ITT Childhood crushes

>ITT Childhood crushes.

she always in my heart

damn i almost forgot thanks op

Winona Ryder in Beetlejuice



"She grew up. She filled out."

those lips

Holy shit I completely forgot about this girl. Made me feel funny when I watched Narnia. What does she look like now?

Ooh I'd popple her well if you catch my drift hehe

Damn, I was 18 when that movie came out and only watched it on tv.

Feels old as fuck that this is someone's childhood fap

Too bad her career didn't go so popplewell.



That is not a 30 yr old. I asked for what she looks like now not for a bad photograph of her at 18


Well you are roughly 10 years older than the average user. I think the bulk on Sup Forums are early 20's

Still my main waifu even though she's getting on in years.



Which of these girls did you crush on as a kid?

Where is that? Looks like Oxford


Okay, it definitely is. I think it's the back side of Magdalen College by the River Isis

same. she's so cute in all of her earlier roles but even today she's still qt as fuck. giv mommy dunst gf

Why are you guys spamming this piglet?

When I was 8 Child's Play 2 was my favorite, she was my crush for the longest time, today she does nothing for me but she will always be the coolest girl in my heart.

Fuck you and your motherfucking mama

90s Leo

I wanted to crawl into the screen and kiss his stupid fucking nose when I was like six or seven. I was a dumb kid, clearly Skinner was the superior husbando.

Forgot the fucking pic

> mfw those dick sucking lips will never wrap itself around my throbbing cock
why even go to narnia bros

You cannot deny that her lips are made to apply negative pressure on a male's erect penis until the said individual orgasms violently.


>gave me a boner before I knew what they were.



fucking gorgeous
dem lips
that smile
that whole package

muh fucking cock

I've never understood the fish lips meme. Its not a good look.

You can never understand, user

>no Tenchi
None, user. Ryoko was my waifu.

Just look at them soft pillowy lips inviting your cock to slide in. Just imagine patting them with the tip of your penis and bouncing of it's soft flesh.


Reminder that Anna Popplewell is 17 in Narnia and 20 in Caspian. Watch yourselves.

>those soul-sapped eyes
Wonder (((why))) a young actress would look so dead inside.

it's ok to be gay bro

You need to have a penis to understand.
You fully get it.

t. uses trouts as fleshlights

Fleshlights are all you know, obviously.

Wendy in the 2003 Peter Pan was just perfect.

I want to tie her up.

you could feel the sexual tension, bet Isaacs was her first fap

>Tfw the director is making you kiss some irritating blond twink when all you really want is to be tied up and ravaged by Jason Isaacs in a flamboyant pirate outfit.

God, you can almost smell the difference. She was clearly attracted to Jason.

This movie was kino


bet they eventually fucked

Guessing you've never kissed a girl with big lips

>she's even Jason's type
Goddamn you just KNOW

I even watched that terrible live action Halo series just because she was in it.

I am old enough to remember the original American version

>that firm chad-hand just inches away from her titty and the other in his pocket holding his penis

I would post an image from a certain equestrian show, but I worry it would get me banned.

No. Not the new one. And not a pony. I had a crush on Megan from the g1 toon. Maybe because there was a girl in my class with that name.


>that wave of pure yearning that just hit

cant be the only one, I found Sup Forums trough ebaums cause of her back in 2004

jesus christ thick jen literally looks like she wandered off from god's harem and ended up on earth.

Who wouldn't be?

>Tfw he also played her father in the movie

What did they mean by this?

Lucy is cuter these days.


post dicksuckinglips2 and 1.jpg

Don’t forget literally anything on nick or disney Cartoon Network has some too

JenCon is the eternal GOAT, nobody will ever change my mind desu

> we need Jennifer Connely but not old as fuck like she is now
I got you senpai

i know her in real life suck it nerds

It's too late user, I'm sorry

not bad, but not quite

she's cute but lacks the eyebrows that are a huge part of JenCons appeal

>not old as fuck like she is now
she's old but she'd still be a 10/10 if she just put on some weight. looking skelly never helps anyone to be honest, and Connelly was always the kind of girl that looked better with some chub on her.

>What did they mean by this?
The same actor that plays Hook plays Mr. Darling. That is a tradition going back to the original stage play. They even did it in the Disney cartoon; Hook and Darling have the same voice actor and look very similar.

Maybe if we knew she didn't marry a degenerate, too. You know she's wrecked now.

A true patrician.

I can't fap to Jennifer Connely. It feels weird. She looks too much like my mom and and even shares the same birthday.

would it hurt your feelings if i impregnate your mom?

I prefer a more average looking girl desu, much more attainable in my fantasy.

Today I actually learned something on Sup Forums

>he thinks this is average
shes purposefully trying for a natural look, she can do that because shes naturally above average

christ who the fuck is this


here's another one for you: dog's fingernails are made out of the same material as kevlar vests and spiderwebs

MUH DICK @ everything in this thread

anna speckhart

Your average qt next door who you never asked out cuz you're a pussay



Yep, Ricci. Ever since Addams Family.

Looks better then Connelly desu

>Dr. Pavel, I'm Spy Kid

More like a 2/10 right?
**tips fedora**

Is she?