Better Call Saul

People still pretend this show isn't 10/10

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Can someone remind me why they killed off the best character?

Whom? Chuck? We don't know he's dead for sure yet. I really hope not. Jimmy and Chuck dynamic makes the show.

It's just some dude on a stretcher. Big deal.

If he was a smart lawyer why didnt he buy a spacesuit?

I find it kind of hard to believe to be honest. The dynamic they have seems believable, but not the closeness Jimmy seems to feel to Chuck. It seems like the perfect setup for distant siblings, which Chucks seems to take on. But i don't understand why Jimmy seems to have such a close connection to Chuck apart from when it's obviously out of pity for his condition.

A lot of the time it seemed like the only reason Jimmy didn't tell him to get fucked is to continue the story.


have we gotten any information about the new season yet?

It's better than BrBa. Of course I like slow character studies more than drug war action stuff so I'm biased

If they kill of my Kimfu I swear to God I will hunt down Vince and make him suffer

Post YFW you realise Chuck is the guitarist from Spinal Tap.

you have to be 18 to post here

You guys say this but the only thing that's going to pull out Saul is throwing Jimmy off the deep end.

Because Chuck was family. He looked out for Jimmy in many ways, including employing him in the mail room of his firm for some time after Jimmy initially went straight. He was Jimmy's moral compass and one of his few real connections.

Is there even going to be another season? It's been like a year and a half. What the fuck are they doing?

Nothing happens: the show. Only people who think it is better than BrBa are footfags who are obsessed with Kim. These same people say the show is a pleb filter even though they are the biggest plebs on this board.

well he's seen spinal tap

Season 4 is confirmed but for real what is with the ridiculous length between seasons? Mike is going to die before they hit breaking bad timeline.

The writing and acting are better than BrBa, which is enough to make it much more watchable. If you're not a pleb, you tend to realise its not WHAT happens that makes something interesting, its how it happens.

>le weird angle shot
>le one sustained shot with white guy yelling over nonsensical things while many characters talk over him

I'm sure your opinion will be highly regarded and taken seriously

>what happens i.e. the actual plot details don't matter according to nu-Sup Forums

Holy fuck

Plot is literally a pleb filter in all media

Fuck off if that offends you soyboy

We, the consumers, are responsible for allowing this. They are lazy and want to put this shit out in way that will take a decade to run 50 episodes. As consumers, we should have stopped accepting this meme of ripoff episode counts and "whenever the fuck we want" releases. By continuing to watch, we encourage them to push it further and further. I'd argue a show that is 10 episodes per season, even if it's released every year on time, is asking too much and who is going to remember a season finale from over 9 months ago. But no, we're supposed to still be on the edge of our seats for this for almost two years?


Name one series/film that has a good plot but is otherwise bad.

You can't practice law in a space suit user

t. brainlet

Argue a counterpoint then, or at least offer something more than this meme. Tell me why you think I'm wrong.

slow doesn't automatically mean good. counterpart is very slow, and one episode of it is more engaging than 2 seasons of this piece of shit. get taste, bcs is shit.

>slow doesn't automatically mean good
? No one said this

why do you say "t."
you're not Finnish. Stop appropriating our language.

I and all my friends can and do remember finales between seasons. Do you have any research to back your claims or are you using anecdotal evidence as well? Since you provided no proof I can assume anecdotal, and can there for assume you cannot remember 9 months, and therefore assume you are a fucking moron. ie brainlet.

Its better than Breaking Bad.

>post Sup Forumss face when they first realized he's also the dad in home alone

i really like better can saul, i'm looking forward to season 4 desu

Wait what?

Bear in mind Chuck & Jimmy seem to have had no significant quarrels before BCS. A good 30-40y of brotherhood. Chuck was Jimmy's role model, clearly. His engrained ideal of Chuck that he had built up growing up over time took time to dismantle.

So without cheating, other than the Chuck thing, what else did it end with? What where all the details of the finale? But wait another 10 months at least before answering. Maybe more. So yeah, in the time it takes to knock up a girl, have her carry the baby, then for the baby to possibly even start walking, offer me perfect recall of the finale.

I think the thread will be gone by then. Mike started working for Gus.

They haven't.

>If you're not a pleb, you tend to realise its not WHAT happens that makes something interesting, its how it happens.

it's not what or how, it's WHY something happens you brainlet. Weird camera angles and long shots of nothing happening aren't enough to make a show watchable. BCS isn't "slow burn", it's dragging.

Chuck is such a subtly obnoxious douchebag. If that was what they were aiming for, then yeah, he is the best at that. But he's not likable in any sense.

Why the fuck do they take so long between seasons? Do they really think people are still invested in this shit?

"Why" is the realm of critical interpretation. Ask one person "Why?" and their answer will be completely different to the next person. Important, sure, but the how is exactly what artists manipulate.

>post yf during chucks confession during the trial
seriously one of the best moments I've ever seen on television

you're a pleb if you think this show is as deep as you think it is. this show is a soyboys idea of a good drama. the writing is pathetic.
>hurr my brother is mean to me
>hurr i do scummy things but im a good guy at heart

numale:the drama

Good job lad, got your meme quota in for the day, feel free to clock out and watch some flick.

ask one person how many dicks you have licked and i'd say 90% of the people on this board would say at least 3

nah i think ill watch quarry or counterpart instead, ya know, actually good shows lmao

>le slipping man

My favorite part of this show is how th zzzzzZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzZZzz

That’s the appeal of the show, it’s doing the prequel concept correctly because Jimmy doesn’t resemble saul yet he is happy go lucky and his nafarious side is doing work for him and he doesn’t quite realize that’s the only thing that will get him what he feels he deserves the whole’s the anticipation and the hunt for that final straw.

you don't even get this show do you? jimmy is saul, he's always been saul, he is exactly the same guy in breaking bad you fucking idiot. do you even pay attention?

Nice argument

>post yfw chuck survives, becomes even more of an insufferable cunt, is completely disabled by full body burns and jimmy is forced to take care of him out of guilt

Woah? Jimmy is Saul? Why is he named Jimmy then? This doesn't make sense.

because vince is a shit writer?

What do I know, Im just a caveman..

not him, but that's impossible. a good plot requires good characters, good direction, good writing. if it doesn't have any of the latter, the former can't exist.

Better Call Kino

That's the problem, there's nothing to interpret because nothing happens. Three seasons of dragging the plot and fanboys like you try to desperately explain how nothing happening is a feature instead of a failure. You can suck Vince's cock all you want but that doesn't change the fact that plot is extremely important in a show

the expanse series, both books and the show. the characters are bland, but the plot and story keeps everything in place and it's entertaining

New season hasn't even started yet and all you plebs are already getting filtered.

literally kino the tv series

it's the ultimate pleb filter

i'm convinced all the 'pleb filter' posters are paid shills

pleb detected


Lol this


S1 and 3 are pure kino but man S2 was a complete waste of time.

It is 100% unironically the best thing on television and it has been ever since The Knick unceremoniously ended.

It was kino
Last episode ended in a slow burn though ;)