She still looks stunning, but I'm not watching that crap

She still looks stunning, but I'm not watching that crap.

Other urls found in this thread:

>mentally ill south african white woman adopts nigger baby to virtue signal to her hollywood friends

It’s always been good faggot. Watching Khalid be a complete utter pussy was bliss

fuck that vapid cunt

she has never been attractive

and the show is decent when they dont exclusively invite literally who niggers like they do most of the time

>ur moms a puss

I was surprised how well she took the heat. Only one sauce made her complain and it wasn't even the hottest one. She's a champ.

>she has never been attractive

What's your problem, asshole?

I should have said it is getting better I guess. I've been watching for more than a year now.

My problem?

You ask me, when we've got these guys sperging out right here?

It's actually a top tier long form interview show. Dude does his research.

It's that god damn Da Bomb sauce. Hannibal Buress said it tastes like poison. No one likes it. They've had it in the line-up every season. It blows everyone up and ruins their fun time. They really should switch that sauce out.

>this show
>its some youtube shit with celebrities no one cares about

listen to all those yes men off camera laughing at her every word. she isnt funny. pathetic

I don't support Complex Media so I will download and watch later. They will never get a view from me.

>son Jax
>adopts nigger baby
>names him after Mortal Kombat character

this ep was one of the best

He's a damn good interviewer. Very good at getting these celebs who are no doubt in the middle of a full press day to loosen up and have fun.

What's your favorite hot sauce, Sup Forums?

>he's an asshole because he doesn't want to watch some crap
Whether he is an asshole requires further deliberation, but whether you are retarded has been confirmed as a positive.

so brave

i wish i was brave enough to take a stand like you

i can't find anything better than frank's at the grocery store, i'm up for suggestions

She named him after the League of Legends character you idiot.


weak as shit but taste is comfy and you can pour gargantuan amount on wings for kino flavor.

her face is insanely symmetrical

I use pepper flakes because they are far superior in basically every way.

Secret Aardvark Habanero Hot Sauce my man!

>I use pepper flakes because they are far superior in basically every way.

I think her and Henry Rollins are best ones I’ve seen when it comes to being able to hang. Ricky Gervias is probably the worst. He gave up and wouldn’t even eat chicken wings he had tofu instead lol

>In 2015, Theron signed an open letter which the ONE Campaign had been collecting signatures for; the letter was addressed to Angela Merkel and Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, urging them to focus on women as they serve as the head of the G7 in Germany and the AU in South Africa respectively, which will start to set the priorities in development funding before a main UN summit in September 2015 that will establish new development goals for the generation.

>durr focus on women instead of the economy, terrorism, ecology, and fucked up internal stability HURRRRRRRRRRRR
>also a PETA member
Absolute dogshit.

for mexican food you can usually find these at grocery stores, even in canada


havent had el yucateco

You can be too, all it takes is some effort.

t. joe budden

if it's for every day then it's Valentina extra picante, El Yucateco, or Sriracha
literally the worst hot sauce of all time

The Rachel Ray episode gets surprisngly sexy. She eats hot sauce by the spooful and screams about her sweaty tits.

Your idea of effort is not giving some company a youtube view for some reason that you think matters. Try living life in the real world for one fucking day and see what effort truly is.

>top tier
Go back to Sup Forums kid

did she sign a letter urging the seizure of white owned property? because that's happening now and it's beautiful

this, also cholula and sriracha

Is that where you feel like that phrase originated?

Does Gervais spend 10 minutes of his screentime talking about how animals must never be violated in any way and how much he loves them and would never harm them?

I hope she did.
When the South Africans start starving to death like Zimbabwe because they kicked out the white farmers, dumb retardbrain bitches like her will end up being on the list of instruments that contributed to the very situation she was playacting to want to avoid.

You guys are really dumb if you think white South Africans are still making their cash fucking farming.

>be a member of PETA and at the same time be an activist for starving Africans where every bit of food including meat and animal produce matters
I've never seen a more inconsistent and dumb bitch playing the white savior and at the same time opening herself to absolute rage from the same people she is patronizing.
I emphasize with Africans for having to tolerate this dumb bitch.

Making cash and feeding a people without import are two different things, though the later makes the former vastly easier, my retarded underage friend.

You guys are dumb as fuck if you think SA is Zimbabwe, just saying you dumbshit murrican who cannot afford a passport.

Louisiana hot sauce baby


You dumb cunt

I’m sad this will never happen

I see you
Your joke was not wasted in this corny shithole

Found the people with Swedish-tier resistance to spicy food

These people are probably literally butt hurt from a pizza that had red pepper flake near it

>you guys are dumb as fuck for having knowledge of South African food production history and how food import vs food production are related to national profit margins
So you are an uneducated underage, or a brownie with the brain of an underage?

Your butthurt doesn't change the message son.

Homosexual detected.

I now wanna see Kevin Steen on hot ones

I think Charlize Theron is very cute and very cool!

So tell me how many blacks live in your mind RENT FREE

never know my dude

Dubs says it will.

I legit popped a boner during that last sauce

>I emphasize with

You better ask yourself how many blacks will live food-free, because famine rates keep rising and rising.

Wow, an ad for an ad.
This is getting bizzare.

hopefully all of them. why would you want people to starve to death?

same with this

I eat hot sauce out of her asshole

Aye, hopefully all of them will be food-free soon.


i want to have lesbian sex with her

but vince staples is one of the best guests on hot ones so far

i want her to bend over and take a huge shit all over the table and sample the splatter orally.

Are you unaware of how talk shows work?

Reviewbrah giving reviews on the sauces would absolute kino

I was talking about the thread.

There's no way he can handle hot food.

le soyboy down syndrome face

Well that would be an ad for an ad for an ad my dude.

he has done spice challenges before you FOOL. now respond to me with great humility, and show us you are reformed.

he did a video for suicide wings and couldn't handle it.

Reviewbrah is as far removed from soy as it gets. He's completely disillusioned by media and trends. As based as it gets, aside from his paranoia and social anxiety.

Go fuck your mother.

a typical smooth brain response. you unbelievers make me sick.

For me? It's the 'vark sauce. The best hot sauce.

>a typical smooth brain response. you unbelievers make me sick.

You think he would bring this with him. That'd be kino.

Don't project your own fetish onto others pls.

How can we make this happen? Do they take recommendations on who to have on the show? They had Filthy Frank, surely Brah could get an episode.

That stuff is awesome.

A lot of people that go on there can't. Bobby Lee sharted because it was too hot

I love spice food. I and other sensible people are not helping you shill this shit youtube channel.


He retired the thirst buster, he’s got a stainless steel mug now. Even if he only made it through a few wings I’d love to see him on.
i would love to see him bring it though

when are they going to get our guy Sam Hyde to do one of these

There's many women who are as beautiful, if not more, as this one. However 98% of them have a functional brain unlike this one.
So roastie-worshipers, stay mad.

All that sauce sticking in his gross pube stache

I had that sauce once in high school. Pretty sure it's made in NC where I'm from. It's actual poison

in the comments. People have already been spamming him so I'm sure they've tried. He's said he's gotten several offers to do stuff but it didn't fit his channel. Like Dayum Drops wanting to collab which I'm glad he hasn't done yet.

I think he would do this show, though. He was on Tosh.0, which I think had to be much worse.

Used to be a Tabasco boy,
Then I was a Sriracha teen,
Now, I am a Valentina man.

She is as dumb as she is beautiful, which makes good porn actress material.
Someone get her on BLACKED.

who /worcestershire/ here?