Have cell phones ruined horror movies?

Have cell phones ruined horror movies?

Only bad filmmaking ever does.

No, but smartphones did

Why don't horror movie characters ever draw their legally concealed firearms and shoot the villain?

No. Just set your horror movie in some third world country with bad cell coverage and you're golden. The United States for example.


smart phones are cell phones now it's the same thing don't play coy
like how they don't make box TVs anymore

>Death itself is coming after us, someone call 911!

The pic is from which movie ?

You should be able to work out what he meant.

It's a pretty shitty horror movie if your killer is defeated by a phone. If horror directors were competent they easily integrate phones into the plot. Honestly, if you're being murdered or attacked you think calling the cops will save your ass? You won't see them for 30 minutes and that's if they think you're a priority. Horror movies should acknowledge how absolutely useless modern police are. Go further with it: show the villain using that person's phone to record their own murder, send it to their next planned victim, their family. Murderers thrive on attention, modern phones are made for that. ISIS made a bunch of captured soldiers call their mothers so that they could hear their sons being executed.

So no, phones haven't ruined horror movies. They've actually opened up a lot of potentially disturbing new genres. But horror writers/directors tend be the worst among an industry currently full of untalented people, and they can't come up with any other idea than NO BARS PHONE DED, so I can see how you would think that OP.

No. They just make the writer work harder.

how what the fuck does that even mean

some Jap film reverse search it

>tfw no macgyver because cellphones
fuck technology

No. A real monster would not be afraid to kill you if you had a cellphone. Who they gonna call the ghost busters?

i wont. youre going to tell me the name of the film. got it, coward? ;)


>watch IT 2017
>10 minutes later, the Same guy runs away bcs he saw something and almost dies


Anybody here seen unfriended? That shit was retarded but it strangely comfortable staring at a computer screen for 2 hours.

dumb cliches and tropes ruin horror movies, not cellphones

Yeah, I watched Hush on netflix the other day and it was decent until that part at the end where they finally get a hold of a phone and calling 911 would have saved them, but the phone just magically had no signal and they had to go outside to get a better signal

Filenames exist for a reason

Missed call

I want to rub my benis all over a japgirl.

Anyone know actually good horror movie from past 20 years? Doesn't need to be a citizen Kane, just something that is interesting rather than nothing but childish jumpscares.

well I'm obviously asking about the "no signal" cliche. It's hard to make a slasher film work in modern day when everybody has a mini-computer and phone in their pocket at all times.

You don't even need to unlock it to call 911, there's an Emergency button.

The first scream is still great.

Annihilation is great sci-fi horror in the vein of Alien or The Thing

no it's fucking not

Dark Woods, or Villmark in its original language. Norwegian cabin-in-the-woods horror film. Not bad.

The first Final Destination is horrorkino, the sequels are all dumb fun

I can buy a couple of different jammers on Deal Extreme right now.
Not as cheap as a lockpick gun or electronic ignition keys specific model car ( you do need to fiddle to get the right combination but there are other ways) but then again I haven't cruised suburbia trying random garage doors either.

they have ruined women and the world

I'm setting my movie in New York City so it feels even more retarded.

horikita maki is cute

Women can't be ruined, they were always trash.

Here's another problem with using a cell jammer in NYC, your killer would be found quicker than if you had just called the cops. The FCC doesn't fuck around.

Yes. They completely did. I don't ever pick up a number I don't recognise, I don't know anybody that does.

This is why there aren't any slashers anymore and every single enemy is a supernatural ghost.

Yeah, the only idea I've come up with some far is having the characters be reluctant to call the police because they're all black.

There's not much you can do with the genre anymore that hasn't been done, and also iPhones exist.

You can still do it if the environment makes cell phones useless, like Sunshine. Though there was definitely a supernatural aspect to that too.

Kill List

That's one way around it, have them on the run from the law.

Also over 20 years old

I think user means a light/non supernatural slasher set in contemporary period.
