/Grugg/ General

Grug Grogan hear: Grug take magic mushroo make Grug see real life. Grug want more. Grug fite Sabertooth tiger.

Boosed Grugg

jaym pull up cave drawing of mammoth hitting tree


this is kino


>gramie, get me cave painting of furry elephant fight

ooga ooga Grugg want milky

I hope there no long nose tribe in here.

>hairy monkey dangerous, hairy monkey rip off your arm


>its an anti semetic caveman denying the holocaust meme

Wew lad


>Yellow tribe war painting
>Grug sing "it not grug"

Graime beat hairy monkey easy

whenever I see grug I think of a some lefty lines coming out of his mouth.

>it not grug start playing

Well actually... *leans into rock*

Theory exist of many moons ago magic sky grugs come from sky and teach elders how make fire and pointy stick.

Jambunga pull up cave painting of big tooth cat. Cat strong cat maybe eat many grugs

grugg think the gruggs should control the rock machines, grug also think all grugs same, grug hates facts

>"Gruggy, pull up cave painting."

Grug have guestgrug on Rockcast. Grug agree with all guestgrug say

thanks for explaining the joke retard

>Grug walk into Cavepaint Plex
>Grug see Grad
>Spill berries out loincloth
>Grug face when

You joke but this is the mindset of the average Sup Forums user.

Grug drink magic stew and see big Chieftain in sky

Grug read about stew in cave painting by Rock Strausman

this meme is utter shit

how much until a higher IQ Grug appears?

grug poop in cave

>give grug your club

Ani grugg se block brunner 2049bc?

And Grug other club

Except for Struggen Crunger, he not like magic plant so I call him bungaface

I watch and drink soy based mammoth milk

Me get mad when grugs no like feel good plant

Me no have problem


> name ugg cavepaintings that do this