Black Panther opens in China today

>Black Panther opens in China today

Yep. It's gonna be the moment of truth. I expect high opening, like every superhero shit, but once they realise it's not really that much of an action movie, and deals with some heavier problems probably bad word of mouth gonna cause big drop. In addition to that, it's filled with bald nigger women, Chinks may accept nigger cast, but bald women gonna be ugly for them.

also inb4 some faggots post this cringe pic.

It will definitely reach $2.5 Billion

>it's definitely going to be a flop this time guyz!
Would you prefer if I push you off the boat or do you want to do it yourself?

>bad word of mouth gonna cause big drop
Watch for very public bad word of mouth, coupled with inexplicably high box office gross: Disney buying up their own tickets to silence shareholders that want management purged of SJWs.

will china finally get wakandan gravel?

>i-it's going to f-flop guise trust me this time!
HAHAHA I CANT WAIT for BLACK PANTHER to become the HIGHEST GROSSING MOVIE OF ALL TIME so you racist Sup Forums virgins finally get BTFO
But I'm sure you'll just find another reason to think that it failed despite all the data pointing to the contrary

Worth of mouth isn't too hot. Expectations are lowering. It's currently sitting at 7.9 on Maoyan. The Last Jedi is at 7.7 (which flopped). Spider Man HC is at 8.1. Most MCU movies fall around 8.5-9.

who gives a fuck about china

6.8 on Douban and keep dropping. Lot of average ratings, something like -B in America. Ok but nothing to be crazy about.
JUSTice League had 6.7 there.

It could well be, due to all the box office fraud. Black Panther is outpacing any other MCU film, and the only way it makes sense is that Disney's buying their own tickets, disguised as spontaneous charity for underprivileged youth, to create the appearance of a huge hit. Have you noticed all the stories about free tickets and free showings for black people? The kids dancing in school, excited about all their free Black Panther tickets? The celebrities announcing they're buying up every unsold ticket in their hometown?

Black kids have been watching it over and over again. They don't have the pocket money for that. They're getting free tickets. In some cases, they're getting tickets handed to them on the way out of Black Panther showings. One teenager with better else to do can watch a film 10 times or more per week, if they don't have to pay for it.

>slippery wet panther poo

(someone please make a bobby hill black panther pepe)

It's not passing billion, dumb niggers.

Fuck off you absolute embarrassment. Just admit you were wrong about the movie being a flop and move on

It's literally going to pass a billion this weekend, dipshit

>my wh*Te ass is on fireeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!


I'd estimate that fully half of the box office is Disney buying up their own tickets. The purpose isn't to make a profit, but to hide from shareholders the fact that current management is fucking up and destroying their brand. They couldn't afford another "The Last Jedi", where it was obvious to everyone that they had destroyed a costly, important franchise with politics, so they bought an audience.

>the armband is on the right hand.
At least if you're going to pay some street bum to make yourself look good, be educated enough on the subject. Same shit with the swastika drawings made by liberals - they can never seem to get them right.


you keep using that word

>implying n*zis know history

Do you have any evidence? Genuinely curious.

now's the part where somebody says
>n-nobody said it was going to flop!!
>we NEVER said that only black people would go see it!!
>actually, if you include advertisement it hasn't even broke even yet!!
why are wh*te "people" so gross?

yes, bravo. Disney is buying half of all the tickets. bravo Sup Forums! you've really outdone yourself this time.

>Disney buys presale tickets in bulk
>nigger celebs shamed into buying tickets for entire neighborhoods
>fundraisers to send niglets to see this turd
>"Sup Forums BTFO"

Asians hate black people the most out of any culture. This won't have any real draw there.


of course he doesn’t

>the black community gets involved with selling tickets
>somehow wh*tey thinks this doesn't count



>the pasty white kid/el abomination pretending to be black in these threads just for (You)s
HAH Gottem



>blocks your path


I thought its just conspiracy theory but now i start to believe

What did they mean by this

>Sup Forums is seething THIS hard

lmao. this film is literally driving Sup Forumstards insane

it is indeed well known (and funnily) staged but whaddya gonna do, be mad at memes?

Even if they were buying half of the tickets, black panther would've still made a $500,000,000 box office in it's third week, which is by no means a flop.

Stay mad, Sup Forums

yeah? well the truth is that nobody at all went see BP, all the tickets were boughten by disney. literally nobody ws in my theater. stay mad reddit

Imagine being this upset that a movie with black people in it selling.

It isn't

It's certainly been done in book publishing.

> “a few hundred tickets”

welp, that explains it

>the enemy is present in every avenue and is all-powerful but they're also the crazy ones


I remember places giving a shitton of free tickets to Spider-man 2 if you bought the DVD for Spider-man one. Stop acting like it's a new thing to give away tickets.

>why are wh*te "people" so gross?

cuz yo mamma twerks fo a livin

>shilling this hard for an embarrassing shit flick
What even drives these people?

your tears

How many of you honkies complaining now actually paid to see it yourselves.

>if you bought the DVD for Spider-man one.
the keyword is "bought"



$2.7 billion people, stay mad

>rich based black man buys tickets and gives them out to kids
>based negros use these ticets to watch BP

The only people I know who are talking about it are some rather left-leaning Americans.

>rich based black man
What are you even talking about? Disney buys these tickets to cover their asses

>wh*tey doesn't leave his room at all
>wh*tey makes a supply run for piss bottles and oreos
>he eavesdrops on normal people at the store and hears them taking about BP
>distressed, he drops his piss bottles and waddles home

>my conspiracy theories count as facts but yours don't
sorry whitey!

t. poor unculture nigger

It's mindblowing that there are actual shills in this thread that are pushing THIS HARD for an actual piece of steaming garbage that is a Marvel super hero movie.

What gives it away is anons trying to find reasons as to why this is selling so much, because literally nobody they know has seen this movie. The Marvel fatigue is starting to set in. More and more kids are starting to say "this is boring" and are all together looking for other avenues of entertainment. When news regarding box office fraud (literally) comes out, this would ordinarily be a big "Aha" moment. Then, suddenly, supposed nigs and soyboys who have never been present on this board (or website as a whole) start popping out of nowhere screeching about how "this movie makes yipipo so mad haha white tears!" but literally nobody is upset, just confused.

That's what makes it really obvious. Oh, and shitposting all over the catalog.


The analgape this movie brought is astonishing

Its TLJ all over again



>le shill

>It could well be,
wow, we've come a long way, is Sup Forums finally admitting they were wrong about how this would flo-
>due to all the box office fraud
nevermind, kek.

>it's the regular people who are the shills not the billion dollar company.
We reach levels of retardation that shouldn't even be possible

>wants to insult someone
>instead of saying "HE DOES IT FOR FREE", accuses him of being an employed social media marketer

That would be even more sad.


This weekend

all capeshit are embarassing shit flicks, but this one makes you incredibly asshurt so at least it provides some form of entertainment unlike the others

The Black Panther threads will end once everyone on Sup Forums apologizes.

It's too early for reconciliation. We have just begun.

Sup Forums must be punished for aligning themselves with Sup Forumslets. Booties will be blasted. Salt will be collected. Spoilers will be posted. Blood will be shed. The mods will survive, as they learn to serve their true masters. This great board... it will endure. Sup Forums will survive.

do whitebois ever get tired of this chicken little gag?

even if they bought hypothetically 500K tickets, it still wouldn't break even 10 million you know that