Black Widow

what went wrong?

how can she be of any help against Thanos?

Thanos is about to put the "RAPE" in "GRAPE"


apparently he's got an army of low level mooks just like the chitauri and all the ultron clones. every avengers moobie needs them

Girl power sweetie

Feminism against Thanos' mansplaining.

never was right. People who buy her as an "action star" are fools.

>imagine coming back to life as the underwear she wears under that suit rubbing up against her herpes infested pussy & butthole.

Batons lol

the thing that went wrong is that she isn't BLACKED widow, by t'challa's bbc

you never know, they could be magical vibranium batons

Ghost in the Shell was proof of this.

I would never understand why Black Widow has such a big role in the MCU. She has been in practically every movie. She's just a fucking martial arts expert, totally breaks my suspension of disbelief every time she fights one of the heroes or villains.

Hawkeye is the same, but at least he has a relatively minor role if we exclude the Avengers II.

Because they needed a chick and they failed to introduce the Wasp.

>black widow
>she's white and unmarried

She is a jew.

the only good female Marvel characters are tied to either the X-Men or Spider-Man franchises, hence why they have to resort to using characters like Black Widow. Now, there is nothing wrong with Black Widow, but they shouldn't be using her for anything outside of spy shit in Captain America movies. She does not belong in the Avengers movies.

>She's just a fucking martial arts expert,

Scarlett Johansson is hot, so I’m glad she was in the movies but yeah, they should have given Black Widow all kinda high-tech weaponry and gadgets, something like a female Punisher/Batman.

You’d think Tony Stark would have rigged up some kinda (sexy) techno-suit for her? After all, he gave literally who teenage Spiderman one.

Katniss called, she said an old lady ran off with her clothing.

she hit the wall hard and turned into a cunt feminist.

Why is she blonde??????

she is undercover/in hiding

>shopping her head on a better body
Can't she just get in shape? I mean fuck, she doesn't have a regular job with a schedule and can afford personal trainers, good food and dieticians. Why is she so lazy?

Don Cheadle is looking ready for JUSTice

>mfw Iron man 2 was 8 years ago.

The best widow was in iron man 2.

She was HULK'D and now has aged 15 years. Big Green Cock is too much for normal humans.

Gamma radiation. Didn't Spidey's "Venom" irradiate MJ in the comics?