Will he be the best MCU villain?

Will he be the best MCU villain?

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bar is so low that shouldnt have trouble

>good villain

pick one

>im thanos and i run this pawn shop with my son, fat fuck

Is the menacing characterless space villain ever a good villain?

Pretty sure they already have one

looks like it

noo don't blow up Vulcan again noooo

Television =/= cinema

Only if he isn't a ripoff of an already existing characterless space villain.

If they show him doing all the fucked up shit he does in the comic, then yeah. If he reduces Nebula to a living but rotting corpse, pulls people's limbs off, erases worlds, tells Celestials and cosmic entities to eat his shit, all the while pleading and pining for Lady Death, then yes. If the end shows him exiled to that podunk farm with absolutely no powers, then yes. He's the Frieza of the MCU, but with more character and issues.

Who's the current best that he needs to beat?

Meanwhile, who is the most boring MCU superhero and why is it Thor?


Thats not Captain America

Infinity War I should be a stand alone Thanos movie.

forgot vulture

No, Mommy Hela is best.


Red Skull


>who is Killmonger
>who is Loki
>who is Vulture
>who is Bucky
>who is Zemo

Kek, picked two anyway, now what?

How quippy will he be?

Ego, Vulture, Loki, Iron Monger, Zemo, Bucky.

loki is that wimpy brother of thor that says quips through the movies.
no idea who those other guys are.


>Marvel film
Really showed your hand there reddit.

Yes, he is a primary antagonist in a Marvel film based directly on comic book villain Vulture.

>who is Killmonger
Was shit

>who is Loki
Became shit

>who is Vulture

>who is Bucky
Antagonist != Villain

>who is Zemo
Best MCU Villain

You're not completely wrong. I'd rather have more scenes about Cap acclimating to the modern world instead of muh Bucky.

Still, I have a soft spot for the pure-hearted boyscout kind of characters.

Capeshit should learn from Anime and instead of making the big brute the main villain. Make the villain the suave and "cool" calm headed and cerebral type. That is not only stronger and faster, but also smarter.

Thanos just looks like a big bald meatball

He literally becomes a god after defeating the avengers and, realizing that godhood didn't satisfy him, went on a journey to find his purpose.
Probably also fucked a loli incarnation of death.

Iron Monger, Zemo, Vulture, Thunderbolt, Ego, Red Skull and even Abomination beats out Loki.

But he needs to look cool for him to be a good Villain. Something the ladys find attractive and the men find "cool"

Appearance is everything when it comes to the big bad.

no more tight pants for scar jo



Time is the true enemy

why people don't value Zemo?

Please Marvel let him be better than Ultron..you guys hyped him up so much only for him to be a flop

That never works when a character's been so established for so long.
New Lobo just came off as faggy as shit and was removed by Rebirth.

but daredevil is DC

That was Whedon's fault. He took his shenanigans to another company, so we're safe and sure this will be at least better.

Because the film didn't shove him down the audiences' throat, so the general MCU-viewer doesn't remember him.

The more I think about it, the more I agree. However, I hate the actor portraying him.

>he hasn't read the news
No Lady Death.

He was abused as a child by aliens, so now he is collecting the stones because there are too many aliens in the universe, so he wants to balance it out.

he isn't fighting for a woman but for himself


Agreed, whole movie was a mess really. Tried to do too much, especially compared to the first Avengers.

I enjoyed the first 30 min or so of Ultron but then it goes to shit

Remember also that the Russo brothers are directing this, and Winter Soldier and Civil War had strong antagonists.

What's your problem with Brühl?
I've only seen him in a handful of films, but thought he was fucking great in both Rush and Basterds.

What's this expression trying to convey?

>everything he does is to earn the respect of his father
Try again.

taking a fat ogre shit

I'm German and I'm just tired seeing this whiny, arrogant faggot. Especially now that he has a career in Hollywood.

Back pain. He's a pretty old guy.

>when your puny mortal enemy says something problematic

Honestly, I'm expecting the whole movie to be like the Ronan parts of Guardians of the Galaxy (i.e. dull obligatory plot checklist stuff).

You know when they face off against someone this powerful, it's going to be hugely disappointing and forgettable, just like Apocalypse. Do you even remember how they beat Apocalypse? I don't. Something something "There's still good in you!" something something "We need to work together as a team!" something something "Unlock your true potential!" something something "No! This cannot be!"

He'll BTFO all the heroes, complete the glove and gain absolute power over the entire universe, then there will be a big, stupid asspull that makes it all okay. 100% guaranteed.

You should watch Iron Man: Rise of the Technovore. It's basically an Iron Man anime movie with exactly this.

Why the fuck do you hate Daniel? He is an amazing actor. He did a perfect Niki Lauda.

It's going to be hard to beat Killmonger

>Marvel: Writing the Perfect Villain

>Black Panther Fixes Marvel's Most Common Flaws

>Is Black Panther's Killmonger the Best Villain Since the Joker? – Wisecrack Quick Take

>Why Black Panther Has Marvel’s Best Villain Ever

>Killmonger - 3 Screenwriting Reasons WHY he's a Great Villain

Not even the Mad Titan can stand the sight of Chloe Moretz.


