Netflix series starring Karl Urban inc

Netflix series starring Karl Urban inc

Get hype lads

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will the qt judge be in it?

>karl urban



They canceled that back in November.

Nope. Karl Urban is too expensive. They'll get someone new. Judge Dredd is a faceless character anyways.

He'd probably do it for under his standard rate. He seems pretty passionate about the role.

>As it turns out, the artist originally tasked with designing Judge Dredd, Carlos Ezquerra opted to draw him with large, full lips that would make a porn star suffering from an allergic reaction blush. Ezquerra later noted that he did this purely to make Dredd’s possible racial background as ambiguous as possible, expanding on the idea that his background was irrelevant to his role as a walking dick-punch to crime.

>However, when he left the comic, artist Mike McMahon was quickly drafted in to fill his shoes. Since he only had Ezquerra’s (black and white) drawings to go on, he assumed Dredd was black, and as a result, deliberately drew Dredd as a black guy.

>Similarly other artists looked at these exact same drawings and came to the exact opposite conclusion, surmising that Dredd was actually a pasty white guy and drew him with “white” features, whatever the fuck they are. It wasn’t until much later that Dredd was officially and canonically recognised as being a white guy that artists stopped drawing him with more ethnic features. This means that for a while, however brief, there was a comic character who kicked so much ass, no one actually cared what color he was. Which is pretty great.

The memes write themselves

She has a nude scene in The Wackness but it's with Josh Peck

Does that sociopath show his loose skin?

Black and white comics were a wonderful thing.

Urban is a huge 2000 AD fan and made a video to support the petition for a sequel

He won't be hard to convince

Reminder that despite removing his helmet, Stallone's Judge Dredd is objectively the superior Dredd flick. Don't @ me.


nah fuck that kikess


Dredd will be black and be in an interracial relationship with a white woman

This but ironically.

you'll be spending twenty years in the isocubes that comment, creep.

that movie is a piece of shit, the only redeemable qualities being the establishing shots of the city, the robot and a few meme-able lines.

> Netflix
> doesn't have Karl Urban money

I like the dude, but shit, he is hardly in demand.

Best capeshit movie.

Are you seriously telling me that you think the Game of Thrones version of Dredd is better than the one with Stallone? Fucking retards.

I've watched Dredd like a dozen times and it never gets old.

If I wanted to watch a Stallone movie with Rob fucking Schneider in it, I'd watch Demolition Man

is this for real or what? I keep hearing this shit and never heard karl urban was involved.



even "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot" is a better Stallone movie than the garbage that is "Judge Dredd"

Gotta be 18+ to post here kiddo

>the Game of Thrones version
Your faggotry is showing

> pulls a Stop or My Mom Will Shoot reference.
Kind of a deep cut for a kiddo

The first 10 minutes of stallones dredd are pretty decent, then it all goes to shit

White trans woman

>Disney produced Dredd

I didn't say anything. I just quoted the movie.
I think they're both pretty good as Dredd desu

yeah, and?

I liked both Dredd films for what they were. Stallone was closer to the source Dredd's attitude, but Urban had a better plot. I fuggin hate the "introduction to a massive, established universe and character is betrayed by the system he relied on for 40 years, also faces his worst nemesis."
Where is the ramp up? C'mon. I wanted to see Dredd bustin creeps, not running from the police.
When we get a Lobo movie, he will spend the entire 2nd act "depowered" or some shit. Mark my words.

>post quads
>no one answers my question
I remember when people used to believe in things

Nothing so far but he still wants to do it

Hope it's not another cheap production

it's being developed and Urban is in talks for the role

hasn't been picked up by anyone so no guarantee it will actually happen

Great fucking action movie.

>Stallone was closer to the source Dredd's attitude
yeah, that kiss and smile at the end is so Dredd

>the Game of Thrones version of Dredd
You're having a meltdown. Go do it somewhere else.


I hope so!

Nope. netflix is the kiss of death.

>lets anderson pass at the end
at least he doesnt take off the helmet, haha


>Garland was the writer on Dredd, while Pete Travis was the credited director, but there have been rumors for some time that Garland also directed it. With Garland now an established director in his own right, Urban has confirmed that this was the case. "A huge part of the success of Dredd is in fact due to Alex Garland," he said. "What a lot of people don't realize is that Alex actually directed that movie. I just hope when people think of Alex Garland's filmography that Dredd is the first film that he made before Ex Machina. You think about it in those terms; it goes Dredd, Ex Machina, Annihilation."
Is this true?

most rookies would have died, the fact that she survived is a testament to her value as a Judge

so of course he gave her a pass

She was a pass. Deal with it.

>implying anything is greenlit

It could have been if it wasn't for rob schneider

don't mind if I do!

Yes. Couple of articles from way back 2011:

> [Update, 12:23 pm. Monday: Travis and Garland released a joint statement that read, "During all stages of the filmmaking, 'Dredd' has been a collaboration between a number of dedicated creative parties. From the outset we decided on an unorthodox collaboration to make the film. This situation has been misinterpreted. To set the record straight, Pete was not fired and remains a central part of the collaboration, and Alex is not seeking a co-director credit. We are all extremely proud of the film we have made, and respectfully suggest that it is judged on viewing when its released next year."]