Episodes 1-7:intricate plot setting up a showdown with a cult led by a powerful religious and political figure

>episodes 1-7:intricate plot setting up a showdown with a cult led by a powerful religious and political figure
>finale: lmao no it was just a giant retard

What the FUCK went wrong?

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He was basically the butcher. The governor was in the cult and many other powerful people.

The cult was used to locate their killer, wasn’t that obvious

For me it wasn't that he was a hillbilly, it's that this intricate plot with carefully laid threads and backstory was resolved with a fistfight.


He was just a tool for much more powerful people who are untouchable

I'm ok with a fistfight being the end. It's like a foil to the grand intricate plot of lies that the cult set up. Like "Fuck your shit. Here's my fist"

But the fact that it was just a retard who happened to be living on cult property was underwhelming as fuck.

This. Although I also want there to be a show where characters actually unravel a huge conspiracy from the bottom up, you can't do that in 10 episodes or whatever it was

Well if he's a retard who's, I dunno, say.... President of the United States, that takes longer.

*just leaves this post here*

There’s a good chance Eroll has a genius IQ

This. Whit trash was super disappointing

Nigger he was fucking his fat mong sister.

why couldn't they make season 2 as good as the first?

Because it got popular, particularly on reddit and twitter.

Because Pizzolato had his entire life to write S1, and less than a year to write S2.

Same reason why The Wire S1 > S5 > S4 > S3 > S2

S2 got better a it went on, the ending was pretty solid all things considered.

>Because Pizzolato had his entire life to write S1, and less than a year to write S2.
Same reason why Stranger Things sucked ass on S2
Tiny show gets reddit popular so the studio is like WHOA GIVE ME MORE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW
And the show creator got overwhelmed

god, y'all really do not deserve true detective.

Hmmm..mmm is that some Nootka?

>Same reason why The Wire S1 > S5 > S4 > S3 > S2

I got shit on here when I said how shit the last 2-3 episodes were at the time it was new. What a fucking letdown, the beginning and middle of the show was so fucking good.

>What the FUCK went wrong

they let mouth breathing retards like you watch HBO. The whole point was errol was just the tip of the iceberg and probably would have been caught sooner if the cult members didnt stall the investigation. He was most likely their muscle, and being the leader's son, was allowed to do whatever he wanted. He, Reggie Ladoux and dewall went off on their own and started leaving out their kills in the open, drawing investigators. They even say at the end they didnt get everyone, but exposing and killing Errol as well as his connection to the governor was as good as they could do


HBO flat out said they rushed into the production to cash in on Season 1's success (jews gonna jew) and Pizzahut cranked out a half assed script.
Ill give him his credit in taking it a different route, if it was another serial killer occult series it would have been a knock off of season 1

just don't bother with these retards.

oh, so you are in a advanced retards class. good for you

Watching the final for the first time, 10 seconds in i knew something was off. I couldnt quite put my finger on it.


Also, who Rust was thought to have killed?

He’s was fucked up in the head, not doubt. But he was probably a genius all the same

could you imagine if they got tom hardy in TD 3?

Hmmm.... I have a use for you

Yeah I agree with this op. Confirmed for not being a faggot for once.

Fuck off retarded reddit cock sucker.

This. Why are there still fuckers who completely miss the ending's message. It's Lovecraft meets Pizzagate. The "white trash guy" was simply a sacred groundskeeper for sacrifices etc by a cabal that has never and will never be identified or destroyed, that ascends the annals of political power. This is emphasized by the end reveal of the sheer massive ancient scale of the sacred grounds. I member half the idiots of Film Twitter being clueless in their snarky reaction, but that was a premiere night. The ending is rad. You can also take or leave the spiral vision as real or hallucination, I personally think it's real. He touched the abyss.

Also, no one ever comments on how the ending was literally Cary Fukunaga's dry run before he was next to direct IT, the comparisons to the book's sewer showdown finale are like an easter egg. His IT was supposed to rival Kubrick's Shining in terror.

i think him being an idiot-savant is more plausible.

Is he smart though?
I think it's just that the evidence isn't there because he's mostly a recluse
>gets hired on a paint job
>rapes little girl at the same house wearing his painting gear without cleaning up

I mean shiiiiiiiit. That's just dumb. Even a 100 IQ nigger knows not to shit where you eat.
I don't think that he's supposed to be smart or an idiot-savant. Just that he's so off the grid that it's hard to find him

>Same reason why The Wire S1 > S5 > S4 > S3 > S2

You categorically missed the significance if the end, in its themes, message, genre inspirations, and imagery. It's like thinking Patrick Bateman was muh just day-dreaming.

