ITT: Hacks

ITT: Hacks


>getting mad about a hollywood circle jerk

>makes the same movie again

Why the homophobia?


This isn't the "Masters of Kino" thread

Pacific Rim is my #1 all-time favorite movie and that genius gave it to me. He has also made some other shit I liked too.



Johnson or Snyder

>Pacific Rim is my #1 all-time favorite movie


Only correct answer in the thread so far


Say it with me: Two time oscar winner Guillermo del Kino.

Having oscar makes u hack. The best director, death or living dont have any oscar.

>the best director

Holy shit youre right

we're done here

Wes Anderson is the biggest pleb filter in cinema. It’s hilarious how much Sup Forums spergs over his movies

2 kino 4 u

You're on the wrong board to be asking for hacks. Best place to ask would be Sup Forums.
Please keep posts relevant to the board you're on, thank you.


Del Toro's movie about some girl fucking a fish was trash
Lmao @ the Oscars

This fag is such a hack he needs to be posted again



So The Master was boring and wholly uninteresting but 70mm looked good in some scenes

what is an good PTAnderson movie?

He really is

Robot Jox was more entertaining than Pacific Rim

why the deflection?

Isay PTA is not a good director. Boogey Nights sucked and so did There Will be Blood. That was enough for me so I decided not to watch any more from him.
Sadly I saw The Master due to Phoenix. Didn't realize ahead of time it was a PTA film. Sigh. Worst piece of shit I've seen in a decade.



Only good thing he's made is Rushmore

Can't tell if you're a brainlet that thinks he has superior taste or just a brainlet

Hack Snyder is S tier hack
He's great in Mr Robot and stole the show in The Pacific what are you on?

I agree mostly, there's compelling imagery that makes me want to enjoy his work be I inevitably feel let down narratively.

This commie fuck would have been blacklisted 50 years ago

do people too retarded to make anything good even count as hacks?

Was meant for and not my bad

his directing is top notch dont kid yourselves
the material he works with its not that great tho

what so special about his directing? he made one good movie.


Bob had Bitch tits