Prequel Gabagool? Ova here

I'm ready for the genuinely interesting and thoughtful conversation we will have on this wonderful board.

cool. Will watch

ive always wanted to see more of johnny boy and uncle june running new jersey in the hey day of the mafia

aww i wonder what happened to "Ribbon of Dreams" sounded really fucking interesting.

Who would you pick to play young Tony?

When 86 episodes are JUST NOT ENOUGH
Leave a good thing alone

inb4 it ruins the entire series with social justice bullshit

let me guess the moral message will be races should get along

thats unlikely. livia was racist and so was the rest of the cast alive during that time excepg maybe hesh whos less racist

Who will play young Paulie?

>less racist
u wot


Robert Iler

im sure rob is too busy playing poker and fucking hookers

If this happens, and I very much doubt it will, it will be dogshit. And fucking pointless - we've already had A Bronx Tale. Hopefully this just is clickbait designed to trigger people like me.


>implying some mobsters wife isn't going to be fucking one of the black gangsters
It will happen

>Not Idris Elba

have you even watched sopranos

At least Chase is directing it


Look at this charcoal briquette

He's saved for older Paulie.

Kraft mac and cheese with ketchup is back on the menu boys


Yeah I have. And I have also watched Jews destroy a lot of other famously white tv shows and adding in their propaganda. If you think it won't happen to the sopranos, then you haven't been paying attention.


I have high hopes for it because Chase is still behind it, but fuck me it's not going to feel the same without Gandolfini.

It’s set in the 60s why would Gandolfini be in it. Or do you mean the series as a whole should rest without him?

this desu senpai