Blade Runner as Cultural Paedophilia

Why is soy addled imagination as videogame psychosis so celebrated by our culture? Why is pseudokino so conducive to a dysfunctional cultural that prides simulation physics as cinematic aesthetic?

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he said soy, you can assume its either a joke or he is


yeah, alright ohpee

In english doc

Have you seen you were never really here yet? It is pure video game sensibilities right down to the meme soundtrack

Soy is useful vernacular to describe the psychology behind auteurship, none the less, I shall explain more clearly:
Vileneuve vandalises art to peddle pseudo avant garde video game hysteria, it appeals to the emasculated neuroticism of vileneuve sycophants, whilst 'pulling a fast one' on its aesthetic authenticity, result in a garish makeup of style over video game subterfuge.

The same two people, making the same threads, over and over again. Sad!

ebin word vomit my man

Liberal Arts degrees. Not even once

"i dont like bladerunner because it's not actually aesthetic because it's not avant garde enough and only soyboys think it is, also i suck big fat cocks for fun"

Looks like OP wrote "cultural" while intending to write "culture." OP, would you describe yourself as a quantitatively-inclined person?

If you're too young to reckon with the concept of an infantilised culture by proxy of simulation hysteria then you have some learning to do in kinetics and no, nerdwriter won't do.

wew lad

my man you're mentally ill, how many soy brainfart threads have you made just today?

Mentally ill


he's that mentally ill retard with 16 followers on twitter
he used to shill his here, reviewscrew or whatever

can a thread with such a shitty OP be salvaged?

You do realize that girl in the bottom right image is underage right?

this one?

i like the mix of stale Sup Forums buzzwords with unnecessarily high-level words barely used correctly, makes for a really good word salad

Genuine question. What is your major malfunction?

You use the term soy as a derogative, your opinion is invalid.

Denis is dishonest
(Tarantino, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Wes Anderson, Christopher Nolan, Alex Garland, Paul Thomas Anderson, Nicholas Refn, Tom Hooper, Tyler Perry, Rian Johnson, Alfonso Cuaron, Noah Baumbach, Andrea Arnold, David Yates, Denis Vilenueve, James Franco, Steve McQueen) are intellectually bankrupt moral whores and charlatans; their films appeal to the modern phenomenon of the 'Pretend Epic' or Pseudo Cinema, often tied to the criticism that "It was a movie that thought it was a film" they have no ideas of their own and are filmed purely to have fancy essays made about them. They obfuscate their lack of insight under a smug impenetrable irony and often contain scenes with disingenuous attempts at depth with characters spouting platitudes that the director takes VERY seriously.
This directly panders to the IMDb reddit sensibility of quote circlejerking since these hacks are masters of the fools wit, "Quipping" (Not to be confused with the marvel co-opting of the word) , it sounds smart, cool and worldly but in reality there's nothing of substance, the Revenant's attempt at spiritualism was cheap and laughable and whilst someone like Malick has considered his philosophy, Inaurritu wears his introspection on his sleeve to give his film a false sense of depth with pathetic sermonising.

THIS is Dishonest Filmmaking.
They leech the greater works that preceded them; like 2049 being a rip off bioshock, but they have nothing else to say.
They act under the guise of deconstruction with surface layer obvious 'social commentary' and a quirky forgettable score praised as 'innovative'. They are all inauthentic sycophants that rely on oscar buzz and post 9/11 detachment for relevance

These directors are hacks and will be forgotten to time

Some notably earnest filmmakers include, but are not limited to
>Mike Leigh
>The Coen Brothers
>Werner Herzog
>James Cameron
>Mel Gibson
>Terrence Malick

>Clint Eastwood

please use something that is not the most stale pasta ever made my dear videogame manchild

The women who left came out today, blade plebbitors 2049 plebs
Will you watch it or is more than 2 hours and 40 minutes without a huge marketing budget too high brow?

the fact it has become commonplace is frightening

I pretty much agree with this. For example, Gibson might be wrong, but he's sincere, and grounds his story in classic truths. Inarritu cannot be "wrong" if he's just flinging material at the wall.

How much does the mouse pay them to shitpost about BR2049?

Soy and Boy are two of the greatest characters ever created, who go to places you couldn't possibly predict, deeply flawed forces of nature, extraordinary, destructive, charismatic, beacons of hope and despair depending on your perspective. Their relationship, or rather, their symbiosis is one of the most engaging and endlessly fascinating I've seen. Layers and layers of grey, uncertainty, complex morality. They are human, quite frankly, and I can't think of many characters who compare outside of the greatest works of literature; they're on a Julien Sorel or Colonel Aureliano Buendia level.

please expound on that theory

Yeah now post your thoughts on actual cinema and not american garbage


cultural wut?



Your misusage of the word 'soy' makes me wonder if you came from a rival site with inferior mentality.

you know why
it's narcissistic infantilism of today's cultural zeitgeist mixed with the grand delusion of happiness that is first world living



>blade runner fans are so insecure about their moving being shit they start spamming child porn

Do you even realize in what kind of internet-trash-speech you are speaking?


based ç


you asked for this, OP

vlad studio is child modeling, not porn, although they did some custom sets




Hi newfriend
You don't @ people. You click on the number next to No. on the post you're quoting.

even if this is pasta, I agree with it


leave pervert

>low iq Sup Forums crossie replies directly to cp

You know too much.

things like that are general knowledge

>You know too much.

No he's just not a newfag



It's Newfags like you most of us want to leave. But I'll school you instead. Look at this pic of your retarded post. The red circled area is what you want to click on when you want to respond to a post.


When Sup Forums gets schizophrenia this is what it looks like.

Are you pretending to be dumb to save face that 2049 fans are child molesters and redditors?




>Are you pretending to be dumb to save face that 2049 fans are child molesters and redditors?

lol what?
Schooling a newfag so he doesn't look like an idiot has nothing to do with the content of this amazing thread.


Can we get a new girl? She's kinda fish eyed.

Sup Forums blowing the fuck out /reylo/ and pedo janny did a real number on the mod

Wtf you even talking about dude
