We need a high fantasy series to replace game of Thrones when it wraps up

>we need a high fantasy series to replace game of Thrones when it wraps up
>we need an author who braps out 1000 page books om a yearly basis
>we need a bunch of fantasy stories that are loosely connected through a single character and a shared god, so that we can make a huge franchise
say no more!

but is is good though?

As if Martin is good and not just provocative.

>1000 page books om a yearly basis
I don't think anyone can write 3 pages a day year in and year out and not make complete shit after a few months

Martin is James Joyce compared to Sanderson

aren't they making a wheel of time a thing

I know what you're saying but it still hurts to read. I Martin is a decent writer but he's totally lost the plot. Everything goes downhill after the Red Wedding. I feel like that's as far as Martin actually planned. The writing gets far more aimless, sloppy, and shit after that point in the series. The idea that people even compare him with Tolkien is shocking.

Martin is pulp, Sanderson is shit.

sanderson is pure neckbeard escapist trope-filled superhack fantasy alongside rothfuss and erikson, so you'd be correct in this case

Its a pretty shit series though

At least he’s plot-centered which is all pulp movies need anyways.


I don't think any amount of money could make him happy to see Drizzt on TV.

I'm not a fan of Martin but everybody I know with the opinion that ASOIAF went to shit after the red wedding has shit taste. AFFC is easily the best book in the series.

It’s not exactly great literature but it’s fun schlock with interesting settings that could be fun to see onscreen.
And honestly, how many normies are watching GoT for anything beyond boobies and battles?

Elves and squids and shit just won't do well on TV though

What do you mean

Discworld cinematic universe when?

Grrm is not a good writer. He needs an editor.

It's not high fanta sea but Hyperion and Dune

He needs a gym coach

i don't think any tv series could capture the intensity of dune

Such an unpopular opinion, but i agree. AFFC and ADWD are my favorite books. Jamie's adventures in the Riverlands and Victarion's journey to Essos are top tier kino.

but i need something more soft to attract girls and casual teenagers like as Harry Potter, but more deep with a slightly dark fairy tales atmospheric that exist in shit shows like as American Horror Story and Supernatural.

Hyperion would cost way too much money to make it look convincing

>AFFC is easily the best book in the series

That's like saying Godfather Part 3 is the best movie. Completely indefensible and ridiculous. Unnecessary character additions followed by a complete lack of plot progression is best of the series to you? I hope I'm being trolled.

>>we need a high fantasy series to replace game of Thrones when it wraps up
Westworld. If you haven't watched it yet, get on it.

I'm not reading your trash thread, no one's watching your show.

But dude it has all those pointless introspective monologues that hammer you over the head with themes literally everyone picked up on from the previous books, that must make it some sort of masterpiece ASOS is the best and anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian, the first is not well written and the last two literally killed the series through incompetence

>hurrr who are all these characters?!
>where's muh kellyC?!
>where's muh le funny reddit dwarf?!

you need to go back

No, high fantasy is a thing of past. It's all about Urban Fantasy now.