There are people here who literally want a robed cult chanting shit with a girl on an altar as the ending. This isn't Field of Screams at Bohemian Grove East. The horror implied is beyond the partners' resources, access, lifespans and sanity. Like The Colour of Space, if an elite cabal worshipped it.

How dumb can you be?

He's smart in an animal connected backwoods boy way. He's not the mastermind. He's like what Bill Murray is in Caddyshack, but with blood relations and actual responsibility. Think about how many major crimes are exposed, somebody fucks up low level, like the black guy in Conspiracy of Silence about the Franklin Scandal.

because season 1 was plagiarized by the nic pizza dude and he had to write his own shit for season 2

S1 > S3 > S2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>S4/S5


Rushed story.
Too many actors.
Plot was convoluted instead of intricate.
Was written to be a tragedy.
Outside of Taylor Kitsch the acting was terrible. (Farrel was OK).
Everything they tried to do to make the characters seem human just made them unlikable.

I HEARD (and by heard I probably imagined) that this season was supposed to focus way more on the occultish child abduction ritualism of the wealthy elite in Hollywood and how protected they all are because of their political ties. This was shut down by producers and Pizza had to rewrite the major plot elements because of it.

The Pizzagate/Podesta/SpiritCooking/Weinstein/Clinton Foundation rumors started hitting the net and really made me think that the reason TD season 2 was sent back to formula if you will is because it was getting way too close to telling a true story.

Fukunga got kicked off of IT beause word got around the child actor parents community that he was gonna film some fucked up shit with this kids

His version would have been interesting

S2 was the tops for me. Frank Sobotka's story was really captivating, and McNulty straight fucking the BPD with his next level detective work was funny as hell.

someone explain all the king in yellow themes

I didn't like how Rust and Marty both quit at the end. Like Rust dedicated his entire life to this case, then he catches the lowest level guy, he knows there's much more to it, but says fuck it case closed now.

The theme is "Yo crime and conspiracy seems like this eldritch horror monster shit that you can't possibly fix, but haha nah, it's just some retard niggas you need to kill"

That's pretty much it. It ties into Rust's speech about the stars and darkness (which was stolen from a Beta Ray Bill comic btw).

Yeah, he had such a great character arc, like the 5 minutes when he's swapping between accents and personalities for no reason like a weird monster man but then turns into a mumbling retard so the show could have an ending to rival that of some 2001-era Se7en rip-off murder mystery film and then Rust could say "The S in stars stands for hope, Marty" and then be wheeled off by his bestest friend.

People defending that trash ending is the same kind of nonsense as defending the DC trash.

Check out the new season of Channel Zero if you want a well done murder mystery with eldritch supernatural themes that doesn't blueball you at the end to be artsy.

Because he's weakened both physically and mentally
>Realize that you're about to finish the case that's spanned a large portion of your life, and may die in the process
>See the abyss and "slip into the darkness"
>The visions of your daughter and your father fucks up your entire worldview, and after so long, you yearn for a semblance of hope (as a sidenote this nearness to death is mentioned in The Conspiracy Against the Human Race)
>Wake up to find that higher-ups have stalled investigation on the Childresses, saying that there's no connection
The entire event destroyed him

Also, by he, I mean Rust

stop pretending like you enjoyed it

Yeah, Fukunaga wasn't permitted to shoot IT's gang bang, so he wanted to spread out that adult tone throughout. I usually don't cosign pervy shit like that but we lost out on the Kino Horror Films of the decade. *also the LSD turtle* The IT we got is safer than Stranger Things and cheesier than Insidious.

>Nobody can like this thing that I hate

No. I understand you were probably here during the live threads and you saw the generally negative reactions and you need to be different because you're an immigrant to this site from another that perhaps views contrarianism as some kind of lifestyle, but your arguments are paper and your mind is not your own.

This guy gets it. Pizzagate is real. Kubrick was murdered for revealing too much in Eyes Wide Shut. Pizzolatto even admitted that everything in TD was real in interviews, he said Google "satanic preschool".

He was obviously talking about the McMartin preschool, which funny enough HBO made a movie about starring James Woods, which is about how the allegations are all lies and how the Satanic panic in the 80s ruined innocent people's lives.

