What are some horrible movies you unironically like?

What are some horrible movies you unironically like?

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>Batman and Robin
off yourself

Waht killed the dinosaurs?

I was literally just talking about this film.
It's currently downloading now...
I see this thread... it's fate that I need to see this awful film again.

it's campy fun with based Arnold and prime Uma... how can you not like it?

>mfw Uma Thurman dancing and taking off that monkey suit was my first boner

but she's hideous

>how can you not like it?
there are like a million reasons. the only reason people like it is because of nostalgia and the fact that we were all like 8 when it came out.

boners don't discriminate

Resident evil 5. Can’t stand any other entry tho

I prefer AoTC over TPM and RoTS is fucking kino.

Nigga what? They aren't numbered even the canon movies aren't. Apocalpyse is my favorite of the movies for all the Jill scenes though. I'm waiting for Sup Forums to become tolerable again.

something about her seductively taking off that ugly suit and controlling minds just turns me on. I recall recording that scene on my ipod nano and watching it repeatedly

all movies batman

Retribution then. And yeah part of what made retribution great is seeing Jill just do her video game mannerisms in a skin tight suit.

If this movie came out today Sup Forums would implode.

The Happening
Cool World
Suicide Squad
American Ultra
Green Inferno

It would crash the capeshit industry which would be based.

The casting for Barry was pretty good but that Leon was fucking trash.

If they took out the zombies made of shit and the shitter villains Suicide Squad would be kino. Throw in deathstroke fucking with Will Smith’s character or something

Giving Alice Leon’s and Ada’s RE4 scene was insulting as well as Leon getting utterly fucked up at the end with no offense. Bad casting but not as bad as Chris’s in Afterlife. Like holy shit

There is some truth to this post.

How is Ted horrible? It's low brow sure but I think it's a perfectly fine comedy

Who should've been the villain(s)?

its not even a bad movie, especially because it was unfairly judged without using the proper lense. The movie was always intended to be a Batman 66/Adam West adaptation.

and at that, it succeeds greatly

>I prefer AoTC over TPM
I don't understand people that think the opposite

Wentworth Miller is pretty shit in everything he was in.

I'd at batman and robin along with die another day, which is honestly probably in my top 10 bond movies

Me neither and Lloyd never bothered me it was just Jar Jar.

I don't think it's horrible but every time I've seen it mentioned it's gotten shit on and shit on.

It would get the reception of LEGO Batman


Every Batman movie other than BB and TDK is shit. The Adam West show was shit (except for the leggy dames). SHIT.
Even the two decent ones are weighed down with idiocy.
The only Batman movie that was ever kino was Mask of the Phantasm.

Stop pretending BaR was good in any way.

Go be autistic in some other thread

Let me guess, Conroy is your favorite batman

Fuck off retard

Did I make fun of your favorite childhood toy?
Rewatch these movies and say out loud without slurring that you still like it.


>not appreciating the cinematic masterpiece that is Batman Returns

>le mask of phantasm is best, epic reddit style


I was gonna correct your spelling just to be an asshole when I realized you are actually absolutely correct.

>Mask of the Phantasm
Overrated. Felt nothing watching it. Same with Under The Red Hood. You fucking faggot shilling cheap cartoons.

I am falling for this b8
Burton is a dimwit. Only Scissorhands is decent. His Batman flicks with the rocket pack penguins and "confused" Batman are huge part of the perma-problem with getting a good Batman to film.

>got feels from watching tommy and jim play jokers

a meteorite. I don't understand what that has to do with mr freeze

Fucking idiot, if you read the comics you'd know that before he was Mr Freeze he was Dr Comet

Battlefield Earth
The Postman

Terminator 3 but it's not bad just h8ed

Phantom Menace at least has a great saber fight and a cool looking villain.
Clones had neither.

Yeah, didn't even know how people couldn't realize this, at the very first scene it was clear that they wanted to do goofy high budget trash, no one in their right minds but a bat butshot in the very first scene into the movie without wanting the audience to laugh their asses of (or homos to jerk off on Clooney).

I watched B&R about a year or so ago and enjoyed it just as much if not more than most capeshit of the past 5 or so years

>unfairly judged without using the proper lense

I may not exactly "like" it, but I've watched it way more than I should. I've made it my goal to show
Tiptoes to as many people as possible.

aaaaand I forgot my image

I unironically think this movie is a masterpiece. I laughed my ass off when i first saw it and i still do. Hell, it was even my favourite movie for some time. People revere Woody Allen and call him the king of comedy and whatnot, but fail to see the genius behind Tom Green.

The Island of Dr Moreau (with Brando)
Battlefield Earth

This movie was god awful

I adore this movie despite knowing it's terrible

the New York Times gave it a good review.

that one is great. lots of great set pieces and interesting camerawork. much better than Exinction

Uma Thurman was so fucking hot in this movie

Things i found funny were the subtleties actually, you know expressions and reactions. For example when Tom Green is building a skate ramp in the middle of the night (which is by itself already funny somehow, his character, doing all that is just funny to me) and then his father opens the window and starts yelling. His father is probably the funniest character in the movie and it's only because of the way he yells and screams. Check out that scene where the guy breaks his leg on the ramp, the kid in the background asks Tom Green if he can play on it sometime, to which he responds with ''Sure, anytime'' his father starts screaming like a madman after that, and to me that is the funniest part. The way that scene was conceived and the absurdity of it is genius, Tom Green probably wasn't aware of it because he probably didn't care, he wanted everything to be random, and there are not many directors that can deliberately achieve that level of randomness. Facial expressions and reactions are what makes this movie funny and genial, people just don't get it. You have to laugh at the absurdity of it.

Daddy, do you want some sausages?

Basically killed his career after this movie... His non-sensical brand of comedy was 2 years too late...


He couldn't survive the mass spectrum power of Sup Forums. I remember when Sup Forums trolled a live episode of his show to death.

I think its time... to CHILL OUT

I like Batman and Robin too, but come on, it's terrible. It's terrible entertaining trash.


>"confused" Batman
You mean how Michael Keaton would act normal as Bruce and then become more brooding as Batman? Gee, it's almost like the point of his performance is to show that he's a man that has a duality to his own personality. Much like how the Penguin pretends to be the city's hero and potential mayor, but is really a scum bag. Or how Selina starts out timid and mousy but turns into a sexual powerhouse whe she becomes Catwoman.
Almost like duality and identy are a central theme to the movie. Oh, but it's not exactly like your comic books, so that means the character of Batman was magically ruined. I'm so sad for you.

How can you like a movie completely unironically and also call it horrible?

>Confused Batman
You mean being a aloof doofus that no one would assume is a jacked acrobat who dresses up as a bat and beats the shit out of people for fun?

I realize the movie has flaws but still enjoy it anyway.

Don't be gay

This movie isn't horrible by any means though. Not exactly high art but not schlock either.

Only movie I've ever thought she looked hot in.

Black Panther

at least he gave his honest opinion which is better than the contrarian cowards that rule this stupid board

that being said my favorite is the dark knight followed by batman 1989 :'(

I actually agree