What are some acting roles that women portray better than men?

what are some acting roles that women portray better than men?

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you mean outside of porn?



Anything women related I assume.
Being sluts, mothers, nurses etc.

>you will never have that thicc ass poking up in the air doggy style with her telling you “what are you waiting for, put it in me already”

fuck it all. Seriously.

Please provide source, I beg of you.


Being stupid and useless. Whamen do that real good

I'm not actually sure that's true user. I don't particularly like traps but they suck a mean dick.

Traps are for mutual understanding with a dose of hot dickings, though, same as manly bros. Women on the other hand have zero common ground with men by nature.

But male nurses are much better in many cases, especially in some hard and dirty jobs.


Murses donʻt really check the nurturing/caring role youd want when compared to a woman one.
I wouldnt want a murse if I was stuck in a hospital.


Jesus dude, she's ugly
She looks mexican or something


no u

You haven't seen the kind of trash can women that go into nursing. The 'nurturing' thing is a joke.

If a guy wants to be a nurse, then you at least know he's willing to put up with the social stigma to help people.


political , business and miltary leaders
secret agents who are martial arts experts.
bitter ex wives seeking revenge for legitimate wrongs.

It's brap-fu but I'm blanking on her IG at the moment


Has there ever been another streamer/gaming person who's slipped farther from sanity than this guy?



based, thanks user


The amputees at the end of Bone Tomahawk.

Yeah. There is none, outside of porn that is. Bitches can't act.

lol is she this ig famous now?
she was always quite in school so it seems weird to see her like this . i remember he bf bingham dead from some disease he got from the sand since he was a volleyball player .he woud come over to my house and play vidya
RIP Bingham


I haven't seen bait this weak since moot shits on Sup Forums that time he was outed as a cuckold.

cum dumpster

she is vietenamese


nobody here knows anything about anything you're talking about.

what the fuck did i just watch?

I'd definitely dump my cum in there.

Sauce was given.

Is that the same gook as in the OP?

Milan and Peter Pan

My brother does it 100% for the money as does everyone else in his field. The only ones I've met are the older ladies that actually give a shit.

Yes, observe mole (or whatever) on right cheek (face).