It's almost as if most "fuckers" do get that, because they post here and were probably dissecting every episode for a week after it aired like we all were, but are simply not satisfied because that is not a satisfying ending and the final two episodes felt more like a ball drop than any kind of shift in tone or message.

The redneck is not the point at all. The sacred grounds are the point. It's like they stumbled onto an alien kill floor during the off season. That is creepy af. The redneck isn't some Leatherface villian, he's the ticket counter to a ride to pure hell on earth, that is thematically badass. He didn't build the "ride" or start the fire, and the tourists aren't scheduled to arrive for some time.

Just because you're a solipsist doesn't mean your tastes are objective and infallible

I mean, creepy hollywood shit isn't exactly a secret anymore. People like Alex Jones are mainstream as fuck.

Fuck you they were just making flowers. It was a pure relationship, the kind you'll never have.

if you really want to start looking for it. notice the hands on the devil there.
as above so below. main theme in the crypto judiac free masons.
which is the biggest power behind the zionist control of the world. then you get into the louvre with its inverted pyramid on top of another pyramid.
then you got your star of david. which is what the masonic symboy of the square and compass is meant to be.
you can see it everywhere if you know what to look for.

>The sacred grounds are the point. It's like they stumbled onto an alien kill floor during the off season.
They stumbled onto an overgrown forested property and went into a drainage structure. You can headcanon further atmosphere onto it if you so choose, but I'm not that charitable. Especially when every episode before the final two didn't require that, because they were legitimately well done. The rest of your post reads like what someone on the news says when the reporter wants to get "fresh" opinions on a new film release, and surprises people outside the theater. You might as well say "It was awesome, bro."

Just know that I know what you're doing, and why you're doing. No one cares about this show anymore, anyway. You're wasting your breath.

McMartin was scapegoated to pin the entire "Satanic Panic" scandals on hysteria. There was def some Pgate shit going on back then. Read Errol Morris' book on the McDonald murders during this era, he was a Green Beret whose wife and daughter were sacrificed by Satanic fucks, and Morris proves he's not guilty, like he did in Thin Blue Line. Look at Jimmy Saville, he was huge in the 80s.

t. someone who watched true detective season 1 and thinks that gives them an understanding of the literary horror elements the show tried and failed to use

>season 1 fags will literally do anything to defend their shitty cartoon ending and never talk about the retarded "GREEN EARS" explanation
season 2 will always be better

Season 2 at least remained consistent, for better or worse.

anyways long story short the whole powers that be are working towards the end goal of a mulatto race ruled over in a one world one world government.
Im just wondering if I will live long enough to see the temple of solomon get rebuilt.
the masons and jews have some measurements they plan to build off the wailing wall with. the way things have been accelerating since (((9/11))) I think its gonna happen in the next half century.

also the whole ritual sex/murder is just like any other gang. you want to get jumped in? we need dirt on you first. get your hands dirty since there isnt any backing out.

The Israel Supreme Court built by the Rothschilds and its giant illuminati pyramid convinced me. The most expensive building in Israel but photos and press are a no no.

Fuck you bitch, season 4 was god tier. At first focusing on the classroom seems like a stupid I dea but it really explored how violence and gang shit begin at a young age. Season 2 & 4 haters are the biggest brainlets

I'm familiar with that story, IIRC that's what set Ted Gunderson on his quest.

there's tons of it in everyday life once you know what to look for.
I just dont like the illuminati bullshit.
thats just another cover story for the good goys that get taken into it. masons have and always been a zionist organization to control and consolidate power into a one world enterprise and REBUILD THE TEMPLE OF SOLOMON.
>trump just declared jerusalem the recognized capital of Israel
what a (((coincidence))) the outsider candidate would do something like that. we really got (((them))) on the ropes guys!!

I'm with you,senpai. I don't like the Illuminati label either. It's just that the all seeing pyramid is associated with /x/, when Israel uses it at its highest court. The NWO is a ZWO, and it's coming together fast now, and Hollywood is a tool in many ways to ease the transition.

You're brainwashed to dislike the Illuminati label. It's been in too many movies like Tomb Raider and the Da Vinci Code, and too many rap songs. It's been turned into a joke and associated with paranoia and schizophrenia. That's what they wanted.

