Horror General

Anyone else watch this yet?

Jaume Balaguero's (The Nameless, Rec 1-2 & 4, Darkness, Sleep Tight, Fragiles) new movie.

It's a silly supernatural detective flick; "Fuck, I've been cursed by some ancient entity, must know how to undo it!" Think of Ring, Mirrors etc.

Anyway, Blu-ray is out if you wanna watch it.

Is it entertaining?

Favorite Slashers...
> Halloween 4 - The Return of Michael Myers (88)
> Halloween 2 (81)
> Cold Prey (06)
> Cold Prey 2 (08)
> Friday the 13th Part 6 - Jason Lives (86)
> Friday the 13th Part 5 - A New Beginning (85)

Favorite Non Slasher Horror movies (including sci-fi horror)
> John Carpenter's The Thing (81)
> Alien (79)
> The Grudge (04)
> The Grudge 2 (06)


Kind of, yeah. It didn't bore me, so I'd say it kept me entertained enough, but I didn't fully enjoy it.

Share your Horror movie wishlist...

> A new I know what you did last summer, JLH returns and gets naked fucking finally.
> No more Alien movies, just leave it alone.

On David Gordon Green's Halloween...
> They don't rehash the original much besides a handful of visual callbacks.
> Myer's eyes are not visible 95% of the time, keep them blacked out in shadow.
> Judy Greer gets naked.
> Myers does end up showing resistance to injury despite them stating that they want to stay away from the supernatural.
> The teen cast is not focused on much at all.
> Focus is entirely on building up suspense and unnerving dread and not jump scares or gore.
> Don't address the Laurie not being his sister thing, just leave it as a possibility as the fact that the events of 2 never happened, it's possible the opened court documents were never released to the public.

On The Predator...
> Munn gets naked.
> FIlm is not comedic as has been rumored.
> Preds are not working for the goverment as has been rumored.




Sadly this film will never be remade now that Shape of Water has happened and make it kosher to fuck the fish.


I want to see a CGI-enhanced remake of Galaxy of Terror, with a half-female cast and multiple ways for them to perish in a state of undress.

What fucking retard changed the Creature's eyes from this...

To this...

Sadly I doubt a remake of GofT would be half as good in regards to art & set design which is the #1 thing that set it apart from other Alien rip offs out there (besides the worm of course)


someone recommend me werewolfkino

Nobody will give a fuck if it has enough hot monster sex in it. Nobody remembers GofT for anything else after all these decades -- but that one scene is enough.

>words can kill

Bad Moon (1996)

