Now that the dust has settled

can we all agree Legion was better than half the shit marvel puts out ?

Yes, but brainlets and contrarians will call it reddit.

I don't get it for Legion, the show is stopped or I miss something ? Where is the second season ?

Season 2 is coming beginning of april.

Oh I checked, I thought the first season was older but it was just 1 year ago actually.

it's better than anything else that Marvel has put out in the last 10 years

Honestly the only thing I would rank above it is the Raimi trilogy

spidey 3 was shit tho

Reddit: the show

fucking kino shit, they were great at combining dialogue, cinematography and music to create these really intense little moments without ever overdoing it
like in episode one where aubrey says
>they're coming for you babe
>they're coming and they're gonna kill you
and the drums kick in, man gives me fucking chills
also sidney a cute, but in that weird way some women have where she looks amazing on screen but kind of awkward in still images

it was so-bad-its-good

Yes, but that is not a major accomplishment.

Legion is pretentuous hipster trash. Pic relates

It was legitimately good, unlike Netflix's Marvel shows. Daredevil is fucking shit in comparison.

what tv shows from last year did you like user?

13 reasons why

lol and that's always touted as the best one of that group of shows
i tried the first episode of luke cage, daredevil and jj but none of them seemed worth going back to. thought about iron fist but after i saw the mc is being portrayed by a noodle elemental, nahhhh


You should finish DD user, it’s good

It really isn't. Bad acting and a boring story, but still above the other Netflix/Marvel shlock.

The expanse
Twin peaks
All objectively better and more entertaining

but black lightning is good tho
>The expanse

The show is style over substance and it's overly indulgent. But.... it's still a fun time and yes it's true.

Did you actually watch it?
Good shows, although I don't like Lynch. To me his shit is like how you described Legion.
>inb4 Lynched

Meant (Black Lightning is fucking garbage)

starts ok, then it goes downhill, esp season 2


Other user here, I liked both Twin Peaks and Legion to be honest. I wouldn't call Legion pretentious, it was pretty straighforward in the end.