What a terrible Fucking film

What a terrible Fucking film.

>White Phosphorous Ex Machina Bullshit
>LOL why didn't they just Fucking nuke the Light House?
>Great idea! Let's place the guard at the ground level instead of up in the Fucking tower!
>Quickest and easiest exit route is along coastline, but not the quickest entrance route?
>LOL everything has plenty of battery life and nothing runs out
>LOL people are wearing Hazmat suits outside the shimmer but not when they go inside!
>They are monitoring everything outside the shimmer but some how Isaac's clone sneaks out and makes it all the way to Lena without being seen

You MotherFuckers.

I'm not Fucking having this!

>>They are monitoring everything outside the shimmer but some how Isaac's clone sneaks out and makes it all the way to Lena without being seen

My hypothesis is that the clone remembers where Isaacs lives, and literally just teleports to his old house

No offense, but that sounds Fucking retarded.

This is what happens in the book, more or less. It makes more sense there because there are smaller Area X's subtly popping up all over. Actually, just about every bitchy point in the OP is handled in the book.

Which means the filmmakers neither understood nor included those details. They just wanted GirlStalker.

I heard the book was terrible. It like doesn't even have 4 stars on Amazon! No book under 4 stars should ever be made into a movie.

This movie was fucking amazing and it's honestly sad that Ghost Busters 2016 was given any hype at all while this got none.

When does this actually come out though

>Thread shitting on this film ONLY appears after HitB review fumblingly praises it

Care to comment why you didnt chime in before right now?

HONESTLY an awful movie, best part of my screening is some guy farted during a quiet scene and a few people laughed.

This movie was the Blade Runner 2049 for women. Since you're a stupid man, you don't understand this kino.


I don't even know what the Fuck HitB is. I'm chiming in right now because I saw it last night and it was terrible and full of plot holes.

I mean they basically solved everything with a single White Phosphorous grenade! This was easily the most ridiculous ending I have ever seen.

>they solved everything with a single White Phosphorous grenade

Did you even watch the film? They didn't solve anything.

Uhh yeah they did. They Fucking wrecked the Shimmer.

The shimmer is gone but it's product escaped and is in the facility right now.

Are you brain damaged?

Nah, the book was great. It's not on the nose and really forces you to think about what's going on to draw any conclusions. I can see it not being for everyone.

Yeah but that is just like a single thing with no takeover ability.

How do you know that? The whole point is that the Shimmer is constantly subtly warping things in its presence - how do you know the Shimmer isn't going to extend further from Natalie?

you forgot


She passed out twice in that room and was practically raped by the alien. How do you know that they don't carry whatever problems the shimmer caused with them?

Answer the question: are you brain damaged?

So this is the general IQ level of brap posters


>based on the first book in a trilogy
>disregards the other two books entirely in order to be a stand-alone

not that it was going to get a sequel but come on. worldbuilding is worldbuilding.

Alex Garland based the movie off of the unfinished first draft that Vandermeer gave him and went his own way with it.

but it was pretty good though
this doesn't mean anything

The shimmer was the cause of all the Warp Refract attacks! Once that shimmer got defeated, there was no way for it to affect any more DNA.

I haven't seen this film, and I don't plan to,
butt every time I see this pic in the catalog I think it's a thread about the Predator reboot for some reason.
>tfw that cast unironically looks better than the actual cast of the reboot

As a Muslim, my penis can't wait to meet these kafir on the battle field.

Was Jane the Virgin a Lesbian in the movie?

Are you sure?

Absolutely. 100% confidence.