S1 of True Detective will go down as the best miniseries of all time.

eh mossad is now piggybacking the NSA full time to circumvent the constitution.
its been coming for such a long time I just wonder how much the early masons knew. did they know abolishing the races and mass immigration to white countries was part of the plan?
the best trick the jews have played is that anyone who can see whats clear as day is labelled a whack job. that was the big push. now between DARPA social engineering after they build the temple of solomon its another few decades until the mahogany skinned goyim are culled by the ruling (((elite))) like in the end of the time machine by wells.
no idea what the plan is with china though. they still have that hurdle.

check out McMafia. it at least shows jews kidnapping slavic white women and selling them into sex slavery.

Nigga I figured this shit out months ago. I took acid in July of 2016 and saw Trump win the election 3 months later. Then I found out about all that other shit. It changed me permanently. I lost friends because of it. Now I just wanna smoke dabs and watch Clone High.

I was gonna chew you out for giving up and being passive. we all lose friends over it. they either come around or they dont.
but yeah clone high? well you got taste so its allright. go back to sleep goyboy.

I find myself getting more blackpilled everyday. ZOG controls everything, there is nothing we can do about it.

I tripped down the rabbit hole like 15 years ago. This shit has been going on since the days of Babylon. Secret societies have always controlled things. The Rothschild's are like the head of the Mafia perhaps, but by no means are they the founding members. Talking about Israel or the ZOG is missing the bigger picture.

the spagetti green ears thing is just a fucking shit way for them to catch their man. Honestly, a girl was raped who claimed to have seen someone with green ears. Years later they realised someone painted a house green. Its flimsy.

His nipples are cute

The China question: being used as the global hub of bleeding edge gene research, and hybrid experiments between man and animal. It was even on Drudge today. These hybrids will be a public thing in five years, just a handful, and the purpose is? To question and reinterpret what human rights are and who decides. Star Wars under Disney is serving this purpose of subtly acclimating goyim youth to hybrid empathy. Beastiality follows, hence Shape of Water winning this year and Moonlight (black homosex) last year. They live, and Carpenter's warning was drowned out.


we're through the looking glass people
>true detective season 2
>oh shit its gonna have Bohemian Grove as the main antagonists
>ray dies surrounded by giant redwoods
>nope its corrupt cops who stole diamonds!!!!
time to shut it down......

>Nigga I figured this shit out months ago
Keep lurking youngfag.

These. All the brainlets who analyzed every frame of every episode were idiots making mountains out of molehills.

I didn't say the Jews aren't main players, they always have been. But this story goes back to the Knight's Templar and way beyond. Society has always been maintained by Hermetic secret societies. It's in art work, Renaissance music, and it goes back as far as you can see, like a secret language.

I'm broken by it. I have turned into Rust. All I do is work out in my apartment and think about fighting negros. I'm basically Travis Buckle. I'm totally isolated, and I can't get a girl. I haven't had sex in three goddamn years. I can't help but want to ignore it, even though I know it's true. It's too hard to keep faith in Trump when he hires assholes like Sessions, who can't even do their job, and fires patriots like Flynn.

Man you guys are fucking idiots.

Forgot pic.

No. I said the Jews are using China for unregulated genetic science, much the same as they use America for military/Hollywood. I also posit that China will be tapped for a global police force, using genetically modified subservient slaves, which China is down with if their elite get literal pharaoh status in the NWO.


>I have turned into Rust
Lmao no

McMartin was real as shit. I 'knew' a guy who was there as a kid, saw his psych paperwork and drawings he did, dude was (and still is I guess) fucked up.

trumps a fucking rube. a fake pressure valve. got tripped when people became too angry. so they put him in to bleed off a lot of the feelings. if you actually think a billionaire zionist is an actual populist nationalist youre done bro.
here's my suggestion for you.
buy guns and ammo.
acquire names.
sit around waiting for things to change and your beliefs to be proven wrong....if they dont?

Watch the whole series again OP. I rarely watch things twice, and frequently just give up on series. But you know season 1 has serious rewatch value. Plus I got myself pumped for season 2 and gave up 2 and a half episodes in.... Is there a season 3 I don't even know? Lol
I remember feeling underwhelmed by the ending on first viewing. And I think this is because in the middle of the series it's easy to get caught up in the fast pace and the constant piecing together of material. So it feels like it needs to go out on a bang.
But on the second viewing you can see how the tv was a lot more layered than that. It was even more deeper. The show wasn't ever going for that big ending, but for something more philosophical and eye opening.
I think the director was hinting towards something upon second viewing, I really do.

Francis E. Dec was a modern prophet.

>I think the director was hinting towards something upon second viewing, I really do
Like what?

>hurrr them no have spooky devil worshipers

but the whole point was that there were certain people they couldnt get to