, or it's supposed to reflect that he's different from the other hobbits, in that he's more adventurous and less insular (read: less "country") . Probably a combination of the two, but then again I don't know if I'm remembering the adoption thing right.

I'd love to read some actual literature about the connection between Southern US and British accents. I'm from the South, and coincidentally Anglo ethnically, although I suffer from New England accents these days.

It's pretty impressive for an American.

Imagine asking an English person (don't even bother trying as an American) to do an Australian accent. No matter how good they are, it's likely that a bit of South African or New Zealand creeps in purely because they can't quite distinguish between the more obscure points, especially over almost a dozen hours across three films.

An English person can get closer to emulating an Australian accent because they're more accustomed to making the right articulations inside their mouth, whereas an American would have a much, much harder time.

Now consider the achievement of Sean Astin's West Country accent as an American.

I liked his accent as just a made up accent that might exist in ME. It fit the setting well. It just wasn't a great West country accent though. I can hear the West country influence, but it sounds just as Irish if not more so.

I've literally never heard anything good about British tourists. They're like Gypsies

British people believe themselves to be better than everyone in america, despite the fact their country is a laughingstock, their people are being bred out by mudslimes, and their day to day life involves the thought police scanning their conversations to ensure complete cuckability.