Asian and European audiences are intelligent, Americans are stupid --Mike Stoklasa, 2018

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Asian and European audiences have less black people.

>so they go to the kino
What did he mean by THIS

Kino isn't a phrase that originated on Sup Forums, you drooling fanboy.

Mike (((Stoklasa)))

He's not wrong.

>What did he mean by this?
Europeans and Asians aren't in the pockets of Disney and actually care about cinema.

This. They don't call him Third Reich Mike for nothing.

Every day I spend time thinking about how lucky Americans have it geographically, and how they still manage to fuck it up.

No, but it was a term popularized by Sup Forums.

Type kino into the red letter media subreddit and nothing comes up.

We aim to please.

>but it was a term popularized by Sup Forums
prove it

It's a term that means "cinema" in Russia, Germany and other countries, you shit-eating pleb faggot.

Why do they use the same joke every time?
>mike walks with a stupid gait or tip toes or whatever
>jay asks an unrelated question, or calls a celebrity by the wrong name

Shut up newfag

Kino = movie or theatre in many European countries.

are you european?
did you learn the term from Sup Forums?

Asian and Europe don't have a movie industry dedicated to pumping out 80+ millon dumb spectacle movies that pander to the lowest common denominators. (Sure, they make movies like those from time to time but it's clearly trying to emulate the hollywood formula).


To be fair, they are too busy fucking absolutely cute boy-girls to want to pick up a camera


I don't like this idea of "european cinema is better because it's ambiguous", ambiguity is easy to write. You just have an idea but don't think it out, but say it anyway. A neat idea explained throughout a story is more satisfying.
Ambiguity CAN be good, but usually not, it's just so easy. Japanese directors LOVE it because they have these COOL concepts like INSTRUMENTALITY but can't be bothered with supporting it to a satisfying level. Those italians and japanese audiences are just willing to swallow any old shit, not call it out, and pretend it's meaningful even though they didn't understand it.

>Das Reich!

>Reddit spacing

Throughout the english speaking internet it was absolutely popularized by Sup Forums

are RLM fans usually this retarded?

>So Jay what did you think of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom?
>I thought it was a huge piece of shit!
>Really? Because I thought it was KINO
>Well I didn't HATE it...

As soon as I heard him say kino in the video I knew I’d see people talking about it in a thread on here

uh oh.

I think all of them are virgins. I mean, I'm better looking than them and have never had intercourse

>among people between the ages of 14 and 24

It doesn't concern Jay nor Mike.

It means he loves Transformers/Fast and the Furious and no budget (often pretentious) Euro-trash.

>Asian audiences are intelligent
>China is directly responsible for placing Avatar as the single highest grossing film of all time


>Mike has a gf, Rich has a fiancé, AIDS is married, Jay only cruises for buff men in L.A.

They'll be fine

This was all Rich Evans' doing.

>Jay only cruises for buff men in L.A.

Who could resist?

>mfw I'm swedish and even I know that kino means movie
Are you american by any chance?


No, you just spend too much time here, you autistic fuckwad.

Mike has been to Denmark, he was actually invited to a film festival there to present and talk about the Phantom Menace review. It's virtually guaranteed that he learned about "kino" and probably several other foreign movie terms besides.

>Rlm having sex with anyone other than each other
Jack is the only one that should be worried

>it was a term popularized by Sup Forums.

Then why was it never used before 2 years ago but exploded in popularity on this website?
but you weren't here 2 years ago, I answered my own question

>Then why was it never used before 2 years ago
It was, in all those pretentious arthouse infographics posted constantly. The magakiddies just hadn't had a chance to spam it into incoherence yet.

Name another english speaking community that uses the term frequently?

Milwaukee resident/27 year old failed normie here

HAHAHHAHAA serves you right roasties/faggots

Mike Stoklasa has become the very thing he once ridiculed. Look at the Avatar review for instance; he spends 90 minutes going on about Cameron's blatant pandering to the lowest common denominator, marveling (no pun intended) at Cameron's proficiency for manipulating the audience to make them feel how he wants them to feel, how he wants them to think.

Fast forward a couple of years later. Jurassic World is released -- its heavily established to be a soft reboot operating on the hype of faux-nostalgia and Pratt's recent Guardians of the Galaxy success.

Mike loves it. Hits all the right buttons. Really gets his inner manchild going. He basically reveres the film to Jay Bauman's utter disgust.

This is the first sign of Stoklasa's downfall, his immediate descent into the anti-thesis of Mr. Plinkett. He's become lazy, brainwashed, unwittingly indoctrinated into the modern Hollywood machine sculpted by the likes of Disney executives.

It's October 2015. Disney gets in touch with Red Letter Media. They offer him a deal he simply can't refuse; he's instructed to praise Disney's numbered Star Wars episodes while taking critical albeit nonsensical liberties with the standalone films, all the while consistently spewing a casual commitment to every Marvel film that is released. Mike and his goons are heavily compensated for this, successfully turning the likes of the internet's pseuds into DDs (Disney Dudes).

The real enemy isn't Collider, or Loot Crate boxes.

It's Mike Stoklasa.

Many boards of Sup Forums have the dichotomy of patrician/plebeian deeply integrated into their cultures. In this context, a patrician is someone with good taste and a profound understanding of the medium (often, too, associated with watching the most obscure foreign films you can find), while a pleb is your common peasant who watches movies for entertainment and wants to discuss the latest American blockbuster. This idea transferred into the films themselves, with people turning what we commonly know as synonyms of film into identities that are grouped within the patrician/plebeian context. There is no consensus because it's more of a meme than a serious thing, but basically kinography > film > movies > flicks. So if you're a cultured patrician, you only watch "kino", because film is for plebs, and movies or flicks are just laughable.

Also this.


What the fuck are you smoking? Have you been to Paris? London?

I don't visit other english-speaking communities. That's the entire point, dipshit.

So your point is that a European word that was popularized in English speaking countries by Sup Forums was still unlikely sourced from Sup Forums by an American speaking critic because it was a common enough term to begin with?

Possibly. But I think otherwise. The way Mike delivered it, he seemed to pretend to think of the term off the top of his head. It seemed like the whole bit was set up around him saying "kino". He may of have been it in his youtube comments, but I think based on all of the evidence and my own inclinations, Mike is a regular user on this board.

He and Jay were both someone odd, white men that gravitated towards the internet. Few people can fit that description and not know what Sup Forums is at least.

desu when he said foreign audiences he really meant "European."

Paris and London is nothing compared to Detroit or Chicago.

They also keep the transformer franchise alive

partition actually originated from Sup Forums it refers to hard drives but like wise you can split up your tastes and say you have partition taste

This thread is a complete shitshow.

He specifically said Asians as well as Europeans.

>only one year left

>Every day I spend time thinking about Americans
yurop in a nutshell

I don't think I've seen this pasta

Yes. Have you been to literally anywhere in the US? No European city comes close

The truth.

not for long

>throughout the English speaking Internet it was absolutely popularized by Sup Forums

Name one other place where you'll see the word kino used as we do? You're proving his point about Americans

USA have the best and the worst of cinema right now. America is the real version of modernity, Europe is the dubbed or subtitled version as Baudrillard said.

>any popcorn or refreshments today, sir?

Last summer we had lots of shitty blockbusters bombing in the US while they made tons overseas.