That actually fits pretty well

Probably similar to my problems with Aksel Hennie. I get so fucking anoyed whenever I see his face.

>absolutamente asqueroso


is it me or people completely ignored serkis Klaw?

i actually thought it was the only decent thing on the Black Panther action flick just right after Freeman...

... for some reason the only 2 good things were the only 2 white guys on that movie, kek, i liked it and enjoyed it but it was so mindlessly forgetable and just plain bad lol

last video is good, although I disagree with him at points, the overall point is good.

Klaue was the only character that was any fun to watch.

>poste não devidamente considerado

Serkis was great. I thought Freeman was pretty boring. I also thought MBJ was cool. So maybe it was just that the villains (and the Jabari guy) are cooler desu

I literally cannot watch Black Panther without laughing at the meme that is black people.
I busted out laughing when the movie literally opened with niglets playing basketball with a grocery box as a fucking hoop, and then the camera panning over to black men literally planning illegal activity.
The cherry on top was the fact that Wakandan gums are glowing blue, taking the racist slur "bluegum" literally.
It was like one of /ourguy/s wrote it.

He's the only actor who had a previous role in a movie I remember as genuinely good.

The part that was written for him was terrible, though. This pathetic madman was never any threat to Wakanda as depicted, so his history makes no sense. They could have made such excellent use of him if he had a nice thematic power like having invented a sonic blaster that nullified vibranium-based technology, such as by causing anything made of vibranium to crumble to dust.

who cares
i wan fren

>Wakandan gums are glowing blue
They all had the insides of their mouths tattooed like livestock. You can't tell me this was anything but a minstrel show for white people to laugh at black stereotypes.



I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

yeah, ahaha, i feel you

i don't know, i was "just accepting" the whole thing but when the super rhinos scene came around i just started laughing out loud and when the movie was over i completely forgot everything besides "baby don't hurt" me...

I found Ross... interesting... but yeah, boring for most people out there i agree...

Shuri was sexy as fuck, i want to bang her... and she had some cool lines...

everything else was bland, uninspired and really plain basic...

as far as marvel movies go, BP was the most predictable one ever released...

>tfw when you thought you were going to be a good villain in a good MCU movie and get a good pay check after Diane Lane divorce rapes you so you sign on for Sicario 2 and some true hero movie where everyone gets roastie at end to get them paychecks.

It kinda fundamentally missed the complete folly of Killmongers actions. Sure, he wanted to ship weapons all over Africa to "liberate black people", but most of those countries fucking hate each other; which is something a well travelled and educated person like Killmonger should be perfectly aware of. All he did was try to destroy Wakanda as a country and ruin their reputation by causing a new massacre of African people, and I don't see what makes him a sympatethic villain beyond "boohoo my father died".

they have already said that he's the main character of the movies.
also, I'm pretty shure IW is thanos quest for retards, and it will end up with thanos fucking the universe with the flick of his fingers

Yeah, all the points I disagreed with him are about how he said he was so sympathetic or he was right and shit. All of that is wrong. But the overall concept of how to write a villain I find its correct. The comparison with the joker works too since they are both batshit insane with no redeeming qualities.

>this whole thread

also checked

>All he did was try to destroy Wakanda as a country
In setting, isn't it obvious that the only people he could have been doing black ops for all those years was Hydra, the people who specialize in deep-cover infiltration and subversion? Wasn't this made public knowledge in Winter Soldier?

Why doesn't this come up as he attempts to claim the throne? Does he ever behave like anything other than a brainwashed Hydra agent, programmed to destroy Wakanda?

oh shit, i thought he just wanted hood niggers in Oakland to have vibranium ghetto blasters.

Same deal there, just on a smaller scale. Put guns into a poor community and it'll be used to steal from other poor people.

Killmonger didn't do shit to help black people beyond accidentally guilt tripping T'challa to start outreach programs.

Man that would have been great

>killmonger was an hydra agent all alone

Only good villains have been Zemo, Vulture and the bad guy in Antman. Zemo is the only one who was actually well written, although the actor did a great job. Reason Vulture and Antman villain work are because of the actors. The guy in Antman was just chewing the fuck out of the scenery and was GOAT for it.

its gonna be hard to top zemo

I've actseen people here complaining that he was a shitty villain because he didn't have superpowers. The fact he managed to destroy the alliance between the Avengers is overlooked

his reason to be a bad guy was just money and ego though.

So Ego did what he wanted to do better than him.


When he had to actually introduce characters he fucked up bad. Hawkeye is the weakest avenger due to that. It's crazy how much of Ultron's shit seems to happen off screen and Whedon managed to even fuck up the introduction to the infinity stones.

All good questions

Someone photoshop it now!!

I liked Freeman but couldn't help think most of what he did should've been done buy Bucky

a blessed thread

perfect for Abandon Thread
Hell Naw